View Full Version : Hollow T Classic P/U replacement

04-19-2005, 07:20 PM
Tom or anyone who has had this rework done:


Would additional body routing be required to replace existing TV1 TV3
pickups with the M1-TM3 configuration in Hollow T Classic?

What would the approx cost be to have this rework completed?

Thanks, enrico

04-19-2005, 08:05 PM
no routing, 2 of the mt screw holes on the tm3 are different and would have to be drilled. a pickguard would be new. wiring is all the same except we would remove vintage voicing. probably $50 labor, 60 for pg in fancy colors, 35 in white or black.

04-19-2005, 11:23 PM

Thanks for the estimate - I really like the look of Classic T with
the M1-TM3 config similar to the one you brought to the NAMM show.


04-20-2005, 12:01 AM
If your guitar is more than about 8 years old, it might need routing. We won't know until you look under the pickguard. If we have to route some wood I think it's another $25.

Suriel Zayas
04-20-2005, 10:25 AM
enrico, things might be a liitle tight, but if you can get it done. i got my 96 hollow t classic back from tag last night from an m's retrofit (m1, m1 & tm2). ups dropped it off at 6pm as i was on my way to my show for an 8pm curtain up. just enough to take it out of the box. it is superb, the pick ups are so well balanced. the sound i got last night was single coils on steroids. and that tm2 smoking output with tons of articulation, very smooth.

thanks tom & bruce, i'l email you guys later.

04-20-2005, 12:29 PM
Thanks for the recommendation Suriel- that sounds like it
could be plan... Actually I dont have the hollow T yet but
was interested in the one posted in the for sale section and was
exploring options. :)

05-25-2005, 09:50 AM
Hi Suriel,

Almost there- Ive got hollow T 05-07-02P with the stock
TV1 TV3 pickups Im planning to ship back to the factory for retrofit.

With your retrofit of the M1, M1, TM2, did you have
the switching updated to the " 5-Way with Bridge Splitter and Add-Bridge Push/Pull—for 11 Sounds"

Hi Tom, Bruce,

A few more questions please:

I peeked under the pickguard and there it looks to be routed for
a single coil pickup for the middle position.

-Does an "M" fit in there without additional routing?

-If the 5 way bridge splitter is do-able, is a hole drilled
in the existing switch control plate for mini toggle switch or
would I need to buy a new pre-drilled one?

-If I shipped my guitar out to you this week, what would the expected ~ lead time for this rework with your current backlog?

Thanks for your help everyone!


05-25-2005, 10:09 AM
we don't split the tm2, it was made to do waht it does wired in series. so you don't need the switch. normally we do a 5 way with an add bridge pp tone pot. we will have to make the pickguard so you might want to get that ordered so it can be ready when you send your guitar. turn around then would just be a couple days.

05-25-2005, 10:57 AM
Thanks for the info Tom!

Will order the pickguard as suggested prior to shipping guitar to you.

Hmmm...the biggest decision so far ;) what color pickguard? classic black or should I get a fancy tortoise one :confused:


05-25-2005, 12:24 PM
can't help you there, it's your call.

Suriel Zayas
05-25-2005, 09:45 PM
enrico, way to go!!!!! you will not regret it. that combo of pup's is working so good for me that it has been getting the most playing time. the neck m1 is just so hot. tone for days. good luck with it and give us a report when you get it done.


05-26-2005, 09:09 AM
my HTC is at Tom's shop as we speak getting the tv's swapped out for a pair of M's (and installing a Powerbridge). I CAN'T WAIT.


Suriel Zayas
05-26-2005, 12:58 PM
corey, great news! what config on the m's are you getting? m1, m1? also, are you getting the tm2? regardless, the m's are the perfect pup's for that guitar. i always swore it was my favorite feeling guitar, but now sometimes it feels as if it were my only guitar. and there are bunch of guitars on the rack that snarl at me everytime that one gets the call. however, i see rising out of the western horizon something called ....the atom. :D

05-26-2005, 02:42 PM
Hi guys:

I'm just curious if the clasical sound of tele will change to another tone with these pickups.

The question is, it will sound like a traditional tele or it's another concept tone.

Maybe Suriel or someone could link a mp3 ;)

thanks in advance


05-26-2005, 03:04 PM

I have just hear HT with M's


What a beautiful sound, !!!!! REALLY COOL . :eek:

I have changed my preferences for the next TAG adquisition.


Suriel Zayas
05-26-2005, 03:23 PM
i tracked something a couple of days ago and if someone is willing to host it, i'm willing to post it.

05-26-2005, 03:59 PM
i tracked something a couple of days ago and if someone is willing to host it, i'm willing to post it.
Send it my way, I'll host it. dkaplowitz {at} gmail.com

Suriel Zayas
05-26-2005, 05:29 PM
these clips were made using the htc loaded with m's on the neck position. playing into a marshall jmp-1, out the speaker emulator into the board. "going up yonder" has a light/moderate gain on the zendrive. not exactly my favorite recording method, but just want to demo the m's on an htc.

you're the biggest part of me (http://file-3649-06track06.mp3.hearusplay.com )

going up yonder (http://file-3649-01track01.mp3.hearusplay.com)

songs are "you're the biggest part of me" originally recorded by ambrosia in the 70's and "going up yonder." i recorded these tracks for friend as a favor.

props to dave kaplowitz for hosting. thanks.

not very good at this computer stuff, but here we go.

05-26-2005, 06:07 PM
when i try to play this or the 8 yr old link, i get a screen full of data. what does it mean other than i'm a dope?

05-26-2005, 06:33 PM
Hi Dave, I tried saving Suriel's track and I get an error message
"The file is either corrupt or the Player does not support the format you are trying to play"
Any suggestions?
Thanks, e

05-26-2005, 06:41 PM
Hey guys, if you can not play Suriel's clip you need to update your Real Player version, then you will be able to play it.

Blizzard ;)

05-26-2005, 06:52 PM
I noticed the m4a file name extension. I tested it and I think my PC played it with Apple Quick Time. I don't know what else plays those.

I would try using the right mouse button and choosing "Save As" and saving the clip to your computer...then see if you can click on it to launch it in whatever the default player is.

You might also be able to drag and drop the downloaded file into something like Windows media player.

Hope that works.



05-26-2005, 06:54 PM
I just tried it again and it worked in Winamp too.

05-26-2005, 10:00 PM
corey, great news! what config on the m's are you getting? m1, m1? also, are you getting the tm2? regardless, the m's are the perfect pup's for that guitar. i always swore it was my favorite feeling guitar, but now sometimes it feels as if it were my only guitar. and there are bunch of guitars on the rack that snarl at me everytime that one gets the call. however, i see rising out of the western horizon something called ....the atom. :D

I'm not sure. I played a HTC of Tom's once and just asked him to give me the "Tom Special" with a 5-way switch. I'd have to assume his was an m1 and m2. But like you said, regardless, I can't wait. It arrived at the mothership on Tuesday and I'd assume it'd take a couple of days to swap the bridge and pups. I'm in SoCal too, so I'm now counting the hours until I get it back. I have a gig at a mega church with a great house sound system this weekend so I'm anxious to hear it through the monster house rig. Also, I got a new amp yesterday that I'm test driving for a few weeks so it's like Christmas in May here in the Guitarzan household- (...not to mention the new family Kia we bought today :o)

Son of Anderson
05-26-2005, 11:46 PM
you're getting the same m1 and tm2 that suriel got. this is tom at the kids computer.

05-26-2005, 11:51 PM
yahoo!!! do y'all ship guitars midweek or should I expect it to go out at the end of the week with the rest of the week's builds?

05-27-2005, 12:05 AM

You are in for such a treat. I had the va's and tv3 in my HTC swapped for m's (I think it's m1, tm2 with a traditional 3way switch) and it is just fantastic. A great guitar was made even better. Now I'm way bummed that I sold my Koa HDTC (that I think someone here owns it or owned it). That would have been incredible with M's.

What amp are you test driving?


05-27-2005, 01:16 AM
What amp are you test driving?

I'm really ashamed to say... Money is tight here at the Casa de Guitarzan so I've had to sell off the boutique amps. My go-to amp for the last month has been a Peavey Classic through an Avatar oversized 1x12 cab. I have to admit that it's embarassing to walk in to a gig with it, but I'm nuts about the tone. I love it. The amp I'm test driving right now is a 30watt 1x12 EL84 amp that Crate made for Guitar Center called the V32 Palomino. It's not point-to-point, and it's got a few flimsy buttons on the face plate, but the fit and finish is as good as was on my TopHat and Tone King and I'm just as happy (if not happier) with the tone. It would've easily fooled me in a blind test against my TopHat. And all that for $403 out the door. HOWEVER- it's got peachy-cream tolex and bright bright bright bright gold hardware, corners, chassis/faceplate, and humongous hood ornament-style nameplate- so it'll certainly turn heads for one reason or another. I feel like this amp would go perfect with a 70's strat, a big purple hat, and a gold tooth.

Anyway, as you can tell, I'm still getting over the immature stigma of wanting recognition for the gear I load in instead of being recognized as a tasty player. God is still working on me one Crate at a time. :)

Suriel Zayas
05-27-2005, 07:12 AM
i'm the computer illiterrate (sp) dope, not tom. hopefully i have been able to rectify the issue.

you're the biggest part of me (http://file-3649-06track06.mp3.hearusplay.com )

going up yonder (http://file-3649-01track01.mp3.hearusplay.com)

songs are "you're the biggest part of me" originally recorded by ambrosia in the 70's and "going up yonder." i recorded these tracks for friend.

not very good at this computer stuff, but here we go.

05-27-2005, 09:13 AM
very tasty stuff, Suriel. I'm curious what you used for backing tracks- it sounds like you put these together just so guys could hear the guitar/pup combination?

Regardless, it's great stuff. And that tone just makes me more anxious.

Suriel Zayas
05-27-2005, 09:19 AM
i tracked this at a friends house and he is using it for some video-post work. my friend arranged and produced the tracks. however, the mix you're listening to is my personal mix with the guitar up front to try and showcase the pup's. thanks.

05-27-2005, 09:25 AM
it'll certainly turn heads for one reason or another. I feel like this amp would go perfect with a 70's strat, a big purple hat, and a gold tooth.

Trust your ears, and the eyes will follow (or tune out :) ) It only matters how it sounds. I'll have to go check one out.


05-27-2005, 10:34 AM
Trust your ears, and the eyes will follow (or tune out :) ) It only matters how it sounds. I'll have to go check one out.


Is this Brainyard Glen, with the world famous Gletta Amplifier?

either way, yes, check one out. It's hard to beat all-tube joy for $400 brand new. And, yes, my ears love it- it's my eyes that need tuning out right now... but it's hard, on account of all the gold illumination. :o :eek: :o

Suriel Zayas
05-27-2005, 11:16 AM
corey, send it to fender cs; they'll relic-it for you. ;) ;) :D

05-27-2005, 11:58 AM
In case anyone was interested, I took a few pics of the amp while my tech (a.k.a. "FrodoLives") was givng it the once over. Enjoy.


05-27-2005, 12:02 PM
Is this Brainyard Glen, with the world famous Gletta Amplifier?

Yes it's me, a lurker no more. Gletta has been slightly disassembled to allow use of the post effects with my Deluxe. Now I can get the overprocessed sound with a small combo :rolleyes: As soon as I get a few more gain devices (but not as many as Tom :wink:) Duoverb will hit ebay.


05-27-2005, 12:10 PM
Now I can get the overprocessed sound with a small combo :rolleyes:


LOL. I think this is the first time I've heard of a guy trying to get that coveted "Authentic Digital Tone" with a tube amp. :)

05-27-2005, 12:18 PM
that's a lotta gold! i'd probably have to remove some of that. i'm still looking for one more gain pedal :eek:

05-27-2005, 12:27 PM
I've had at least one Jekyll & Hyde floating around my house from time to time. Of course, now that it comes up, I don't have one.:confused: Are still interested in test driving one or have you already gotten the chance?

05-27-2005, 01:46 PM
haven't yet, but it's so big. i kind of hoping to try an ocd, everyone i've talked to likes it.

Suriel Zayas
05-27-2005, 05:24 PM
corey, absolute necessary acessory when you play out with this amp. #32-type gold nameplate with the phattest gold rope chain available. then you're pimping. btw, it looks cool. :cool:

05-27-2005, 05:28 PM
I was thinking brass knuckles with the V32 logo across them on one hand and CRATE across the other. Of course, that would make it hard to play guitar... maybe I could use them as a slide

05-28-2005, 10:42 AM
very tasty stuff, Suriel.
And that tone just makes me more anxious.

+1 on "very tasty" stuff! You really make those M's sing!

Sorry- dont expect me to provide any samples when I get
my retrofit completed- Im typically one to state "never say never"
but in this case, I'll never sound that good :o


06-02-2005, 12:40 AM
these clips were made using the htc loaded with m's on the neck position. playing into a marshall jmp-1, out the speaker emulator into the board. "going up yonder" has a light/moderate gain on the zendrive. not exactly my favorite recording method, but just want to demo the m's on an htc.

you're the biggest part of me (http://file-3649-06track06.mp3.hearusplay.com )

going up yonder (http://file-3649-01track01.mp3.hearusplay.com)

songs are "you're the biggest part of me" originally recorded by ambrosia in the 70's and "going up yonder." i recorded these tracks for friend as a favor.

props to dave kaplowitz for hosting. thanks.

not very good at this computer stuff, but here we go.

DUDE! JERSEY BOY CAN HEAT IT CAN'T HE! OK just for that, now I gotta rip off a few of your riffs! So there!

Hmmm.... Wonder how I squeeze some of these into a blues/rock band. Hmmmmm