View Full Version : where to get fret protector

04-17-2005, 02:23 PM
I really like the idea of the fret protector like Anderson guitars ship with. I'd like to get them for my other guitars as well. DOes anyone know who sells them?

Stan Malinowski
04-17-2005, 02:51 PM
Beilieve it or not Rick Derringer sells one.....

Rick Derringer Fret Protector (http://www.goemerchant7.com/index.cgi?PageToView=catalog&Department=124077&Cartid=281081113766684&Merchant=soundgroundn&ExpandedDepts=)

Suriel Zayas
04-17-2005, 05:10 PM
last september i ordered a few from anderson.

04-18-2005, 01:00 AM
Whay do you want to use that!?

Stan Malinowski
04-18-2005, 06:17 AM
Whay do you want to use that!?

When you close your case the strings will be pressed (to some degree) on the frets. Small movements of the guitar in the case can cause nicks and scratching of the frets. The fret protector is a buffer between the fretss and the strings to prevent this damage. Tom (and John Suhr) have been using these when they ship new guitars for as long as I can remember.

04-18-2005, 07:31 AM
with normal handle of insteruments, I dont think this is nesessary! I always lay my guitars in stable positions when transporting them. I have never seen any fretwear caused by laying in it`s hardcase. I have to say I use all my guitars live nearly every weekend.
I don`t mean to be rude, but I actually think it`s more damage on your frets when you are bending tapping napping, and so on.. than transport it in your hardcase!

I can understand this if you are going to send it on a planetransport or using the post service!

The newest Andersons also have Stainless steel frets, and I think you have to handel your guitar very bad, if its wear and scratches on your frets after transporting and carrying your guitar!

04-18-2005, 07:41 AM
with normal handle of insteruments, I dont think this is nesessary!

The newest Andersons also have Stainless steel frets, and I think you have to handel your guitar very bad, if its wear and scratches on your frets after transporting and carrying your guitar!

I think for me it's a case of better safe than sorry. Actually I think it's more important with the SS frets because if they do get a nick in them it won't just smooth out from playing like with nickel frets. With the SS it would have to be sanded out, at least the way I understand it.

04-18-2005, 07:51 AM
everyone is free to do what tahy want, so I dont mean that it`s no point to use it, but with normal Handle I don`t think this is necesary. But if you think you need tht protection so go and buy one!!

I have played live since late 80`s, and have never seen any damage on my frets or other things on my guitars.

Happy playing!!!!