View Full Version : micro switch!??

04-15-2005, 04:18 AM
I was looking at the tecnical faq. on the Anderson pages, and I am wondering abot, how the pickupswitches must stay in uppward position when you are switching the micro switch? I don`t think I always have them uppwards when switching!! can someone explain??

To assign function:

On the front of the guitar turn the blower switch off (up) and the pickup switches up. Turn your guitar over and remove the control cover on the lower back. This will reveal three micro switches. Flip switches up to assign split; down for parallel.

04-15-2005, 10:04 AM
i don't think i understand the question. you don't "have "to leave the switches anywhere. this is a description of what sound it will make with the switches in the different positions.

04-18-2005, 04:14 AM
OK thank you for answer Tom!

I think I just missunderstood the sentence! and that the switches are working no mather what the position of the pickupswitches is..

It`s fun to make different setups and adjusting pickupheights, because you have such a wide specter with the miniswitches and the switcheroo system!