View Full Version : Anderson R&D Process

12-09-2003, 12:09 AM
tom, Roy (maybe), Bruce (? are you lurking out there somewhere?), et.al., in light of the new "M" p/ups, can you guys give us some insight into the Anderson R & D process?

That is, is the genesis of new Anderson products (p/up's, guitars) based on market trends (boo!), supply/demand, or good old fashioned necessity (Crowdster?)?

After performing, does the music muse come to you and say, "we need to be able to evoke yet ANOTHER tone from these instruments", while still maintaining that Anderson magic?

Are there nagging desires to be able to nail a particular sound (e.g. the 60's, surf music, 70's AOR, C&W, etc.) more accurately than any other guitar on the market?

OR, is this really about the sounds that Tom's got in his head, and his vision as to what represents KILLER tone? And as such, the R&D process is not formulaic, per se, but more of an organic, evolving process, not defined by time or by demand, but by inspiration?!?

12-09-2003, 12:46 AM
yikes! your question is harder than building guitars. maybe you think too much, or maybe i don't think enough, or maybe your just way smarter than me.
anyway, new stuff for us is very much a group effort. someone in particular may have a burning desire for some new thing, but it usually turns into a group project with input coming from several to lots of people. i have to go read the question again......
i wouldn't say we are too much into market trends. i don't get out to stores at all, so i don't get a chance to really see what others are up to. we get all the guitar mags, so we do see the latest stuff there. i personally am driven by what i would like to have on the gig, and since it is my name on the door i tend to get more motivated to make the things i want.
as far as doing something better than anyone else, that's a trap. i'm out to do the best i can do, not to prove i'm better than anyone else. evrything related to guitars is subjective, so no one can be "best". that being said, i like playing our guitars better than anyone elses.
there is certainly no formula to what we do other than the constant desire to be better at what we do and have more fun doing it. our guitars will constantly evolve, and the best one has definetly not been built yet.

12-09-2003, 03:08 AM
Originally posted by tom
yikes! your question is harder than building guitars. maybe you think too much, or maybe i don't think enough, or maybe your just way smarter than me.

tom, you're the master, it's your world the rest of us are jamming in!

Originally posted by tom
anyway, new stuff for us is very much a group effort. someone in particular may have a burning desire for some new thing, but it usually turns into a group project with input coming from several to lots of people.

collaboration and teamwork, what else would you expect from TAG?!

Originally posted by tom
i wouldn't say we are too much into market trends. i don't get out to stores at all, so i don't get a chance to really see what others are up to. we get all the guitar mags, so we do see the latest stuff there. i personally am driven by what i would like to have on the gig, and since it is my name on the door i tend to get more motivated to make the things i want.

insightful, focused and single-minded - hallmarks of a true industry maverick

Originally posted by tom
as far as doing something better than anyone else, that's a trap. i'm out to do the best i can do, not to prove i'm better than anyone else. evrything related to guitars is subjective, so no one can be "best". that being said, i like playing our guitars better than anyone elses.

again, straight talk from a guy that epitomizes modern day guitar making. a study in modesty and humility. his guitars rule.

Originally posted by tom
there is certainly no formula to what we do other than the constant desire to be better at what we do and have more fun doing it. our guitars will constantly evolve, and the best one has definetly not been built yet.

I believe that I will be along for the "ride" to see what comes next!

12-09-2003, 08:58 PM
i just want to know why tom did not run for governor.

class act, every word, that TA is.

12-10-2003, 12:29 AM
why would anyone want that job? having to justify every move? everyone telling you what you're doing wrong? guitars are so easy, you do what you want then give it a try. much fun.