View Full Version : Mini Humbucker Review

12-08-2003, 11:33 AM
I'm sure everyone has seen GOTW, and are wondering what these new pickups sound and feel like.
Well I'll try my best to describe.
First off, I did not expect the vehicle for these new pickups to be so beautiful (and I mean stunning). A nice medium weight Hollow Cobra with insane quilt, which is nice. The guitar felt and played as good as it looked (lets not forget, that's most important).

The neck pickup was extremely lively, felt like a super single coil. Dark but bright (if that makes sense) perfect blend of tone and feel, right in the middle of a hot single and a nice and soft Hum. Kind of like a P-1 but with more control and tone. Reminded me of what I liked about Joe Barden pickups, but with wider tone range. A killer neck pickup in any guitar I would expect.

The middle pickup was bold like an old P-90, but without noise. Great pickup alone, but best when used in positions 2 and 4. Big tone when blended with the other pickups, and sounded great in split with the bridge (King Kong size Strat sound).

The bridge was intense, the best of both worlds (again), smoking hot single, then super focused Hum (kinda vintage style Hum, like an old '59 bridge, not mild at all, spicy, IMO).

I was able to get sounds from a Cobra that were unavailable before. All the regular Cobra sounds were there, but also Tele and Strat type tones with ease. And to get those sounds, and I mean nail those sounds, on a Cobra was so comfortable and rewarding.
It came with a 5 way, mini split and push/pull add bridge.
After playing it for 10 minutes and trying to experience all it had to offer, I had to stop down and hand it over to its new owner. But he's bringing it back to me on Tuesday for a photo op, and I'll play the crap out of it then.

12-08-2003, 12:43 PM

will we be able to get the mini hums to retrofit? what size route do they need?

I d lik to put one in the neck of my Drop T p90


12-08-2003, 01:05 PM
they are smaller than the p series but we anticipated people wanting to replace them so there is a black ring that will sit subterainian around the mini to make it fill the p hole. the ring will go up and down with the pickup like the gibson version does.
also for clarification, the guitar that brian got had a m2 in the bridge, the m3 will be closer to an H2 kind of sound.

12-08-2003, 01:10 PM
does that mean they can be used in humbucker equipped cobras too?

12-08-2003, 01:29 PM
the ring is only for p size holes. i haven't found a graceful way to put it is a normal humbucker hole.

12-09-2003, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by tom
they are smaller than the p series but we anticipated people wanting to replace them so there is a black ring that will sit subterainian around the mini to make it fill the p hole. the ring will go up and down with the pickup like the gibson version does.
also for clarification, the guitar that brian got had a m2 in the bridge, the m3 will be closer to an H2 kind of sound.
Sorry, but I believe that guitar I had was an M1,M2 and M3....am I mistaken????????

12-10-2003, 12:33 AM
yeah, sorry captain, our bad. the neck and middle are M1's and the bridge is an M2. we used that guitar to do lots of the fine tuning on the pickups. we had intended to put an M3 in the bridge before we sent it, but it didn't make it.

12-10-2003, 03:34 AM
Originally posted by BrianH
I'm sure everyone has seen GOTW, and are wondering what these new pickups sound and feel like....But he's bringing it back to me on Tuesday for a photo op, and I'll play the crap out of it then.

Brian, it's now Wednesday. Where are the photos?!?!?!? Anderson Alley's been inactive for months ;-} (I know you've been busy whipping the Pro Shop back into shape)

By the way, where are the photos?

12-10-2003, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by tom
yeah, sorry captain, our bad. the neck and middle are M1's and the bridge is an M2. we used that guitar to do lots of the fine tuning on the pickups. we had intended to put an M3 in the bridge before we sent it, but it didn't make it.
Got the guitar back for a nice 2 hour run thru last night. I must say, I'm more impressed than the first time. Versatile would be an under-statement.

12-10-2003, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
Brian, it's now Wednesday. Where are the photos?!?!?!? Anderson Alley's been inactive for months ;-} (I know you've been busy whipping the Pro Shop back into shape)

By the way, where are the photos?
It's not so easy to stay on top of a web site and run my empire at the same time.
Photos and updates tonight, I promise.

12-10-2003, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by BrianH
It's not so easy to stay on top of a web site and run my empire at the same time.
Photos and updates tonight, I promise.

...and I'll promise to be good and eat all my dinner, take a bath w/o fussing, and not fight w/ my sister!

12-11-2003, 06:58 AM
michael, you know roy slaved for hours on the photos in gotw?

12-11-2003, 10:37 AM
Originally posted by tom
michael, you know roy slaved for hours on the photos in gotw?

hmm... interesting factoid...so from this information, we TAG Forumites can deduce the following TOP 10 reasons that Roy "slaved" over his GOTW pix... (maybe):

10. This is part 1 of a SERIES of GOTW's that will highlight the new M-series p/up's.....

9. Bruce had not yet finished the assembly, and the initial photos were of disassembled guitar parts, resembling something from Salvador Dali's portfolio....

8. Cajun Red is just plain difficult to photograph....

7. Roy is a dedicated marketing guru, and cares about his work (maybe)....

6. Roy understands that less is more, and that limiting the viewing audience's exposure to this fine guitar will result in heightened interest and discussion on the TAG forum....

5. TAG players could care less about a guitar's aesthetic qualities and only focus on TONE, and as such Roy tossed out all of the detailed tubular quilt pix (maybe).....

4. Chuck would open up a can of "whoop A$$" on the marketing person who fails to represent his work in the most accurate and precise manner...(see reason #8).....

3. He forgot which fine piece he intended to highlight, shipped the guitar to Brian, and only had 2 pictures to show...

2. There was a black-out in Newbury Park, and Roy was constrained to take pictures by candle light....

and the number one reason that Roy "slaved away" to get these GOTW pictures is:

1. Roy figured out that removing the lense cap will actually capture color rather than just the muted integration of colors...

(yuck, did I actually write this? Sorry Roy.....(maybe)...)

Reasons that didn't make the TOP 10:

Roy was waiting for the GOTW muse to generate the needed inspiration to write GOTW, and as a result ended up shooting rolls of film...

Couldn't pull the Cobra from Tom's hands...

Tom was hiding in the bathroom w/ the Cobra (hey sound familiar doesn't it?!?!....must be all tubular quilt top Cobras)

12-11-2003, 11:36 AM
well i'd have to say you're mostly wrong but partly right.
#8 is soooo true.
#7 is true except roy doesn't particularly like being called a"marketing" guy. he would certainly aprove of guru, but perhaps guide would be his prefered moniker.
the truth is he slaves over every gotw because that's just the way he is.

12-11-2003, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by tom
well i'd have to say you're mostly wrong but partly right.
#8 is soooo true.
#7 is true except roy doesn't particularly like being called a"marketing" guy. he would certainly aprove of guru, but perhaps guide would be his prefered moniker.
the truth is he slaves over every gotw because that's just the way he is.

Roy, please accept my humble apologies on your job "mis"classification. :D:D

I would have referred to you as the "omniscient one" but that would have offended all of the other omniscient beings that endeavor to make GOTW so enjoyable!!

Tom, c'mon, we ALL know number 5 is absolutely true. ;P

There's NOBODY that I know that complains about the quality of their tops (which is why Jessie's always chasing guys out of the back!! :D )

12-11-2003, 12:29 PM
And I am personaly thankful for that.

Roy (maybe)
12-11-2003, 04:38 PM
Wowie Kazowie Mister Michael,

Good thing the real Roy doesn’t read this forum, buster! Why I ought to come over there and adjust your sacroiliac. (That’s not as rough and tough as it sounds. After all this could actually be Spencer the chiropractor.) But still mister…

Referring to #5 (or any number for that matter), what is it in the Guitar of the Week photos that you feel you are missing? What “detail” of grain are you not getting? Do they need to shrink you down with Anderson’s secret Shrink-Ray so you can voyage inside the wood grain itself and roll about on the actual tubes of quilt, let your hair blow in the breeze created as a giant pick plucks the strings above your head and lick the Cajun Red finish to see if it really tastes like cherry.

Let them know what you would like to see and then bring your swim fins so you can dive in.

Happy Sacroiliacing

12-11-2003, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by Roy (maybe)

Good thing the real Roy doesn’t read this forum, buster! Why I ought to come over there and adjust your sacroiliac. (That’s not as rough and tough as it sounds. After all this could actually be Spencer the chiropractor.) But still mister…

(in best Yoda voice) Very scary the Dark Side is...young apprentice must avoid angering the Emperor, he must....

Young Padawan, be certain that you do not draw attention to yourself, stay mindful of your emotions, you will...

The Dark Side has a name, it's name is Spencer, it is...

But he may also take a less confrontational, less threatening form...

it calls itself - Roy!...(maybe)....

Originally posted by Roy (maybe)
...what is it in the Guitar of the Week photos that you feel you are missing? What “detail” of grain are you not getting?.

(in best Tommy Chong voice) ..."ahh, it's like I really dig those Tom Anderson guitars, man....you know the one's that got that "A" on the headstock and those outtasite tops...anyway, I dig the way that those guys spray the paint on the tubular quilt...its like WOW...man...wait, what was I saying?...oh yeah, check this out, when you look at one of the those tops real close...you can see Snoopy running through the clouds, man..."

Originally posted by Roy (maybe)
Do they need to shrink you down with Anderson’s secret Shrink-Ray so you can voyage inside the wood grain itself and roll about on the actual tubes of quilt, let your hair blow in the breeze created as a giant pick plucks the strings above your head and lick the Cajun Red finish to see if it really tastes like cherry.

(in best John Lennon cockney accent from "A Hard Day's Night") "oh please, oh please, please pick me sir, I promise to be good...."

Originally posted by Roy (maybe)
Let them know what you would like to see and then bring your swim fins so you can dive in.

(in best Bill and Ted, voices in unison) EXCELLENT!
(in best Wayne and Garth, bowing in tandem) We're NOT worthy!

Originally posted by Roy (maybe)
Happy Sacroiliacing


12-11-2003, 06:09 PM
You guys have taken my thread and made a mockery of it.

Michael...I have taken close to 200 photos, mostly of the screws, inside trem springs and strap button close-ups,etc,etc.... I'll begin emailing them to you tonight. Must take another 100 or so of headstock close-ups. Will send soon.

12-11-2003, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by BrianH
You guys have taken my thread and made a mockery of it.

Michael...I have taken close to 200 photos, mostly of the screws, inside trem springs and strap button close-ups,etc,etc.... I'll begin emailing them to you tonight. Must take another 100 or so of headstock close-ups. Will send soon.

(in best Beavis and Butthead voice)


Shouts out to Mike Judge, another Tejas brother!

Roy (maybe)
12-11-2003, 08:27 PM
Mockery perhaps…but that was a fun one. Mommy if we’re good can we do it again tomorrow? Can I play with Michael and Brian?

12-11-2003, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by Roy (maybe)
Mockery perhaps…but that was a fun one. Mommy if we’re good can we do it again tomorrow? Can I play with Michael and Brian?

Mockery, monkey business, what's the difference? :D

Its all good! Hey just make sure I can see "Snoopy" running in the clouds and the fields. The screws and springs are important, but I gotta have Snoopy - hey in a wave - Snoopy in a wave!

Roy (maybe)
12-11-2003, 09:47 PM
Okay Michael,

Now, that is quite enough about Snoopy. He's just a dog.

I heard through the grapevine that the real Roy spoke to his cousin who talked to his friend who called his chiropractor (that’s me) to say that he still doesn’t know how you want your Guitar of the Week pictures to appear—how would you like to see them???? But he did tell his cousin who mentioned it to his friend that got a back rub from me, that he wants you to comb you hair before your next school picture—since you never know when something like that could be used for Guitar of the Week as well.

Happy Whatever and Stuff

Roy (maybe)
12-11-2003, 09:53 PM
Dear Roy (maybe),

Oh my gosh! This nonsense has got to stop! What is the big idea having so much fun on this forum. Who do you think you are anyway, me?

12-11-2003, 10:43 PM
Way to much fun, a flame war should have started by now.

12-12-2003, 03:44 AM
Originally posted by Roy (maybe)
I heard through the grapevine that the real Roy spoke to his cousin who talked to his friend who called his chiropractor (that’s me) to say that he still doesn’t know how you want your Guitar of the Week pictures to appear—how would you like to see them????

Spencer, nice to see again, and we've all noticed that you've got a nasty habit of hijacking the REAL Roy's password and computer! Why I oughta adjust your sacroiliac! And for the record, I prefer the GOTW pictures as nature and Roy (maybe) intended them - sideways and at convoluted angles! :D

Originally posted by Roy (maybe)
Now, that is quite enough about Snoopy. He's just a dog.

Ouch. Now that was a mean thing to say. From now on, you'll be referred to as "Lucy". And no, we don't like "sugar and spice, and everything nice...'cause that's NOT what little girls are made of!" (in your best Schroeder voice)

Originally posted by Roy (maybe)
But he did tell his cousin who mentioned it to his friend that got a back rub from me, that he wants you to comb you hair before your next school picture—since you never know when something like that could be used for Guitar of the Week as well.

Spencer, I mean Lucy, please go back to your psychiatric booth...here I'll PAY you 10 cents....that's twice what you're asking, and I want you to go and psychoanalyze whether Peppermint Patty's really attracted to Marcy and not Charlie Brown....like we've been lead to believe all these years...

12-12-2003, 03:46 AM
Originally posted by Roy (maybe)
Dear Roy (maybe),

Oh my gosh! This nonsense has got to stop! What is the big idea having so much fun on this forum. Who do you think you are anyway, me?

Roy, if this is really the REAL Roy, I do believe you may be having a schizophrenic episode....

Happy delusions!

12-12-2003, 04:02 AM
Originally posted by BrianH
Way to much fun, a flame war should have started by now.

That's it, put on your fire retardant overalls, cause it's gonna get hot! ;P

Way too much TAG hijinx...in fact we should institute a rule, where silliness and goofing off are strictly prohibited (like elementary school), only to be replaced by serious, self-righteous, minutiae-ridden, discussions on:

1. The benefits of a 11.5 degree headstock tilt vs. flat headstock;
2. Whether a 7.5 inch neck radius is easier to play when using your thumb;
3. What resistance truly constitutes vintage voicing;
4. Whether the neck plate and the gasket are actually measured prior to drilling the holes in the joint;
5. Whether string trees can impact tone or tuning;
6. How many springs should be tied to the claw and whether the tension or lack thereof impact the overall tonality of the guitar;
7. If blocking the tremolo enhances resonance or if that's a myth perpetuated by EVH to sell more Wolfgangs;
8. The number of times the word "maybe" has been associated w/ Roy's name over the last 7 days;
9. Whether Brian Harris will ever update the AndersonAlley (hey just checking if you've read down this far Brian! :D);
10. The benefits of using locking tuners in conjunction w/ a Floyd Rose tremolo system!!!

Let the hijinx and the discussions continue....

Hey Brian, when you drafted this thread, I'll bet you never intended the dialogue to go so far off topic!

John C
12-12-2003, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
Roy, if this is really the REAL Roy, I do believe you may be having a schizophrenic episode....

Happy delusions!

Just remember, you're never alone with a schizophrenic ;) .

Seriously, and back on topic, the minibuckers may be just what I'm looking for. I grew up on single coils, and while I love the sound of full humbuckers (particularly when played by others) I usually grow tired of playing them. My humbucker guitars tend to sit too much while the single coils get most of my limited playing time. Sounds like the minbuckers might be an alternative as I think about the specs for a future Cobra purchase.

John C.