View Full Version : Yet another pickup question

Dave M.
03-22-2005, 11:32 PM
Okay TAG masters, here's yet another question trying to glean a bit more insight to what can be expected from TAG humbuckers. :D

I'm familiar with the H2+ in an alder Classic (rswd board). :)
I'm also now a bit familiar with an HO2 in an alder Classic (rswd board). :D
What I'm curious about is where the H2 fits in the scheme of things in such a guitar. :confused:
How does the H2 compare against these other two in terms of output, but also tonal response?

Any input is appreciated.


Roy (maybe)
03-29-2005, 01:16 PM
Hi Dave,

Sorry no one answered your inquiry sooner.

The H2 is very closely related to the H2+ in its character but its resonant peak is shifted up so that it has a less booming bottom end—perhaps better for balancing with singles when you wind up the bottom of your amp. H2 is a favorite around the Anderson shop because it is not too low end and not too high end with good mid-power humbucker feel.

HO2 is more focused midrange-only sound that does not have as much power—very nice overwound vintage tone.

Dave M.
03-31-2005, 12:05 AM
Thanks, Roy (maybe). That sure helps.
Although I do like the H2+, compared to the HO2, in an alder Classic, it (H2+) seemed a bit much in the lows. So maybe an H2 would be a nice choice.
Basically, if I had something instead of my H2+, I'd look for something with a little less lows and a little less output. That seems like your description of the H2. Hmmm....

Maybe if I'm still not sure then I guess I oughta call Mr. Faught (sp?) at TAG. I'm sure he'll be helpful, as always. ;) :D

03-31-2005, 08:51 AM
I've had all three pickups (HO2, H2 and H2+) in a alder back HDTC and my favorite is the H2. To me the H2 is more open sounding than the HO2 but doesn't have the extra lows I didn't like in the H2+ with the alder back guitar. I also think the H2 is easier to balance with SA1s tonally on the same guitar. I currently have H1-/SA1/H2 with switcheroo in my HDTC and I can get pretty much any tone I need with that setup. Here's a thread from back when I was experimenting with the H2 and H2+:


Roy (maybe)
03-31-2005, 11:25 AM
Hi Dave,

From your description of the tonal change you would like to get as compared to an H2+, looks like H2 is exactly what you need.

Happy Playing

Dave K
03-31-2005, 03:26 PM
Maybe if I'm still not sure then I guess I oughta call Mr. Faught (sp?) at TAG. I'm sure he'll be helpful, as always. ;) :D

I hear there's a guy in Seattle with six TAGs , one of which is loaded with an H2.
I also hear he's handy with a soldering iron, and if you stop by with beer and pizza he might swap some pickups and let you try things out for yourself. ;) :D

Dave M.
03-31-2005, 11:30 PM
I hear there's a guy in Seattle with six TAGs , one of which is loaded with an H2.
I think I've heard of him. I wonder if he's tired of that koa DT yet; maybe its in need of some new love.
Ya know, I'm usually somewhere near Seattle so perhaps it might be something to look into.

I also hear he's handy with a soldering iron,
I've heard that also. Gets around a variety of curcuitry pretty respectably.

..and if you stop by with beer and pizza he might swap some pickups and let you try things out for yourself. ;) :D
That's a pretty good idea, DK. Something tells me I'd be better off doing the pickup work before the beer.

Then again, some things are too good to pass up:



Dave M.
04-13-2005, 06:04 PM
Well, I swapped out the H2+ for an H2. I like how it sounds; very much so! Thanks for everyone's help.

Thanks, Roy, you were right. It sounds great.

Thanks Dave K. You were right, too. That guy still is handy, and he had some damn good Pagliacci that goes well with the NB and Lost Coast Indica. Gotta do that again! ;)

Dave K
04-13-2005, 10:07 PM
Mmmm, beer and pickups.......

04-14-2005, 10:18 AM
that's goin' on my desktop!