View Full Version : New secret weapon

03-18-2005, 07:51 PM
I just picked up an old Mesa Studio Preamp. Wow!. :eek:

I remember really digging these and the first Studio .22 combos in the mid-'80s, but never owned one until now. I've had several Boogies over the years and thought I had a pretty good handle on their strengths and weaknesses. This is a different animal. It's very... mellifluous. :D

Should be a fun weekend.

03-18-2005, 08:19 PM
I just picked up an old Mesa Studio Preamp. Wow!. :eek:
Congrats. Did you buy that one from the gear page? There was one on there with a price so low I was tempted to grab it up. I used to have the Studio 22 preamp powered by a Mesa 50/50 which I got with my old grandam. Actually "melifluous" is a good term for it. Great singing lead tone from that amp. It's been a long time so I forget what the cleans were like, but I vaguely remember them being nice and spanky.

Should be a fun weekend. Speaking of fun weekends, I picked up my first "real" amp in a long time:


Your 06-13-02A kills through this amp. I've only been playing through it today and it's already my favorite amp ever.

03-19-2005, 10:27 AM
Congrats. Did you buy that one from the gear page? There was one on there with a price so low I was tempted to grab it up.

No, I bought it at a local store REAL cheap.

Nice get on the Jake. Glad you're enjoying your 06-13-02A through it. ;)