View Full Version : Neck Carve Comparisons

Stan Malinowski
08-19-2003, 11:13 AM
Has anyone ever compared the two following neck carves:

1) 1 11/16 Nut 62 Roundback
2) 1 5/8 Nut Large V

I am quite familair with the 1 11/16 62 RB, it is my favorite Anderson carve. I have been toying with ordering up a maple board classic for a "50's Type Strat". What I'm looking for is a V carve that is at least as deep and chunky as the 62 RB.

08-19-2003, 11:23 AM
For what it's worth. I have (and like) the '62 RB neck, but I absolutely hate V-necks - a little V is OK, but I can't do anything on a Clapton-style V neck.

I once played a used TA Classic at a GC, and it was probably the best sounding Strat I've ever played --- but it had a V neck and I hated it. Sad, but true.