View Full Version : Song list help

brian b
03-08-2005, 01:16 AM
Every year at Church the band get's to ripe it up a little in May. We have what we call biker Sunday and can play about 15 minutes of anything we want just no lyrics. Now we are trying to come up with some 70's 80's rock stuff that can be regonized played as just intrumental's. We done shuch thing as La Grange, Tie your Mother Down, Gimme Three Steps and part of Shook me all Night long. And This year we Are going to do Free Ride complete with words adn Gary Hoey's version of Money for the Offering. But I'am trying to find some others like Smokin, YYZ and so forth. Any suggestion's would be nice. Anything with several guitar parts is cool, 4 guitar's on stage for this one. Even thought about pulling out the TalkBox. :D

03-08-2005, 06:50 AM
I've always wanted to do "Frankenstein" or "Hocus Pocus"
2 awesome guitar jams, but the drummer better have his game face on :D