View Full Version : NOTICE: Tone terminolgy update

03-05-2005, 10:24 AM
I've decided to add the word "mellifluous" to my timbre-descriptive terminology. I'm also considering the occasional use of the word "feathery" for certain aspects of guitar tone. Lastly, I am discontinuing the use of the words "warm," "smooth" and "sweet". For certain applications where the use of all three terms would be appropriate, I may substitue the word "woody". Just thought I'd keep you updated so there are no surprises going forward.

Stan Malinowski
03-05-2005, 10:26 AM
:) :) :) :) :D :D :D :D :confused:

03-05-2005, 11:42 AM
Perhaps we could all take a lesson from wine snobs?

mid-palate: the area of the mouth that separates a good wine from a great wine. The M1 has a nice mid-palate.

cloying: too sweet. The Hollow Cobra is cloying to my ears.

insipid: lacking in character, dull. Some people think Anderson pickups are insipid.

spritzig: effervescent. A maple top on alder is spritzig.

maderized: passed it's prime with a brown tinge. Gibson is maderized.

03-05-2005, 11:53 AM
I respectfully submit a new entry:

Sterile, adj. incable of impregnating your ears; a guitar completely covered by a prophylactic device; a guitar with slow moving sperm; an overall insusceptibility of amplifiers or listeners to get knocked up. Worth noting, it is likely possible that anyone using this term was told what to think by others and really wouldn't know a sterile guitar tone from a fertile one.


03-05-2005, 11:56 AM
Is "wafer thin" (pronounced wahfa thin) another term that can be used to describe single coil sounds? As in, "just one more riff, it's ever so wafer thin", etc.

brian b
03-05-2005, 02:51 PM
Perhaps we should just leave the presumption of one's tonal ablity to the ablility to their ablility to use a Thesaurus.

For Sweet

sugary (adjective): syrupy, saccharine, bitter

melodious (adjective): melodic, harmonious, musical, tuneful, dulcet, easy on the ear, pleasant, pleasing, agreeable, harsh (antonym

For Warm

friendly (adjective): cordial, convivial, genial, hospitable, welcoming, congenial, amiable, unfriendly (antonym)

cozy (adjective): inviting, restful, cheerful, cheery, snug, welcoming, unwelcoming (antonym
And so it goes.

03-17-2005, 01:04 PM
My favorites are some of Tom's descriptors, like 'Wacka-Wacka' and 'Chunka-Chunka'.

Example: "Your Dual Rectifier definately has the 'chunka-chunka' sounds down, especially when you tune down to D. But your Wah has less of the 'wacka-wacka' than I'd like."