View Full Version : Secrets from Coy Roy

12-07-2003, 04:39 AM

Is the fact that the new GOTW is Cajun Red a sign from God that I must have one, or do I have problem with lust for Anderson Guitars. Oh yeah, don't ask my pastor this question!

Wildwood Jim

I can't wait to hear one!!!

Roy (maybe)
12-07-2003, 09:15 PM
Hi Jim,

Nice to hear from you. I just got off the phone with your pastor—at least I think it was your pastor—anyway, he said that he does believe that the Cajun Red thing was some kind of sign--and who am I to argue.

Seriously, this guitar does create something that has really never been addressed in this way before. It provides a lot of new options. I can’t wait for you to try one either.

Happy Playing

12-08-2003, 01:23 AM
Originally posted by Roy (maybe)
Hi Jim,

Nice to hear from you. I just got off the phone with your pastor—at least I think it was your pastor—anyway, he said that he does believe that the Cajun Red thing was some kind of sign--and who am I to argue.

Seriously, this guitar does create something that has really never been addressed in this way before. It provides a lot of new options. I can’t wait for you to try one either.

Happy Playing

Hey wait a minute here, is this THE Roy? or some guy who writes and comments like THE Roy...

I think you oughta just be Roy (maybe) and not try and coerce everyone into thinking you really are the real McCoy - Roy! (maybe)

Roy (maybe)
12-08-2003, 03:16 AM
Okay Michael,

You caught me. I am not Roy--or maybe I am. Let me go look in the mirror--I’ll be right back…………..

I’m back. I do look a lot like him and I have actually seen him at a NAMM Show--from a distance--but maybe I should just come clean and say that I am his cousin’s friend’s chiropractor, Spencer, who has always wanted to be a musician. I have spent years studying his prose until I can effectively sound like him--in every way--but one.


12-08-2003, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Roy (maybe)
Okay Michael,

You caught me. I am not Roy--or maybe I am. Let me go look in the mirror--I’ll be right back…………..

I’m back. I do look a lot like him and I have actually seen him at a NAMM Show--from a distance--but maybe I should just come clean and say that I am his cousin’s friend’s chiropractor, Spencer, who has always wanted to be a musician. I have spent years studying his prose until I can effectively sound like him--in every way--but one.


hmmm....so am I to believe that you, Spencer the Chiropractor, are posing as THE Roy?!? Incredible revelation!!

OK, so do you take requests?

Can you give us some quintessential Roy Fought-isms....you know, talk in your best Liverpudlian/cockney accent...

(sounds from the back of the room)

c'mon now ya' codger...don't keep us waiting....(in Paul's accent)

...I don't think he likes us much...(in George's accent)

...Don't think he really understands anyway, I say ta call the clippie to kick this chutney ferret off this bus... (in John's accent)

12-17-2003, 01:50 AM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
hmmm....so am I to believe that you, Spencer the Chiropractor, are posing as THE Roy?!? Incredible revelation!!

OK, so do you take requests?

Can you give us some quintessential Roy Fought-isms....you know, talk in your best Liverpudlian/cockney accent...

(sounds from the back of the room)

c'mon now ya' codger...don't keep us waiting....(in Paul's accent)

...I don't think he likes us much...(in George's accent)

...Don't think he really understands anyway, I say ta call the clippie to kick this chutney ferret off this bus... (in John's accent)

"He's a very clean Chap"

Roy(maybe)," Are you a mod or a rocker?"

12-17-2003, 03:06 AM
Originally posted by jimmieb
"He's a very clean Chap"

No, he's Paul's Grandfather....

Roy (maybe)
12-17-2003, 12:18 PM
Jimmy and Michael,

Isn't this the place where I say: I'm a mocker.

Happy Playing

12-17-2003, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by Roy (maybe)
Jimmy and Michael,

Isn't this the place where I say: I'm a mocker.

Happy Playing

Thanks Ring' !

12-17-2003, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by Roy (maybe)
Jimmy and Michael,

Isn't this the place where I say: I'm a mocker.

Happy Playing

SOOOOO! You admit you are a Mocker! I knew it. You are not the real Roy, but a mocker. If this is true, then who are you? There unfolds my new quest...

Jimmy B

12-17-2003, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by Roy (maybe)
Jimmy and Michael,

Isn't this the place where I say: I'm a mocker.

Happy Playing

You sound like your are not entertained by our silly banter, or maybe we think we're more clever and funny than we really are?

Jimmie B

Roy (maybe)
12-20-2003, 01:21 PM
I am always entertained and enraptured by everything uttered by the highly intelligent, fun-loving, great musicians that are Anderson Guitar Players! How could I not be?

The real Roy allowed me the opportunity to try an M-Series Cobra-type guitar, plug it through an amp and wind it up. Oh my gosh!!!!!!! What we haven’t heard yet in Guitar of the Week is how musical these M-Series pickups really are--gorgeous! I don’t know about you but I can’t wait for the next installation of an M-Series instrument on the website.

Are you listening Roy and Tom and everyone at Anderson?

Mr. Maybe