View Full Version : Gurbings and Salivations

12-07-2003, 04:18 AM
Good Morning Friends,

As sick as it is, I was perusing my favorite site, GOTW, At 12:01 Sunday morning, waiting with baded breath for the next install of deep insight from our beloved guru of life's meaning, wisdom, and that pertaining to the knowlege of guitar tone and it's true life application. I stumbled here! Now to begin my new fellowship with like minded people over the infinite discussion of Anderson tone and the inspiration and knowledge that comes only to those of the 'Anderson Clan'. Plus, I did also want to say, "Hey, Whatsup?"

Jimmie B

PS Looking forward to hearing from all in Andieland.

John Price
12-07-2003, 10:50 AM
Thanks for joining in!

Stan Malinowski
12-07-2003, 01:25 PM
Welcome aboard, sounds like you are as hooked as most of us!

12-08-2003, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by jimmieb
Good Morning Friends,

As sick as it is, I was perusing my favorite site, GOTW, At 12:01 Sunday morning, waiting with baded breath for the next install of deep insight from our beloved guru of life's meaning, wisdom, and that pertaining to the knowlege of guitar tone and it's true life application. I stumbled here! Now to begin my new fellowship with like minded people over the infinite discussion of Anderson tone and the inspiration and knowledge that comes only to those of the 'Anderson Clan'. Plus, I did also want to say, "Hey, Whatsup?"

Jimmie B

PS Looking forward to hearing from all in Andieland.

Greetings Jimmie, from the land of Grover Jackson and Wayne Charvel!

12-08-2003, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
Greetings Jimmie, from the land of Grover Jackson and Wayne Charvel!

...and Bill and Ted!

12-08-2003, 09:52 PM
Bill and Ted called to remind us to, "Be excellent to one onother."
A wonderful universal truth.

Jimmie B

Stan Malinowski
12-09-2003, 08:01 AM
Bill and Ted called to remind us to, "Be excellent to one onother."

I second that! Let's work to make that the goal of our forum!