View Full Version : Xotic RC Boost - Switch Pops?

02-17-2005, 11:12 PM
I just did an A - B with an RC boost vs a Fat Boost. I find the RC to be a bit more transparent. But I am NOT liking the pop I get every time I hit the switch. The Fulltone pedal does color the sound a very tiny bit but has no pop at all.

Any one else have this issue. I really like this pedal.

Also Fulltone suggests the Fat Boost at the end of the chain. Where would the RC go?


02-18-2005, 06:37 AM
Hey Danno!

I'm not getting any pops with my RC. I've got it placed right after comp and before distortion/overdrive.


02-18-2005, 08:07 AM
Really? Do you like it? I mean everyone is adding it to their rigs. It sounds better than a Fat Boost. Really adds character. But I am really troubled about that static pop when I turn it on.

02-18-2005, 08:00 PM
Yeah... I really like it a lot. It just adds a little something extra when you want it. When a really dig in, it has a unique break up of the sound.

As far as the pops, is it just the first time or so... I've heard that true bypass switches will pop on the first few stomps. I noticed that my MI Audio Tube Zone popped like that at rehearsal last week, but not this week. I'm somewhat chalking it up to the dry humidity around here lately. But that's speculation.

02-18-2005, 10:44 PM
Well I tried two and both did it. But I must be the only one with the problem. SO I am keeping it. I believe it is the dry humilty also. I know that all but one of my pedals is TBP, and I click them all on and off a few times before each gig to release the static.

I hope this thing works out. It really does a nice job. I think it is a bit better with single coil pups than HB's. Kind of like the HB's don't need it IYKWIM.

Thanks for the suggestion. Now where the hell am I going to fit it on my board! :confused:

Scott Peterson
02-20-2005, 07:53 PM
If you simply turn it on off a few times in a row, the pop should subside.

The RC is probably my all time favorite pedal. It is so small, it should fit anywhere on your board man!

I like it at the end of the chain the most; but have had it everywhere.

02-20-2005, 10:31 PM
Which boost is more mellow...the RC or the AC?? I can never remember...been meaning to try the one that is more subtle.

02-20-2005, 11:35 PM
I also have the RC pedal and I love it. The RC is the more mellow pedal. The AC is more of an overdrive pedal.

02-20-2005, 11:53 PM
Hi all,

Just a heads up... The March 2005 issue of Guitar Player (current?) has a review of a bunch of distortion/boost/overdrive pedals, and the RC is one of them.

They seemed to like the RC, but gave the Editor's Pick Award (whatever that means) to the Fulltone OCD.


John Price
02-21-2005, 12:37 PM
Another vote for the RC Booster! I also found another one that works great and its made by Smart People Factory called the Ego Booster!

Oh Yeah! Mine doesn't Pop....

02-21-2005, 10:54 PM

I'm not sure which is mellower, but the RC is supposed to be the transparent one compared to the AC. On reading the description on the Xotic site it looks like the AC is maybe more agressive. Them mainly claim the RC to not add any color to the signal.

Jimmie B

Scott Peterson
02-21-2005, 11:15 PM
Hi all,
, but gave the Editor's Pick Award (whatever that means)

It means that Fulltone put in more advertising dollars than Xotic. Pure and simple.

02-21-2005, 11:24 PM
I really enjoy using the RC. I used it as the last pedal, but I prefer it after my Fat-Boost. I've been using them together and I do like the results. Last Sunday I used it as a medium drive by itself. I used the Fat-Boost as a clean-boost, then the RC, then the Mosferatu as a medium drive. and my Fulldrive 2 as mid drive. I think I like the combination of the Fat-Boost and the RC. Maybe I'll get a second RC to get a different tonal sound.

Jimmie B

I heard the sound byte of the OCD on the Fulltone site, I didn't care for the character of it. After hearing Xotic and Hermida stuff the Fuller stuff is a little flat to me.

02-22-2005, 08:49 AM
The RC is definitely the more "mellow". In my estimation, both the RC and AC are extremely "transparent," just that the AC has more gain. The RC really is a clean boost. The AC is more like an actual overdrive (just one that sounds better and has more tone control than most others).

With both pedals, I've found that the setting of the tone controls makes a HUGE difference, as well as being specific with the gain pedal (this, for me, was an experiment, figuring out where it should go)...just not cranked all the time. I've found that the RC prefers single coils a bit, but that the AC works well with singles and hums. Just my experiece...

02-23-2005, 01:11 AM
Thanks guys...anyone know where I could buy one at a decent price?

02-23-2005, 01:45 AM
Thanks guys...anyone know where I could buy one at a decent price?

I got my RC on EBay for $150.00, and I saw it at musictoyz.com for $175.00. They list for $195.00. Other than that I don't know. For the average guy like me, that's the best price I can find. They are still a pretty hot item, so there's no huge deals. Maybe an Anderson dealer could help you out... if that's allowed?

Jimmie B

02-23-2005, 08:20 AM
I think Xotic has a "lock" on their pricing, so they'll be pretty much the same most places...check Cowtown Guitars (www.cowtownguitars.com) and/or Steve's (www.stevesmusiccenter.com). Not sure about used, though Cowtown did have a used AC at one point.

02-23-2005, 02:52 PM
Thanks...going to Vegas next week...will have to drop by Cowtown..they happen to be an Anderson dealer too... Maybe I can get a discount on a new ATom.

Thanks for the info...this internet thing has got to catch on someday!

02-23-2005, 08:12 PM
Bruce not sure if your interested in an Xotic AC. There's one on EBay that I'm bidding on. Let me know if you want it, I'll step out of the bidding. I've got a RC already, I was only curious what the RC was like so I bid on it. Okay, I was taken up by the EBay demon again! I muuusssttt wwwin the ppppdal!

Jimmie B

02-23-2005, 08:44 PM
It means that Fulltone put in more advertising dollars than Xotic. Pure and simple.

I dunno, Scott. I had the blessing of being able to talk for quite a while with Andy Ellis at a party during NAMM (which was a greater honor to me than meeting any of the other NAMM stars) and I got the impression that what they do over there is more on-the-level than that. I suppose you could be right, but hearing him talk about his love for music journalism was like hearing Hendrix talk about his love for music. I felt like I was in the presence of true genius and someone who pressed on for journalistic integrity.

02-23-2005, 08:53 PM
Thanks...going to Vegas next week...will have to drop by Cowtown..they happen to be an Anderson dealer too... Maybe I can get a discount on a new ATom.

Thanks for the info...this internet thing has got to catch on someday!

There are decent prices on used RC Boosters on the gearpage forum. Just ask Scott P. You just gotta wait till someone puts it up for sale.

02-24-2005, 12:39 PM
I bought my RC Booster for $90 used in excellent condition, and sold it for $90 in excellent condition. I wish I still had it. But it popped.


02-24-2005, 01:05 PM
Haven't heard any noise on mine, popping or otherwise.

02-24-2005, 11:12 PM
I think the popping is due to the weather. The dry heat in all these places just causes static. Turning it on and off a few times helps, but not like the Fulltone stuff. I wish it was shielded a bit better.

Regardless, I kept it. $179 locally brand new. It really is a good pedal.

03-01-2005, 12:53 AM
I just received my RC Booster in the mail today. This thing is awesome! No pops when switching, though...sorry, man.

03-01-2005, 11:56 PM
Yeah unfortunately the scond one still pops. In fact I took it to several places to see if it was just my house. Still pops. So I had to return it.