View Full Version : Yet another Texas TAG head

02-08-2005, 03:16 PM
Good afternoon y'all. After having recently bought my first TAG and eavesdropping on this forum for the last two weeks, I figured I'd better get in the action. I've been hammering away at the guitar for about 25 years or so at this point, and I say hammering because it doesn't come as naturally to me as it does many others. A constant but very rewarding struggle, just made much easier by my recent discovery of Anderson guitars. I have seen Andersons sporadically over the years but errantly dismissed them as just another "superstrat". When I recently had a chance to play a co-worker's (Smokehouse) Grand Am, I realized just what I'd been missing. Within a couple months I spotted a Bora-bora Drop top classic on the Bay, and jumped on it. I'm blown away by the build quality and playability. Although I'm not a native of Texas, Fort Worth is where I hang my hat these days, and being a motorcycle addict as well (old Kawasaki's), the weather will probably make this stay a lengthy one. I am really looking forward to being a member of this forum.

Son of Anderson
02-08-2005, 03:23 PM
welcome to the forum

02-08-2005, 03:26 PM
Welcome to the board!

02-08-2005, 03:50 PM
Welcome aboard!

02-08-2005, 04:55 PM
Hello and welcome !!

TAg ares great guitars, you 'll see.

Stan Malinowski
02-08-2005, 05:40 PM
Welcome to the forum. Your buddy smokehouse should be geting another Anderson today...might be time for another visit!

02-08-2005, 08:47 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome. Yep, I can't wait till Smokehouse gets your Classic, Stan. I was curious about how the '62 roundback feels compared to the standard carve. Guess I'll know eventually. He said he'd bring it in to work when the honeymoon was over - I have a funny feeling it'll be a long time before I see it. I'm a fan of the PRS Wide-fat carve and from the sounds of it, the 62 should be pretty close.

02-08-2005, 10:23 PM
OMG....Marko good to see ya on here ! The new Classic is just awesome, I will bring it to work tomorrow for ya to ck out, but the honeymoon is not over by a longshot so you will have to wait a bit before you can take her home to try. The neck is very comfortable (62 Roundback ) not quite as large as I was anticipating, but "Just Right". The guitar is just gorgeous !

Stan, you got email !

Cya tomorrow Marko


Dave M.
02-08-2005, 10:27 PM
Although I'm not a native of Texas, Fort Worth is where I hang my hat these days, and being a motorcycle addict as well (old Kawasaki's), the weather will probably make this stay a lengthy one. I am really looking forward to being a member of this forum.

Welcome ot the forum. What kind of old Kawis do you have? My first bike was a used H1. I'd love to have one again (or an H2! :D )

02-09-2005, 01:25 AM
Dave, those smokin three's were something, weren't they. I think that's where the legend of the two kinds of Kawasaki riders came from. You know "the quick and the dead" thing. A few years ago I restored a 75 H2 for a good friend of mine, but my love is the 900cc Z1 and KZ1000's. A love so sick that I can't park my truck in the garage. The majority are complete but undergoing character enhancement by sitting disassembled in a bunch of containers. My rider, a 75 Z1 that I've owned since about 81, has over 200,000 miles on it. H1 and H2's are no longer cheap finds, with an average price of $3500 and the really nice ones going for $5000+. Oddly, the folks buying them up are the Japanese. They buy truckloads and ship them back to Japan, so a running H model here on the streets of the good ol USA is a true rarity anymore.

02-09-2005, 01:26 AM
OMG....Marko good to see ya on here ! The new Classic is just awesome, I will bring it to work tomorrow for ya to ck out, but the honeymoon is not over by a longshot so you will have to wait a bit before you can take her home to try. The neck is very comfortable (62 Roundback ) not quite as large as I was anticipating, but "Just Right". The guitar is just gorgeous !

Stan, you got email !

Cya tomorrow Marko


I can't wait Jeff. Bet that sounds incredible thru that amp as well.

02-09-2005, 06:32 AM
welcome from another kawasaki fan!
the old ones are cool, but ain't the new Z1000 to die for???

02-09-2005, 06:22 PM
Welcome to the forum HiG. Like you I'm new to the board. Also like you I enjoy riding motorcycles (Aprilia), when the weather allows up here that is (kind of cold right now). There must be some connection between enjoying TA guitars and a passion for bikes.

02-09-2005, 08:32 PM
High performance has its virtues, no doubt, and its kind of makes sense that people with an appreciation for a high performance musical instrument such as an Anderson guitar would look for the same qualities in the other things in their life. You really do get what you pay for, certainly with a TAG. Turrican, the Z1000 is certainly mouth-watering, as is kirby's Aprilia. I already feel at home on this forum. Thanks to all for such a warm welcome. I did get a chance to briefly fondle Smokehouse's new Classic today and feel pretty sure that the 62 roundback is the neck shape for me. I saw another thread where a neck swap runs in the neighborhood of $500 plus two-way shipping, so I might be contacting Mr. Fought in the near future to get my Bora-bora updated.

02-23-2005, 12:29 PM
Welcome aboard, HiG.....nice to have you here!!!!

(Careful on those bikes, too!!!!) ;)


03-01-2005, 11:12 AM
Nice to have you here HiG. Enjoy!

Did someone mention old Kawasaki's. I restored and sold a 78 Z1 R gulp sniffle, something in my eye............. a while ago (1993) got 2995.00 for it. Still have my 82 GPZ 750 bought in August of 1982. Oh, by the way it's still way way Faaaaast :) :cool:
