View Full Version : Kahler locking trem setup (looking for Bruce?)

02-04-2005, 05:37 PM
Hey all--

I just purchased DKaplowitz's 09-06-90 GrandAm Lam, and it's great! I need some setup tips, though. Dave had the Kahler retired for some time with a block of wood, and I would like to resurrect it. I have been told that a gentleman by the name of Bruce who frequents this forum has done work on this very guitar. Bruce, I would especially appreciate your input as to what this guitar needs to get the Kahler up and working perfectly again. Any others with experience in this area are encouraged to respond. Thanks!

02-04-2005, 05:56 PM

Bruce works for Tom Anderson (though I think he was independent in 1999 when he worked on this guitar). You can probably call them and talk to him directly. I also remember talking to Roy about it. He was very knowledgeable about the unit. They're probably still open too, so chances are good you can reach someone who knows about it today.

Check for my e-mail which likely does a really lousy job explaining what you need to line up with that latch in the back. Once you see how it should go, it'll be no problem. I've been googling for some pics and/or howtos online, but I don't see anything very helpful.

Good luck, and I'm glad you like the axe and how it sounds.


02-04-2005, 06:17 PM
O yeah, and I just stumbled onto the right terminology. It's the "auto latch" system, which is designed to fix the bridge in place when you move the trem bar away from you. It works, but I always found the latch mechanism a little finnicky at times.

02-04-2005, 07:05 PM
we just had a grand am in here with one of those this week. the setup is pretty touchy if it's messed up.
first flip the lever on the back a couple times. it should be pretty hard to push down, if it's not tighten the two set screws marked "t" till it is comfortably tight.
insert arm, and have it in floating position.
line up the notch plate on the back with the cutout on the block. just get it close. release the clamp. put the arm in the locked position. it should push the notch plate sideways, and fit tight against the notch on the block.
tighten the clamp lever.
the guitar must first be in tune with the bridge floating, be sure guitar is in playing position, not laying on the bench.
when you are all done, release the lever, check tuning while floating, tighten clamp. engage the amp. the floating and locked position should be in tune. if anything is out of whack, it will not work. let me know how that goes.

02-05-2005, 01:05 PM

Thanks for the info. I'm taking the guitar to my tech at Mass St. Music in Lawrence today. I'll print off your post regarding the Kahler. Have a great weekend!

02-05-2005, 06:54 PM
Well, I now know why I didn't fully understand your instructions, Tom. The piece that screws into the body of the guitar (notch plate?) that the bridge locks onto is absent! You wouldn't happen to have one of those lying around, would you?