View Full Version : Hello from Norway!

Jon Henrik
02-01-2005, 01:12 PM
Hello everyone!

Someone just recommended me this site, and I'm very thrilled over the quality of the info on this forum.

I'm currently not a TAG owner, but hopefully that will very soon.
Being soon 18 and a student without work, doesn't make it hard to tell why I'm not playing an Anderson, I guess ;)

One thing that I find a bit weird about this forum, is that you don't allow Hotmail or Gmail adresses. Being one of the administrators of Norway's largest independent guitarforum, I don't really see why those mail-providers should not be allowed. :confused:

02-01-2005, 01:34 PM
Welcome to the forum!! Man, I would love to be 18 again! Those were some fun days!

Stan Malinowski
02-01-2005, 01:38 PM
Hi Jon, welcome to the forum!

To answer your question about our registration requirements:

The forum took some BIG hits by hackers back in the late November/early December timeframe. WE were hacked at least 6 times, each attack requiring some serious time and effort to recover. We asked for input from a) the software company that developed the board software, b) Administrators from other forums using the software and c) an independent consultant on how to best prevent the hacks from bringing down the board. Each supplied us with a list of recommendations, but all 3 recommended not accepting new registartions from "throw-way" email accounts like hotmail, yahoo, gmail, etc. Having put many hours into restoring the forum, we decided to implement all of the recommendations. I know this doesn't answer your question in any great depth but I would prefer not to divulge the technical reasoning why we feel this is necessary.

Jon Henrik
02-01-2005, 01:44 PM
Thank's for the welcome Stan and Pluto!

Stan; I didn't know that. If that what they recommended, then that should be reason enough. "My" board is running the phpBB BulletinBoard, and it has been dealing with security issues as well. I have a feeling that webforums in general are pretty easy to take down if someone cares to put enough effort into it. :(

02-01-2005, 03:01 PM
What part of Norway? I was just in Stavanger for a week on buisiness.

Does a beer cost kr 50 (about $8 US) in all of Norway? :eek:

How do you guys live with beer so expensive! :)


02-01-2005, 03:11 PM
Welcome! I know in Europe ``affordable'' and ``guitar'' are two words that seldom, if ever, meet. Good luck finding an affordable Andy out there.



02-01-2005, 03:15 PM
The forum took some BIG hits by hackers back in the late November/early December timeframe. WE were hacked at least 6 times, each attack requiring some serious time and effort to recover. We asked for input from a) the software company that developed the board software, b) Administrators from other forums using the software and c) an independent consultant on how to best prevent the hacks from bringing down the board. Each supplied us with a list of recommendations, but all 3 recommended not accepting new registartions from "throw-way" email accounts like hotmail, yahoo, gmail, etc. Having put many hours into restoring the forum, we decided to implement all of the recommendations. I know this doesn't answer your question in any great depth but I would prefer not to divulge the technical reasoning why we feel this is necessary.
I got hacked on Jan 16th by a script kiddie who exploited the version of tikiwiki I was running at the time (and actually I wasn't even using the wiki anymore). Very annoying! All my virtual hosts in httpd.conf of my web server (about 10 separate domains) were compromised (their index.htmls were all replaced by some shlock about Albanian opression *yawn*). Anyway, I know how frustrating it can be. Turned out to be a good learning experience for me...esp. learning not to be complacent with my config (and with updates) when running the PHP/MySQL combo. If not being able to use webmail accounts to register is the main restriction, then that's actually pretty good.

Jon Henrik
02-01-2005, 03:16 PM
What part of Norway?
Does a beer cost kr 50 (about $8 US) in all of Norway? :eek:

I live in Fredrikstad, which is about a 1 1/2 hour drive from Oslo.

In a club/bar/restaurant, a 0,5l beer goes for around 7-10 $.
The alcohol prices are in general pretty high in Norway...

02-02-2005, 02:21 AM
Hello Jon Henrik, I am Morten from Gitarnorge.no

Hope you enjoy our forum and get som answers about the anderson models and details!

To you how asked about the beer! it`s not only the beer, but cars bikes guitars is also very expensive here in Norway!

John Price
02-02-2005, 09:16 AM
Welcome to the forum!
Hope you enjoy the view!!.... ;)