View Full Version : 2002 Tom Anderson Cobra with rosewood neck

02-01-2005, 12:16 PM
Here's a gorgeous Cobra (11-19-02A) that I'm probably crazy for selling but the urge for a semi-hollow has grown to unbearable greatness over the last few months. The only way I can afford to do that with Gibson's crazy prices is to part with this wonderful guitar. I will give fellow forum members a $50 discount if you use the Buy It Now option. Feel free to email me directly at bg@nanonation.net if you have any questions. Note, the auction does not actually start until 12:00 PM PST today.

Thanks for looking, Brian Gansemer


02-01-2005, 05:50 PM
Keep your Cobra and buy an Ibanez ArtStar semi-hollow for <$400. I just got a Artstar hollowbody with a bigsby for $370 -- great guitar for that money and satisfies my Gretsch jones for the moment (though it would be even better with TV Jones Filertrons!!!).

02-01-2005, 09:22 PM
Thanks Joe, that's very good advice but I already tried following it. :) Unfortunately, I've went through two semi-hollow imports (Washburn HB35, Dean Del Sol) trying to satisfy the craving. And I have tried out many others including the Ibanez ArtStars. All of them were nice guitars (especially liked the Del Sol), but there was that immediate feeling of "not bad but it would be better if I only repaced [insert part here]..." I am at the point where I don't want to mess with that any more. The only guitars I've ever owned that I've liked straight out of the box are Gibsons (most), Fenders (some), and my Cobra. The Cobra is wonderful and I will someday replace it with another Anderson (probably a more vintage-looking Classic), but I know myself too well and nothing is going to kill this urge until I have a 335/336 hanging on my wall. I can only afford to have a couple guitars at the moment so something has to give. I know, it's horrible, but sometimes the pursuit itself is half the fun! Thanks though! :)