View Full Version : cool Anderson player

01-27-2005, 08:15 PM
Anybody heard of Mike Campese? (www.mikecampese.com) Great guitarist, plays contemporary rock, both instrumental and vocal based, mixed in with some atmospheric new agey type stuff. There are some sound samples on his website. I just popped in his second CD for the first time in a couple of months and remembered that he was an Anderson player and thanks TAG in his CD for making the best guitars. Just wondering but I checked out the Anderson players list on the TAG website and didn't see his name on it-Is he too much of a small fish to be on the list?

01-27-2005, 08:42 PM
Anybody heard of Mike Campese? (www.mikecampese.com) Great guitarist, plays contemporary rock, both instrumental and vocal based, mixed in with some atmospheric new agey type stuff. There are some sound samples on his website. I just popped in his second CD for the first time in a couple of months and remembered that he was an Anderson player and thanks TAG in his CD for making the best guitars. Just wondering but I checked out the Anderson players list on the TAG website and didn't see his name on it-Is he too much of a small fish to be on the list?

sweet! I didn't know you were a "atmospheric new agey type stuff" afficionado. I'll add that to your list of talents. :rolleyes: :p

01-27-2005, 08:55 PM
sweet! I didn't know you were a "atmospheric new agey type stuff" afficionado. I'll add that to your list of talents. :rolleyes: :p

Hey, don't knock my Windham Hill collection! :mad: :D

01-27-2005, 11:16 PM
Hey, don't knock my Windham Hill collection! :mad: :D

OMG......so I'll trade you Otmar Leibert and Chris Camozzi (an Anderson player BTW) for Slipknot's "Subliminal Verses" and Slayer's "Reign in Blood" (the reissued version)...... :eek:

King Cobra
01-30-2005, 04:54 PM
Anybody heard of Mike Campese? (www.mikecampese.com) Great guitarist, plays contemporary rock, both instrumental and vocal based, mixed in with some atmospheric new agey type stuff. There are some sound samples on his website. I just popped in his second CD for the first time in a couple of months and remembered that he was an Anderson player and thanks TAG in his CD for making the best guitars. Just wondering but I checked out the Anderson players list on the TAG website and didn't see his name on it-Is he too much of a small fish to be on the list?

That was pretty cool.Sound clips were pretty impressive. Thanks for sharing............

01-31-2005, 05:25 PM
That was pretty cool.Sound clips were pretty impressive. Thanks for sharing............

You're welcome! He's a cool player and he plays TAGs too so he can't be all that bad. Wish he could sing better though! :D