View Full Version : MI audio tube zone?

01-25-2005, 08:55 PM
can you tell i'm on a pedal quest again/still? anybody got a description of what it sounds like? played the mosferatu at the show and was pretty knocked out.

01-25-2005, 10:10 PM
Tom... this is my favorite high gain pedal. It has well defined notes that are clear, but there is an internal trim that will add saturation, if that's what you like. Also has an internal trim that adjusts brightness, depending upon amp. Tone adds bass as it rolls off treble when turned counter clockwise. Vice versa clockwise.

Check out this web site: http://www.miaudio.com/

There are sound examples under the products category.


01-27-2005, 02:33 PM
I had been pretty happy with my Keeley DS1 Ultra for high-gain stuff, but that pedal works well with some amps and not so much with others (for example, it sounded weak in front of a Rambler).

But I A/B'ed the DS1 Ultra against the Tube Zone and may switch. CHADMJ (another forum member) might weigh in as well, it was his that I borrowed.

Compared to the Keeley DS1, it has more gain (if wanted) and cleans up MUCH better when you roll off the volume knob. Very full sounding and balanced - not nasal or muddy - very transparent. I use an FD2 for low and medium ovedrive and the MI went pretty well with it. Better than the DS1 Ultra, anyway.

I don't think the sound samples on their site do it justice.

01-27-2005, 04:59 PM
you're saying all the right things, i just need to try one. thanks

Suriel Zayas
01-27-2005, 08:26 PM
tom, i'm having so much fun with the mosferatu. many sweet spots on the mos and brings out alot of sweet spots on the fretboard. there is a zenferatu on its way to me to demo.

01-27-2005, 11:23 PM
I had been pretty happy with my Keeley DS1 Ultra for high-gain stuff, but that pedal works well with some amps and not so much with others (for example, it sounded weak in front of a Rambler).

+1. Totally concur - Keeley DS1 SEM/Ultra sounds fantastic in front of a nonMV Marshall.

Unfortunately for tom's application, he's seeking a screamin' gain pedal to stick in front of a Carr Rambler (in a very quiet environment) that won't sound "transitor radio" thin. Right tom? :p

01-27-2005, 11:59 PM
can you tell i'm on a pedal quest again/still? anybody got a description of what it sounds like? played the mosferatu at the show and was pretty knocked out.

Have you tried any of the Keeley mods? I have his mod for the SparkleDrive. It's just enough drive, I wouldn't want anymore than this. It's supposed to be twice the drive and more bass. I'm real happy with it. Before the mod it was to thin and therefore I couldn't blend in much clean before defeating the purpose of the clean blend, also the extra drive allows me to blend more clean
and still get the drive I want. I'm going to order my Zendrive next week, maybe a Mosferatu is in order.

Jimmie B

01-28-2005, 11:13 AM
correct michael. volume is so low that the amp is still clean even with a hot plate on -8db. suriel, i am waiting for the mosferatu, i really enjoyed it at the show. i don't want to bug alf though, he's a very busy guy.

01-28-2005, 11:15 AM
th only keeley i've tried was a blues driver. felt like it would have worked better for me if the amp was pushed a bit. having to have the amp clean changes the way many pedal work. sorry duh.

01-28-2005, 04:20 PM
I picked up the Tube Zone last fall and I LOVE it! I really like the ability to tweak the character of the pedals distortion and tone.
It gets thumbs up from guys at Church who have played it as well... enough so, that they would like to get one.
I realize you said you need to try one now and I would suggest that. If you were closer to Indianpolis I would let you borrow mine for a bit. In all... I don't think you would dislike it one bit.

Actually, if you would like to try it, I would be willing to UPS it to you for a week. Let me know...

01-28-2005, 05:31 PM
thanks for the offer, but i should probably just make the plunge. thanks to all for the input.

01-29-2005, 10:09 AM
played the mosferatu at the show and was pretty knocked out. I don't think you can go wrong with the Mos. Good value for the $. It has replaced a more expensive, better known distortion pedal on my board. Plus it sounds good with both single coil and HBs. Alf H. seems to be a very good guy and was always responsive to my e-mail questions.
Have not heard the MI in person but I have heard good things about it.

Rob M.

01-29-2005, 02:34 PM
very anxious to get the mosferatu. met alf at the show and he is a great guy, super interested in feedback, and his stuff seems easy to dial in. the trick for me is deciding which sounds to leave it set on. i don't like to mess with the knobs in the middle of the set. he made me a double zendrive, so i can have 2 settings on one pedal.