View Full Version : Cable Shootout

01-20-2005, 01:11 AM
It's pretty heavy reading (4 pages) but there is some great discussion on the merits of one cable over another. Guys on the TAG forum are tone nuts, so why not scrutinize every last link in the chain?

Any of you in Orange County (CA) will recognize this as the Tone Merchants forum.


http://p220.ezboard.com/ftonemerchantsforumfrm8.showMessage?topicID=37.top ic


01-20-2005, 07:46 AM
have you checked the prices on some of these cables? wow.

Zaolla cables.
ICP 1 1 FT. $32.00
ICP 3 3 FT. $44.00
ICP 5 5 FT. $57.00
ICP 7 7 FT. $70.00
ICP 10 10 FT. $89.00
ICP 15 15 FT. $120.00
ICP 20 20 FT $150.00
ICP 25 25 FT $180.00
ICP 30 30 FT $213.00
ICP 50 50 FT $338.00

I used to use the dimarzio for a long time, then i went to the new planet waves right angle with the little switch in it. I for one cant tell any difference in sound in them, but the switch is nice.


Stan Malinowski
01-20-2005, 08:46 AM
I had read that "shootout" article a while back. I couldn't believe the prices! My playing is relegated to my home and an occasional jam so I haven't really looked into "heavy-duty" cables. After trying all the "standard brands I gave George L's a chance. I'm pretty happy with them, they don't seem to pickup much noise and the tone sounds pretty good (although I don't ever recall a cable that had "bad tone" :D ). I like the fact I can easily make my own cables, any length with GLs. Repairs, when necessary, are pretty easy too. If I was a very active gigging guitarist I might question the durability of GLs on stage, but then again maybe they are stronger than they look!

John Price
01-20-2005, 09:15 AM
I've been using George L's 155 Cables for a long time with no problems!
CBI Makes a great cable called the Ultimate series! This is a great cable that wont break the bank! I purchased one of those monster cables the pro series and just can't get into it!.....

01-21-2005, 12:57 PM
I got an Evidence Audio Lyric cable (it's a lot more affordable if you buy the cable raw and put the Neutrik ends on yourself). It sounds better than the Mogami 2524 cable I've used for a long time.


01-21-2005, 01:27 PM
Yeah, I remember that thread at Tonemerchants. I thought Ed Y. was crazy too until I ordered the E.A. speaker cables and Zaolla instrument cables from him. There is a difference in tone, less so with the speaker cables. Unless you're extremely picky, I personally wouldn't spend the extra dough on the speaker cables since the difference in tone isn't IMO proportional to the difference in cost. On the other hand, instrument cables do sound different. Zaolla is very clear sounding and tends to be on the bright side. Depending on your amp, the Zaolla can be almost too bright IMO. I would like to try out the E.A. instrument cables one day, but I'm somewhat content with the Zaollas.

01-23-2005, 05:36 AM
I'm lucky enough to be sharing a NAMM booth with the good folks at George L's cables. They sent me home with some instrument cables to test (plated and unplated tips) so I can see what Eric Johnson is raving about...

02-12-2005, 08:38 AM
I've been using George L's for the last few years and I wouldn't use anything else, especially for wiring racks, switching systems, pedalboard looms, etc... any application where you're using a lot of cable and you don't want any signal degradation. I'm sure there are some pronounced differences with cables of very short lengths, but I've found George L's to be very consistent tonally whether you're using a 10' cable or a 50' loom. I tried mogami and monster cable and a few others and I always lost a lot of high frequencies anytime I used more than 25' of cable. Plus, they're easy as heck to fix and make.


hollow t contour
drop top classic

02-12-2005, 10:46 PM
hey Cory! I fell for the Evidence Audio Lyric and Siren like Mark Y. All-in-all the EA instrument cable sounds a tad "dark" when compared the vintage red George L's. Personally, I like both, they add different "coloration" to the overall tone.

02-12-2005, 10:48 PM
I would like to try out the E.A. instrument cables one day, but I'm somewhat content with the Zaollas.

May brah, in May!

02-13-2005, 02:54 AM
May brah, in May!

Too late! Dan brought them in-by the time I saw them, I was on my way out of the store. I'm gonna buy a cable and compare it to the Zaolla. The Zaolla is bright and clear-I heard the EA HG cables are less bright, but I guess I'll find out.