View Full Version : new is better?

12-03-2003, 04:24 PM
Hi guys
Im in london Uk and just joined your learned group!

Question - all andersons are built with equal love care and attention so they are something fender are not even fit to dream of!

But.........why is it that some of toms gtrs just sing out in such an extraordinary way ( of which 2 of mine do - ive owned about 15 over teh years and will keep searching for these 'singers') that they seem a cut above his other output. There seems no logical reason for it

Is it just getting lucky with the choice of wood blank- was roy in a specially good mood that day?Did tom's football team win the night b4?

Have you guys had teh same experience- can u shed some light on what makes teh extra extraordinary guitars pop up every so often?

example - my basswood/maple drop t 24/07/01 apert from bering a work of art to look at is so acoustically alive and loud that i keep it chained to teh wall in case it jumps on passers by!

ive had other basswood toms that are just simpering by comparison -


12-03-2003, 04:39 PM
Welcome aboard Jo! I've been playing Andersons since 1995, and have owned/own 8 Andy's (3 classics, 3 drop top classics and 2 Cobras, in almost all wood configurations - alder, mahogany, basswood and swamp ash). Without exception, they all SING. By that, I mean they are acoustically loud, resonant and bloom w/ sound.

Could you expound further regarding the sonic differences you've detected over the years? Are you experiencing this additional "presence" while playing the guitars acoustically or while "plugged in"? In 4/96 TAG adopted the Feiten tempered tuning system and after 3 or 4/02 all axes had stainless steel frets - would that be what you're noticing?


12-03-2003, 04:51 PM

great to meet you - oh we english are so formal- its that bloody hugh grant!

what ive found is yes i agree all andersons sing compared to lesser guitars but

the classic and drop t I currently have - HAVE AN EXTRA DIMKENSION TO THEM- ITS ALMOST SPIRITUAL

Acoustically they are louder more expansive teh bodies resonate more - the neck and body seem just linked as if from teh same tree

and when playing it - theer is something about teh makeup of these 2 that just makes it moer of a pleasure

in whisky terms - if toms gtrs are all a 20 yrd old private blend theer is something in teh aroma of certain gtrs he makes that just has a special something else- cant define it better

its a 'more than some of all teh parts ' thing!

ive had teh steel frets and that wasnt it - ive had BFTS and not - its not that either

whats your take on it?


12-03-2003, 06:07 PM
WOW. OK, gonna have to go and "woodshed" tonight and explore the "tonal" complexities of my stable (- as if I don't do this after every new acquisition).

Interesting about the increased resonance, acoustics and ultimate loudness. That said, I've noticed that my Cobra is "louder" than my Classics, but I believe this to be characteristic of the wood (Mahogany punch) rather than the build or the mating of woods w/ extra mojo.

I'd say this is analogous to comparing a keg of Guiness (on tap) in LA vs. Guiness in a pub in Covent Garden - same stout, but the water, the brewery, the temperature, the time since brewing will all impact the taste. (For the record, I like Bodington's and Black and Tans)

John Price
12-03-2003, 08:17 PM
I see that happen with every guitar builder! you can have 10 guitars built from the same tree and would have some tonal difference! That's why it's nice to be able to go into a music store and try the guitar out first before buying it. :D

Tom Gross
12-04-2003, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by oscar100
in whisky terms - if toms gtrs are all a 20 yrd old private blend theer is something in teh aroma of certain gtrs he makes that just has a special something else- cant define it better

its a 'more than some of all teh parts ' thing!

Neither too peaty nor too sandy, just the perfect blend.

12-04-2003, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by John Price
I see that happen with every guitar builder! you can have 10 guitars built from the same tree and would have some tonal difference! That's why it's nice to be able to go into a music store and try the guitar out first before buying it. :D

Ah, too true. Unfortunately, in the internet age, it's difficult to always try before you buy. I've played quite a few Anderson though, and they were all very consistent. On the other hand, I've found Gibson to be the most inconsistent. I would never buy a Gibson without trying it first.

12-04-2003, 02:33 PM
thats my point really - tom seems to have teh best quality control of teh major boutique brands - he uses great woods etc but still some toms are just that bit better -


12-04-2003, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by oscar100
thats my point really - tom seems to have teh best quality control of teh major boutique brands - he uses great woods etc but still some toms are just that bit better -


I think as John put it, it's like that with any guitar. Some just have that special Austin Powers' like mojo. I've found that even today's PCP board amps are like that and if anything those type of amps should be consistent. I've played through some Bogners that were just a cut above and beyond other Bogners. It's just voodoo I guess!