View Full Version : Reputation

01-13-2005, 11:59 AM
What is the little "reputation" icon for?

Stan Malinowski
01-13-2005, 12:08 PM
If you look at a post, there is an icon near the upper right hand corner which looks like a scale. If you click on this icon you are allowed to give feedback about the post. The overall sum of your feedback makes up your "reputation rating".

01-16-2005, 04:32 PM
If you look at a post, there is an icon near the upper right hand corner which looks like a scale. If you click on this icon you are allowed to give feedback about the post. The overall sum of your feedback makes up your "reputation rating".
Thanks for the info, Stan. I did not know this. Can you tell me how one learns about his reputation and/or how you find out about another's reputation. I did notice the green bar under the users' post count in the upper right, some say "off the scale", others travel distinguished paths. Is that how they're registered? Is there a way to know who left what type of feedback and/or when and related to which posts?

Thanks for any info. And sorry if this is an FAQ, but I searched around a bit before posting and didn't find anything relevant.



01-16-2005, 05:37 PM
Dave, I just gave you some feedback via the reputation icon. You should be able to see it somewhere. ???

Edit: Click on your own rep icon, and you can see your points total. And I guess you can see how you're rated on a particular post.

So what is the intended use of this? If someone gets their rep slammed, does a little jackass icon show up or something?

01-16-2005, 07:35 PM
Dave, I just gave you some feedback via the reputation icon. You should be able to see it somewhere. ???

Edit: Click on your own rep icon, and you can see your points total. And I guess you can see how you're rated on a particular post.

So what is the intended use of this? If someone gets their rep slammed, does a little jackass icon show up or something?
Ahh I see now. That's cool, thanks. I'd still like to see what other people's ratings are, sort of like the "karma" system on /. (for all you fellow computer nerds out there).