View Full Version : Killer combination IMHO!!!!!!!!

01-07-2005, 03:10 AM
Have any of y'all plugged a TA in to a

CARR RAMBLER ???????????

Frikkin' incredible tone!
Smooth, sweet, hot, blue and righteous!!!!
Plays with pedalboards well!
I think I'll keep her!


Proud owner of a HDT and HTC

01-07-2005, 01:53 PM
got one, very nice.

01-07-2005, 08:27 PM
I am always suprised, and thrilled to see a reply from you!
Your craftmanship and vision that has culminated in the 2 TA's I own, has changed my (professional and personal) guitar playing life.
So when the master replys, I tell want to say I am appreciative of your input into my life though your creations.
I dont mean this to move into idolatry,
I just want to say thanks!!!!


01-07-2005, 08:30 PM
Did I say that the Rambler is very portable and LOUD!!!!!!!
I just used it this week for the Denver Campus Crsade conference. 2000 young people, full blown concert PA, big band with lots of vocalist/percussion and loud monitors.
No prob Bob!
I still had lots of headroom!
AND TONE!!!!!!!!!


01-08-2005, 09:37 AM

I don't know anything about this amp. From the looks of it it's a very vintage-y amp. What are its characteristics? And what kinda' playing are you guys doing through these? I'd appreciate your input.



Edit - ahh...nm...this site (http://www.gguitars.com/carram.html) had sound samples. Sounds like nice classic clean tones.

01-08-2005, 11:40 AM

I don't know anything about this amp. From the looks of it it's a very vintage-y amp. What are its characteristics? And what kinda' playing are you guys doing through these? I'd appreciate your input.



Edit - ahh...nm...this site (http://www.gguitars.com/carram.html) had sound samples. Sounds like nice classic clean tones.

The Rambler is the perfect Blues amp. Much thicker than a Fender Blackface and enough reedy mids on hand to dial it towards an early tweed. It stays loud and clean with single coils almost all the way across the volume knob, so modern Country players will dig the Rambler, too.

A fun, cool amp to play and made well, although the cost reflects that.

01-08-2005, 12:02 PM
i guess loud is reletive when i hear you guys talk about 100 watt marshalls. when i was playing in bands in the 70's they were too loud then so i can't imagine being able to use one now. i have never even played the rambler out anywhere on the 28 watt setting. the 14 watt is plenty loud for me and it sounds a bit smoother and creamier than the 28 watt mode. i also have not ever played it loud enough to get it into any serious breaking up. i'm used to pedals for that now, and the amp does respond very nicely to pedals. it is fenderesque but with a little extra spring in it's step.

01-27-2005, 02:14 PM
Just saw this thread. Heyrey, a Cobra/Rambler combo was rocking the house at the Minneapolis Christmas conference as well (around 1400 students).

The only thing in the signal path was a Fulldrive 2. While rehearsing, I used a Durham Sex Drive along with the FD2 - it was like the FD2 became a 3-stage overdrive - very cool.

And Tom makes a great point - loud is relative. The other guitar amp at the conference was my Fender Deville (60W) - and by the time you turn THAT up to where it really starts to breathe, you can't stand next to it. And I'd rather carry the Rambler any day.

I borrowed both the Cobra and the Rambler for the gig... now I am spoiled. Both were VERY hard to give back...