View Full Version : Guitar of the Week

12-02-2003, 09:18 PM
Is is me, or do other Andy-Homers look forward to reading the GOTW on Sunday mornings?

Let's see, I've been to the top of Everest, hung w/ sherpas, been on river rafting adventures, run w/ tigers, met the "keeper of the stone" (hi Chuck), run covertly in the dark, sat in the presence of enlightened beings....the list is endless...

Hey, who authors these eloquent passages?

Is it a bird (and yours that can sing?), a plane (flew in from Miami Beach B.O.A.C.), no, it's a paperback writer (it's a thousand pages, give or take a few, I'll be writing more in a week or two - for GOTW of course)...

hmmm....any clues?

Doesn't matter, I still look forward to reading about guitars in a way that is unassuming, unpretentious, and F*CKING creative ....(whoops a little 80's metal attitude slipped in there...)

And, what other company takes the time to create, market and develop their products in such a FUN way?? Hmm....what a concept, making the product FUN, rather than pandering to the latest fad (Madonna mouthing Britanny).

Stan Malinowski
12-02-2003, 11:30 PM
Hey, who authors these eloquent passages?

The one and only...Roy (maybe)!

12-02-2003, 11:54 PM
Originally posted by Stan Malinowski
The one and only...Roy (maybe)!


12-03-2003, 12:37 PM
I'm always amazed that Roy or whoever is writing those things, can be as creative as he is week after week. The best guitar of the week ever had to be the April Fools one where they had those PRS guitars as guitar of the week. I think it was last year's April Fools edition. I nominate that as funniest ever.

Stan Malinowski
12-05-2003, 07:40 AM
I think it was last year's April Fools edition. I nominate that as funniest ever.

I agree with you 100%, I did a double take when I saw that!

Checking out the Andy GOTW is part of my Sunday AM Ritual. The wife likes to sleep late so I make myslef a nice cup of coffee and then sit back and check out the GOTW. Scary, I remember when I was younger that I would sleep late on Sunday and then do something "politically correct" like watch "Face The Nation"!

12-08-2003, 02:21 AM
I remember one Namm show long ago, I was fortunate enough to attend a high level summit of the Anderson Dealers in the hotel room of Tom himself. With Andies surrounding each of us we attempted to travel the road to true tonal enlightenment. With the neighbors pounding on the walls either clamering to attend this summit or voicing their disapproval of the volume levels, I'm not sure which. This is where I first experience the man called Roy and his verbal flow of conciseness. I was not sure what I was expected to do with these pearls of wisdom, what to take seriously and what was humor. I could only reply with the quote, "Welcome to Roy's brain." This was pure thought emanating from Roy's mouth. As to it's meaning I am still attempting to aspire to it's true relavance in my life. All I know is I had been inside the very brain of this man and it was very crowded in there. We chose to relocate to another room only to face the same interuptions. I am convinced that it was a guitar builder with the initials PRS, who will go unnamed, attempted to disrupt our tonal bliss. :confused:

Jimmie B

12-08-2003, 11:57 AM
A classic Sunday morning event. Wake up, get a caffeinated drink and head to the computer to enjoy the adventures and ramblings from the mind of Roy. A man that has a gift for painting a picture with words.

12-08-2003, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by jimmieb
I remember one Namm show long ago, I was fortunate enough to attend a high level summit of the Anderson Dealers in the hotel room of Tom himself. With Andies surrounding each of us we attempted to travel the road to true tonal enlightenment. With the neighbors pounding on the walls either clamering to attend this summit or voicing their disapproval of the volume levels, I'm not sure which. This is where I first experience the man called Roy and his verbal flow of conciseness. I was not sure what I was expected to do with these pearls of wisdom, what to take seriously and what was humor. I could only reply with the quote, "Welcome to Roy's brain." This was pure thought emanating from Roy's mouth. As to it's meaning I am still attempting to aspire to it's true relavance in my life. All I know is I had been inside the very brain of this man and it was very crowded in there. We chose to relocate to another room only to face the same interuptions. I am convinced that it was a guitar builder with the initials PRS, who will go unnamed, attempted to disrupt our tonal bliss. :confused:

Jimmie B

sounds like Roy himself (maybe)!!