View Full Version : The journey back to my Rivera Rake and to the VHT Pittbull 45

Scott Peterson
01-01-2005, 12:04 PM
I posted this on the Gear Page, but thought I'd add it here too.

Stole a Pittbull 45 1-12 combo from Ebay (well, about market price) and am really excited to get it.

I needed a grab and go 1-12 combo and this seems to fit the bill from reading reviews and comments across the net and from our own Matte and Splatt - how could I not try this thing?

Been churning through simpler solutions lately for putting together rigs that are lighter and easier to run than my massive pedalboard and clean amp/212 from last year. This year I have a rock covers band coming together, my funk covers band reloading with a new singer and keyboardist coming in and the country band (originals/covers) stepping up a bit. So I need solutions for each situation (country is covered, I play acoustic in that gig). I require flexibilty and great Fender/Vox cleans, low gain Marshall type of tones and higher gain Marshall tones to please what I want in my head.

I have extensively tried the modeling route lately and have got some good results from that; but in the end the Atomic Reactor/POD XTL solution was just not loud enough, too directional and compared A/B to my Rivera Rake solution (using the XTL as the complete front end into the efx loop return *OR* the XTL as an effects only situation - in lieu of the massive boutique pedalboard I ran last year) the Rake just destroyed, IMHO, the Atomic. The modeling thing gives you tons more tones to choose from. Lots of character; but the 18 watt 1-12 ported combo just didn't do it (especially on the clean headroom thing) with a full on drummer. The solution from guys running that route is to buy another Atomic; well that sorta puts the "lighter/simpler" thing in the toilet for me.

The Rake surprised me a lot by running GT-6CA7GE's from GT and biasing it down to about 30mA (ala James Peter's suggestion) and running the Rake 212 cab open backed with first generation Reverand Special Design speakers. I ran the XTL into the loop return and man - the Atomic X10 in terms of tone and punch.

Trying the Rake with the XTL as effects only vs. the XTL into the output section of the Rake; well that was a tougher thing. I like both; but the Rake sounds so good and just has more cut with the band. In context, it just works better for my ear.

What makes me feel stupid is that I have owned the Rake and dug it since 1996. If I listed all the amps I have owned, and SOLD, in the meantime between then and now.... well, nevermind. Sigh. The Rake does the job and does it great, I understand it, I like working with it and the tones -especially since I swapped those tubes, speakers and rebiased it a bit colder(!)- it just sounds fantastic.

The Rake is a lock, no matter what. I have my GDS 18watt head, but though I love the tones on it, there is no clean headroom at volume to even discuss. So I needed a back up/alternative and wanted a grab-and-go 1-12 solution. Enter the Pittbull 45.

I like that it has 4xEL84's and has some chime and grit on the cleans plus everything else I have heard about this thing.

It seems like a great solution for me and I can't wait till it hits here and I can get into it. This one is a late 1999 model and has the EL84 reverb driver, which is not good from what I have learned. But I have also learned that VHT will sell you the parts to update it to the later and preferred EF-86 circuit and have contacted VHT about it. I am also looking into a 1x12 extension cab to further open up my options for whatever stage we happen to hit.

I post stuff like this because it is good to share. It is all just a journey, there is no end and it is fun to talk about the what, why and how we all undertake it...

01-01-2005, 02:25 PM
Interesting.... I saw your post about using the Valvulator pre-PodXTL, so that's no longer in use given an amp?

Also, sounds like you're still using the PodXTL for effects and amp modeling. Correct?


Scott Peterson
01-02-2005, 03:09 AM
Interesting.... I saw your post about using the Valvulator pre-PodXTL, so that's no longer in use given an amp?

Also, sounds like you're still using the PodXTL for effects and amp modeling. Correct?


Noah, it is indeed interesting.

I am using the Xotic RC Booster in front of the XTL, but still do like the Valvulator in front of it too. With the amps, the buffered front end ala the RC Booster or VHT is stilll needed to load the front end of the XTL correctly. It is night and day to my ear when using one or not.

I am using the XTL for effects mostly. Into the loop of the amp if I am using the amp/cab sims from the XTL. The point above was to note - I like the XTL for effects and the Rake for amps/cabs. :D

01-02-2005, 07:16 AM
I've been reading your posts with lots of interest. I'm really tempted to try the POD XTL with a powered monitor. My playing is mainly in church, so stage volume is always held down.

I've been simplifing my rig as much as possible too. Right now, it's a PedalTrain board with basic effects, low/med gain overdrive, high gain distortion, compressor, chorus, delay, tremolo. I set the volume and wah pedals to the side. They go in an old lap top case with cables and music and such. For an amp, it's a Mesa F30. I use a Hotplate to cut the amp volume down and a send to the board. This has been stable for sometime now, so I must like it.

The POD XTL has an interest because of the different amps available. Do you find yourself using the different amp sounds often?

brian b
01-02-2005, 02:35 PM
Since Scott posted about the Pod. I went and bought one and now for the last six weeks all I have been playing thru is the Pod Xtl and a Eon 10 moniter. So for have been loving it. I play at church so staGE volume is a factor and this is a great bway around it. It did take some getting use to, with no movement from a 2x12 cab. But right now it works and I can get so many different tones.

01-02-2005, 05:04 PM
i got a last minute call to play this morning at church. i have my pedalboard torn apart cause for christmas i got a new bigger one. i have to make some cables and a few other dodads, so it is not usable yet. never wanting to miss a chance to play i said yes. i showed up with a distortion box, my delay pedal and a volume pedal. i certainly didn't have any option anxioty. it was actually fun to try to be creative without all the toys. it was fun, but i can't wait to get the way too big pedalboard together. i thought about the podxtl, but i'm just not a programmer, i like to change it up on the fly.

Scott Peterson
01-02-2005, 10:56 PM
When I run the XTL direct (or to at least an EON G2) it is so simple, easy and compact. I don't do anything fancy; just a clean sound, dirty sound, rock sound and lead sound. That's it. A few EFX if needed and good to go. I have used it live twice that way and in a half dozen rehearsals; it is great. Smooth tones, great feel (with the VHT Valvulator or the Xotic RC Boost in front) and no problems yet.

I just like the Rake more; but the XTL on its own is no huge "downgrade" or anything. Just different paths to the same door. :D

brian b
01-02-2005, 11:52 PM
While I do like the pod for church. In the next few months I'am going to look for a knuckle head 55 head to go with my avatar cab just sitting and gathering dust. Or maybe a Dr.Z 6545.

01-03-2005, 12:32 PM
Okay Tom... so just exactly how "big" is way too big for a pedalboard?

01-03-2005, 01:11 PM
36x16x6" inside. it's not all assembled, but i'm guessing that it will weigh 65 lbs. when done. i am getting endless greif from my wife because of all my "cheerio's box" rantings from last year. i know i will get the same from roy when he sees it.

01-03-2005, 01:31 PM
36x16x6 and 65lbs?!?!? That's a whole pallet of Cheerios!

You've been bit bad my friend...


01-03-2005, 01:39 PM
yes i'd have to agree. it is so much fun that i'll put up with it though. still keeping the amp to a minimum. maybe i'll leave the pedalboard at church after i lug it around for a while.

brian b
01-03-2005, 02:05 PM
So Tom did you get the upgaded board with wheels. At 65lb that is a serious board. :eek:

01-04-2005, 09:45 PM
yes wheels and a handle on the end.

01-05-2005, 05:56 PM
There's a really good chance I too will have a Rivera/VHT combination soon. I have the Ultra Lead which I absolutely love, and am now thinking about either a Rake or Knucklehead II. I took home a Top Hat Emplexador 50 yesterday to try out and really like it, especially when you get the master up around 11 o'clock or so. But I'm not sure if it's a keeper or not yet. :cool:

01-08-2005, 09:29 PM
When I run the XTL direct (or to at least an EON G2) it is so simple, easy and compact. I don't do anything fancy; just a clean sound, dirty sound, rock sound and lead sound. That's it. A few EFX if needed and good to go. I have used it live twice that way and in a half dozen rehearsals; it is great. Smooth tones, great feel (with the VHT Valvulator or the Xotic RC Boost in front) and no problems yet.

I just like the Rake more; but the XTL on its own is no huge "downgrade" or anything. Just different paths to the same door. :D

Hey Scott... did you ever think about using the Tech 21 Power Engine 60 instead of the EON or amp?

Scott Peterson
01-08-2005, 09:54 PM
Hey Scott... did you ever think about using the Tech 21 Power Engine 60 instead of the EON or amp?

I had the Atomic Reactor 1x12 tube combo designed for using with modelers and it was great. A bit directional and not as loud as I wanted, but great. I have not tried the Power Engine; but have owned a few Tech 21 Trademark 60's. None recently.

01-22-2005, 03:10 PM
So Scott... any updates you'd care to share with POD XLT?


Scott Peterson
01-22-2005, 03:16 PM
So Scott... any updates you'd care to share with POD XLT?


I am using it as a front end multi-fx pedal with my amps now - and it is great. I have a CFX4 from Mario at Axess Electronics that I use with the XTL to change channels, turn reverb on/off, turn efx loop on/off and boost on/off on the VHT amps I am using now. Works great!

I like how the XTL is so flexible and can be used in so many ways. One of the better purchases I have made in a long time. :D

01-24-2005, 05:44 AM
So are you using the amp's channels for crunch and lead tones with the XTL in the effects loop?

Scott Peterson
01-24-2005, 09:47 AM
So are you using the amp's channels for crunch and lead tones with the XTL in the effects loop?

Yes. All tones come from the amp; the XTL is in the loop for effects only.

02-04-2005, 03:21 PM
So with the XTL, you can send midi signals to the CXF-4 to change change channels and such on your amp?

Scott Peterson
02-04-2005, 03:27 PM
So with the XTL, you can send midi signals to the CXF-4 to change change channels and such on your amp?

Yes. In addition to the effects, I am using the XTL to trigger the CFX. With the CFX and the VHT amps, I can control channel switching, boost on/off, reverb on/off and effects loop on/off. It is very powerful and extremely cool.

02-08-2005, 09:02 PM
What made you choose the RC Boost over the Valvulator?

Scott Peterson
02-08-2005, 09:06 PM
What made you choose the RC Boost over the Valvulator?

The added versatility of having such a sweet EQ on the box. Plus dialing up the volume and any grit if needed.

02-11-2005, 07:58 PM
Scott, for some reason this just keeps me interested....

Let me get this straight... you use the XTL for non distortion effects, placed in your amp's effect loop. The XTL is also used via midi to change channels, reverb and such on your amp.

So... can the XTL be set so that multiple banks will change amp channels? I guess what I am asking is can you have one bank on the XTL set with one type of delay and say the amp's second channel is on and then have another bank with a different delay and the amp's second channel on?

Midi stuff is definitely new to me, so pardon the ignorance!


Scott Peterson
02-11-2005, 08:53 PM
Scott, for some reason this just keeps me interested....

Let me get this straight... you use the XTL for non distortion effects, placed in your amp's effect loop. The XTL is also used via midi to change channels, reverb and such on your amp.

So... can the XTL be set so that multiple banks will change amp channels? I guess what I am asking is can you have one bank on the XTL set with one type of delay and say the amp's second channel is on and then have another bank with a different delay and the amp's second channel on?

Midi stuff is definitely new to me, so pardon the ignorance!


Oh trust me, it is fascinating to me too.

Short answer: yes.

The midi is nothing more than "presets" if you will; one button changing many things. You could do the same thing with a footswitch and multiple pedals; you'd have to do the "switching dance". I can do it *all* with one touch. And have silent tuning. And have tap tempo to every effect. And on and on...

If you want more detail, I'll do it. Just let me know.

02-11-2005, 10:34 PM
If you don't mind, I'd like to find out more. I'm really interested because of what I'd like to do on certain songs.

For example, there's one song we do where I like a clean sound with a certain delay setting for the intro. Kind of a U2 thing. But then the intro gets really big with distortion, but the delay has to change.

Or I may have a clean sound, heavily processed with chorus, delay, and reverb that creates a "jangle" type sound, but then the next song starts immediately with a lead tone and a hint of delay.

So, is what you're doing with the XTL up to this?


Scott Peterson
02-17-2005, 10:51 PM
So, is what you're doing with the XTL up to this?




I'll put up a post here that I did on the Gear Page to make this easier to understand.

02-18-2005, 06:41 AM
Thanks Scott... your details really help. Sounds like you have a really great setup now. I'm thinking this may be a good way to go to solve some of my switching issues.
