View Full Version : thanks to all

12-24-2004, 02:05 PM
i'd like to take this time to say thanks to all who have participated in my life this year.
business wise it has been a great year. we didn't make more guitars, but i think we made better guitars, and have done some new stuff that will soon be out there for you all to see. thanks to all of you who have spent your hard earned dollars to support my family and all those others at the shop.
it has been a fun year musically for me. i have gotten some great new gear, and made some great new friends who make cool stuff. i've gotten to use all this cool stuff more regularly in a great playing environment that has allowed me to grow as a player.
it has also been a tough year. i have several people near and dwear to me who are dealing with cancer and other serious ailments, who have been an inspiration to me and my family. it's pretty easy to have a good attitude when all is well. it's quite another thing to speak of hope when it is not easily visible. many thanks to those who have showed me hope first hand.
thanks to my very supportive family for letting me proceed on this hobby gone wild, and for keeping my focus on what really matters.
guitars are cool and very fun, but let's not lose site of what matters most. this can be a very tough time of the year for some people. open your eyes and reach out to someone who could use a friend.
grace and peace to all.

Stan Malinowski
12-24-2004, 02:12 PM
And thanks to you Tom, for your contributions to the forum and to the world og guitar building.

guitars are cool and very fun, but let's not lose site of what matters most. this can be a very tough time of the year for some people. open your eyes and reach out to someone who could use a friend.
grace and peace to all.

...Wiser words were never spoken.

brian b
12-24-2004, 06:00 PM
And may your next year be blessed for we know who is in control :)

Suriel Zayas
12-24-2004, 07:58 PM
tom, truly thanks to you. putting aside your God-given gift of luthiery, at minimum, i have been able to meet and share with a great family in this forum and everyone at tag, and not just virtually. your craftsmanhip, musicianship, and love of what you do has bound and affected many of us and for that we are grateful. best wishes this christmas and in the coming new year to you, your great staff at tag and your family.

best wishes.


12-24-2004, 11:03 PM
I'd like to say thanks to you Tom for everything that has been past down from you. It's always a learning experience at the shop for me whether it be wood, tone, electronics, food, or life...almost 12 years of that is quite a gift and I'm thankful. Thank you for being there. Thank you for being Tom.

12-24-2004, 11:35 PM

Thank you for opening up yourself to all of us, sharing who you are, what you know, and also having the integrity to make the finest guitars possible. I thank you mostly for the man you are... because wheither you know it or not, the way you conduct yourself is an inspiration to me. You are probably less aware of it due to your humble spirit, but you are a great example of goodness and godliness. Thank you and may God bless you and your family.

Jimmie B

12-25-2004, 12:30 AM

Thank you for devoting your time and effort on this forum. Your contributions are a big reason why this forum is such a fantastic place to visit. I hope you have a great Christmas with your family.

12-25-2004, 09:42 PM
Thank you Tom!

My Andy is really doing it for me...

Have a great New Year and see ya at NAMM!

Terry :)

12-25-2004, 10:17 PM
Tom, Thank YOU for the great guitars and also for joining us from day to day on the forum. We're lucky to have you around to enlighten us on your latest creations. May the new year bring you continued success for you and your company. :)

12-26-2004, 02:31 PM
It's all said.
Thank you Tom, best wishes for the next year.


King Cobra
12-26-2004, 03:31 PM
thanks to my very supportive family for letting me proceed on this hobby gone wild, and for keeping my focus on what really matters.
guitars are cool and very fun, but let's not lose site of what matters most. this can be a very tough time of the year for some people. open your eyes and reach out to someone who could use a friend.
grace and peace to all.

Thanks Tom. Those are words to live by. A happy and healthy New year to everyone!!

12-27-2004, 02:07 PM
Very wise words from a very wise individual. :)

12-27-2004, 02:19 PM
Thank you Tom for the past 14 years of a great relationship. I am honored and proud to be an Anderson player and we all appreciate your accessability, kindness and willingness to help out customers whether they have 1 or 10 guitars equally. Your customers are fiercely loyal...I am one of many.


12-27-2004, 07:46 PM
Thanks Tom

Just thanks.

12-29-2004, 08:29 AM
Tom, thank you. You are the best. The epitome of what a good businessman and person should be.

Prospero aņo y Felicidad!


01-05-2005, 01:07 PM
It's an honor and a privledge to be here with Tom, the rest of the gang, and all of the forumites. That was a very nice email, Tom. You have your priorites straight, and that's refreshing coming from a 'heavy hitter' such as yourself. A real class act.

All the best in '05 to everyone. Cheers! :)


01-15-2005, 11:02 PM
I'm a long time Anderson player but new to this forum. As with these great guitars this forum is a cut above the rest. Thank you Tom for not only allowing the rest of us to play truly wonderful guitars but also for sharing your thoughts and advice here as well. Makes owning an Anderson all the more special some how. From me and family to all at Anderson Guitarworks and those here on the forum, may this year be blessed for all!