View Full Version : I "Suhr" have GAS

12-22-2004, 02:01 PM
Seduced by koa (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1102448842046_tele_199x399.jpg) again :p

Any other happy forum members with a Classic T chambered?

This is my first purchase of a Suhr but have heard only positive of his instruments so figured its was a safe bet to purchase without audition.
Hope to see it by Christmas eve :)


Stan Malinowski
12-22-2004, 02:05 PM
I have 2 Suhr Classics (Strat style), both Alder/Maple Neck w/Braz RW boards. Fantastic guitars, IMO even with our beloved Andys in workmanship, playablity and tone. Sounds like you will having one MERRY Christmas!

12-22-2004, 02:50 PM
Seduced by koa (http://images.andale.com/f2/115/106/3577307/1102448842046_tele_199x399.jpg) again :p

Any other happy forum members with a Classic T chambered?

This is my first purchase of a Suhr but have heard only positive of his instruments so figured its was a safe bet to purchase without audition.
Hope to see it by Christmas eve :)


I played that guitar when it was still store stock. It sucked. Just kidding. It has an awesome neck and is really gorgeous in person. Nice weight, too. You'll love it.

12-22-2004, 04:32 PM
Thanks for the vote of confidence Stan- admiring the multiple Suhrs'
in your gallery had some weight in my decision. Figured they had
to be good to make your cut!

Actually have no business owning two electrics as I barely have
time play my current HDTC but just love that koa :)


12-22-2004, 04:36 PM
Killerburst, Thanks for test play, the neck feel and weight assessment.
Was a little concerned on the weight as we have some koa wood
home items that are somewhat heavy.

12-23-2004, 02:55 AM
Some time ago I played a custom made Fender Tele with Joe Bardens It had a verry nice Koa top on Mahogny not 100% it was Mahogny, but I think so..

It had a verry fat birdseye neck, and had a realy nice twang and bite with nice sustain and clearity.. It was the nicest tele I`ve ever played, I haven`t played an Anderson Tele tough!

12-23-2004, 12:56 PM
That's me holding the guitar in that picture, so I know all the specs of that one. Don't worry about the koa weight — that chambered body is astonishingly light. In fact, probably lighter than the chambered swamp ash body on the Suhr T I had built for me.

Have fun with it! I agree with Stan; Suhr & Anderson quality are both right up there with each other. Within the world of things, they're about as similar as guitars by different companies can get.

12-24-2004, 01:06 AM
Rick, thanks for scouting report on this guitar and the photo shoot assistance ;)

Stan, just noticed you are in CT also- this Suhr was residing in
New Haven. Are you close to this town?

I paid for overnite service to have the guitar to me by today but
after calling FED Ex to track it, this is the response from them-

"Due to severe winter weather across much of the country -- especially freezing rain and ice storms in our main U.S.hub cities of Memphis and Indianapolis – the delivery of some FedEx Express shipments will be affected into the holiday weekend. Consistent with the provisions of the FedEx Service Guide, the money back guarantee is temporarily suspended."

Not being able to get credit for the overnite service is bad enough but to think that the guitar is spending prolonged time in some freezing holding area or jet cargo bay kinda sucks :mad:

At this point Fed Ex cant even promise delivery by tommorow :(

Stan Malinowski
12-24-2004, 09:03 AM
Stan, just noticed you are in CT also - this Suhr was residing in New Haven. Are you close to this town?

Yup, about 20 miles south of my home and about 10 miles south of where I work. Sounds like you bought it from G Guitars, I believe they carry Suhrs and quite a few other high end gits & amps. Never been there but I would like to get there someday (yeah, like I need another guitar!).

Stan Malinowski
12-24-2004, 09:20 AM

Don't even get me going about FedEx!!!

Over the weekend I bought myself a Christmas present, a G&L George Fulleron Signature Model, from a guy down in Long Island (New York). He sent it out FedEx Ground on Monday which means it should be at my door Tuesday. Tuesday morning comes and the FedEx Tracking system shows the guitar out for delivery. The guitar never shows. At 9:45 that night the tracking report says the guitar has been returned to the depot. Then at 2:30AM Wednesday the guitar is shipped clear across the state to another depot, it sits there for 45 minutes and is returned to my local depot at 4:00AM. Wednesday morning at 5:30 the guitar is again placed on a van for delivery to my house. By 5:00PM Weds there is still NO guitar so I call FedEx who assures me the guitar will be delivered that night. By 8:30PM still no guitar so I call FedEx again. THey call the local depot who say the driver is still out and call him on his cell to make sure the package gets delivered. By 9:30PM WEds (you guessed it) the tracker report says the guitar has been returned to the terminal. At 10:00PM it is again shipped clear across the state to another depot. At 11:00PM I call FedEx and demand to talk to a manager. After 15 minutes I am finally connected to a manager in the remote depot, he identifies my guitar and agrees to readdress it to be held at my local depot so I personally can pick it up. Of course he tells me I need to call the local terminal between 3:00AM & 4:00AM Thursday so they can put the package aside. So....I get up at 3:00 call the local depot as instructed, after about 20-25 minutes on hold they tell me the package is put aside. Back to sleep, up at 6:30AM, jump in the car and drive the 25 minutes to the local depot. The guitar is safe and sound and luckily I spend my vacation day on Thursday enjoying my new toy!!!

End of story!

12-24-2004, 10:16 AM
Yup, about 20 miles south of my home and about 10 miles south of where I work. Sounds like you bought it from G Guitars, I believe they carry Suhrs and quite a few other high end gits & amps. Never been there but I would like to get there someday (yeah, like I need another guitar!).


We actually have three Suhr dealers in CT, but G Guitars isn't one of them. That guitar originally came from One Flight Up Guitars. Guitar Hangar and Junior's are the other two. Seems a shame... we have three Suhr dealers in CT, but only one Anderson dealer in all of NEW ENGLAND! Kinda wacky, huh?

12-24-2004, 11:00 AM
Yikes- that is a frustrating Fed Ex story! When these things happen
its just such a relief when its finally delivered, undamaged. Their ground service still has challenges as they sub contract local carriers for some ground
shipments. UPS seems to have a better ground system in place IMHO.
Actually Fed Ex Air express has been pretty good for me whether
shipping or receiving until this "severe weather" issue.

Congrats on the GL model- how do you like it?

Thats pretty good to have 3 Suhr dealers and 1 Anderson Dealer in one state.
Im located in the fairly densely populated SF Bay Area/ Nor Calif and there is
only one Anderson Dealer and zero Suhr Dealers. ( we do have 4 Guitar
Centers- yeech. Each outlet about 20 miles apart from each other-

The first time I saw some Suhr inventory was when my wife allowed me a driving break to exit off the freeway to the Mesa Boogie Hollywood Store
in the Los Angeles area on our way to Disneyland ~550 miles away.( I
dont even see the Mesa Boogie store on the current Suhr dealer list
any longer). I wasnt aware of Tone Merchants nearby Disneyland/Anaheim area else I would have tried to go for a quick look/see.

Oh yeah- the Fed Ex site finally updated tracking status and it
looks like my package left Memphis @ 7:30 AM EST 24-DEC. The flight
should arrive in Oakland CA ~11:30 AM PST. There could be
a chance of it being delivered today but with the backlog of packages caused by the weather delay, I wont hold my breath :(

12-24-2004, 11:07 AM
FWIW, FedEx Express successfully completed an on-time delivery to me of an amp last evening, which had gone CA to Memphis to NYC, so there's hope it'll get to you soon & in one happy piece.

12-24-2004, 11:31 AM

Glad to hear of your positive outcome transit experience with all that
is going on :)

Oh well, not as bad as snow but equally hazardous- We have
dense fog advisory for the entire SF Bay Area. We had
a couple of these earlier in the week and inbound planes were forced to
land in Los Angeles, Sacramento and Reno NV until the
fog cleared = 8-10 hour delays.

Just that time of the season... might as well join the last minute Xmas shopping crowd to relax instead of stressing about if/when Fed Ex will come
thru ;)

12-25-2004, 04:56 AM
Fed Ex comes thru the fog and delivers mid afternoon just before
Im heading out to finish my Xmas shopping! :)

I unbox it, open the case and it looks fabulous! Give it a quick
inspection, tune, pick at it a few minutes uplugged . The resonance is wonderful and the feel of the pao ferro neck is so smooth and comfortable.
I think the all koa chambered does weigh less than my HDTC(maple on alder)

Cant wait to plug it in and tinker with it a little more after after all the Christmas activities today...


Stan Malinowski
12-26-2004, 10:46 AM
Glad FedEx got it thru! It would have been a LONG holiday weekend wait otherwise! Report expected back as soon as you can stop playing it! :D

12-30-2004, 05:27 AM
Im loving the guitar so far- This koa Suhr is what I've been looking for as far as aesthetic and sonic preferences. The only thing I may have ordered differently would be chrome instead of gold hardware. When Tom mentioned he had some koa available for builds, I was considering ordering a hollow koa cobra w/ m's but this may keep me content- even after seeing the photos of that gorgeous hollow koa cobra in a ongoing current thread ;)

Was able to plug it in for a couple hours this week and am really pleased with
warm, rich, full tone produced by the JST V60 neck and middle pickups. The neck pu allows for a nice "hollow body" smooth jazz tone to a bluesy distortion
as desired. Will need to log more hours with the guitar to even scratch the surface of the multiple array of tonal possibilities. With my limited electric
playing and scope its more guitar (again) that I'll ever need :p

Stan Malinowski
01-11-2005, 12:46 PM
I knew you would love the guitar. I was noodling around with one of my Suhr Classics this morning before I went into work. JS makes some nice geetars.