View Full Version : Neck profiles

11-28-2003, 04:28 PM

I'm asking this for a friend:

Can you make a neck that feels like a San Dimas Charvel? He's looking for a wide, thin 'U' shape.

Jon Stafford

Jack Gretz
11-28-2003, 07:35 PM
I would think that Anderson guitars is building Anderson Necks and not San Dimas necks.

I would doubt that Tom would re-tool just to make one neck.

11-28-2003, 08:13 PM
That's what I said to him at first.

But than I thought that by asking that question in a public forum, anybody else who might be wondering if 'other' neck shapes are available would get to see Tom's answer. Tom might have some valuable insight to offer. The only stupid question is the one you don't ask, after all.

That said, doesn't Anderson make a '62 roundback and a couple of '50s 'V' shapes? Aren't those Fender shapes? I'm sure they are at least inspired by the Fender shapes, and the names are certainly intended to bring forth a certain association with the Fender necks. Those are classic neck shapes for folks who began playing during a certain era. By the same token, early-'80s Charvels are now considered classics by some folks who are now at a point in life to afford fine instruments. If that weren't the case, then this person who had never played an Anderson before and was drooling all over my guitar wouldn't have asked that question. He loved the guitar, and knew that Tom offered different neck shapes. So in a flash of delirium wondered aloud if the guitar in his hands could be modified to have the neck profile that he considers to be his benchmark. Who knows, maybe if Tom did write a new batch of code for the Fadal (re-tool), it would result in the sale of more than one guitar. Or maybe Tom would offer an upcharge to have a neck hand-profiled to match a supplied sample neck.

MHO- the TA Standard neck profile is perfect as it is, FWIW.

Great job on the forum, by the way.

Jon Stafford

11-29-2003, 12:03 AM
if the neck we're talking about is the early charvel, 1 3/4" wide nut, flat feel on the back, and big shoulders, i do know that one. we don't offer it, we just don't get calls for it. we used to make them for one of the guys at mesa boogie, but i don't feel good about the long term stability of such a thin neck. our 1 3/4 ta standard is similar except for the square shoulders.

11-29-2003, 08:28 AM
Thanks, Tom!