View Full Version : Dunlop Wah vs. Vox Wah

12-14-2004, 07:25 PM
I can get the dunlop original crybaby for $69 or the Vox for $99. is the vox $30 better? Not looking to duplicate any particular guitarist, just want a functional wah that I can use to create some stuff with, both distorted and clean sounds. I've only had experience with the vox, never trhe dunlop

12-14-2004, 09:51 PM
Try a fulltone first ;)

12-14-2004, 11:03 PM
Try a fulltone first ;)

um yeah, i'm not looking to spend that much. not to sound like a jerk, but I'd like feedback to stick to the choices mentioned in my post.

12-14-2004, 11:32 PM
GCB-95 vs. Vox 847 = Chocolate vs. Vanilla. The $30 gets you a nice chrome housing and a vinyl bag. The sounds are different, but one is not necessarily "better" than the other. I've had both. I like the Vox a little better, but I don't mind the GCB-95 at all.

WARNING: The following text contains information outside the parameters of the original post. Those concerned that they may be forced to read words not pertinient to their own personal needs are advised to cease reading this post now. Forum members who welcome a wide assortment of opinions and are able to filter out opinions that are not particularly useful to their own personal circumstances are invited to read further. :rolleyes:

In the same price range as the Vox, check out the GCB-95F Crybaby Classic. It has true bypass and a Fasel inductor. The sweep is more like the original Italian pedals. It has a funky notch in the middle of the sweep. Sounds extremely similar to the Budda Bud-Wha for a lot less dough.

BTW, I posted the above warning as a courtesy to the original poster, who seems to be laboring under the false impression that he can dictate what other forum members should post on this thread. Not to sound like a jerk, but I don't believe the original poster gets to limit other forum member's "feedback" just because he started a thread. I suspect there may be other members who are interested in seeing the topic of wha pedals expand beyond the two originally mentioned models.

12-15-2004, 12:52 AM
WARNING: The following text contains information outside the parameters of the original post. Those concerned that they may be forced to read words not pertinient to their own personal needs are advised to cease reading this post now. Forum members who welcome a wide assortment of opinions and are able to filter out opinions that are not particularly useful to their own personal circumstances are invited to read further. :rolleyes:

In the same price range as the Vox, check out the GCB-95F Crybaby Classic. It has true bypass and a Fasel inductor. The sweep is more like the original Italian pedals. It has a funky notch in the middle of the sweep. Sounds extremely similar to the Budda Bud-Wha for a lot less dough.

BTW, I posted the above warning as a courtesy to the original poster, who seems to be laboring under the false impression that he can dictate what other forum members should post on this thread. Not to sound like a jerk, but I don't believe the original poster gets to limit other forum member's "feedback" just because he started a thread. I suspect there may be other members who are interested in seeing the topic of wha pedals expand beyond the two originally mentioned models.

your qualification of your reply was unnecessary, as I never specifically stated which crybaby. so your suggestion of the gcb-95f was acceptable. but I thank you for your warning. I'm under no pretense that I can dictate what anyone responds with, but I chose to exercise a right to guide said responses in a preferred direction. I don't feel I was being unreasonable with that. if someone were to ask about a comparison between a g&l strat & a fender strat, and someone replies: go get a suhr or grosh, that reply isn't really helping because those guitars aren't in the same price range. I guess I didn't specify that I wanted to keep the price under $100 so that was my bad. but I'm doing so now.

12-15-2004, 09:54 AM
your qualification of your reply was unnecessary, as I never specifically stated which crybaby.

Doesn't your first post state "the dunlop original crybaby for $69"? That sounds to me like a specific model- the GCB-95.

if someone were to ask about a comparison between a g&l strat & a fender strat, and someone replies: go get a suhr or grosh, that reply isn't really helping

Might not help the original poster, but someone else reading the thread considering a "strat" guitar might appreciate the expanded viewpoint. Then again, the orginal poster, or another member reading along, may be considering spending $1200-$1300 on a new Fender or G&L. "Gee, thanks for the idea! I see on Ebay that Suhr and Grosh strats sell for about the same money used. I think I'll look into that!"

My point being that these threads will go where they will go based on the combined experience and opinions of our community. It's Stan's and Jack's business if they want to set guidelines for our discussions here. It is not the "right" of any single member here to attempt to guide or limit the flow of "conversation" in these open discussions.

I just realized something... My attempt to limit your ability to limit someone else's "feedback" is just as bad as what you did. I'm sorry. Nevermind.

12-15-2004, 10:29 AM
it's quite the conundrum, isn't it.

12-15-2004, 10:39 AM
One thing you may want to consider in your comparison is that the Vox can be pretty easily modified to true bypass later, and there are several mods floating around to change the tone of the Vox as well. The Dunlop wahs are harder to mod because of their construction.

Not to take the thread in the wrong direction, but if you can break loose $25 or so more you could buy a used Teese Wizard Wah or RMC1 and have a better wah than the Dunlop or Vox. I see used Teese wahs going for $125 from time to time.

12-15-2004, 11:09 AM
I don't see myself making mods to either pedal. basically going for a basic functional wah that will get me by. was probably going to go with the crybaby, unless people could give reasons to get the vox or reasons not to get the crybaby like it's made cheaply or something...

12-15-2004, 11:15 AM
the non bypass part of the vox killed it for me. it changes your sound more radicly than any pedal i have tried. modding it would be a must. for me.

12-15-2004, 11:17 AM
I don't see myself making mods to either pedal. basically going for a basic functional wah that will get me by. was probably going to go with the crybaby, unless people could give reasons to get the vox or reasons not to get the crybaby like it's made cheaply or something...

I'd say the Vox is better made than the Dunlop, as the Vox uses regular Switchcraft type jacks on the in and out with wires between the jacks, switch and circuit board. On the Dunlop the jacks are plastic and are mounted to the circuit board. That's why it is hard to rewire the Dunlop for true-bypass. The true-bypass thing is pretty important since a non true-bypass wah is going to cut highs out of your signal when the pedal is bypassed.

12-15-2004, 11:26 AM
for me I'm not so sure that the true bypass thing is that big a deal, cause I don't envision kicking in the wah only for solos, when it gets used, it will be to create an overall sound for an entire song, since I don't gig or anything, it's not vital to be able to shut it off and on, plus if I bother pulling it out and pluggin into it, I'm gonna be using it. but that's good to know. thanks.

Suriel Zayas
12-15-2004, 02:50 PM
the non bypass part of the vox killed it for me. it changes your sound more radicly than any pedal i have tried. modding it would be a must. for me.
i used the vox for many years, then i had it modded and couldn't believe i was playing the same guitar and amp, without the effect engaged. the vox without the mod is a total tone killer when not engaged. it is an excellent wah with a great frequency sweep and response. currently using fulltone clyde wah - great choice.



12-16-2004, 09:25 AM
I also agree that the Vox is a better sounding wah, but it does need the mod done (so you're looking at more than $30 difference)...then the difference is night and day, in my estimation. If you intend to use the "wah sound" for mostly rhythm stuff, it may (at the risk of being chastised for making a suggestion) be worth checking out something like the Xotic Robotalk. Great "wah sound" without the constant foot movement (unless you want that aspect).

12-17-2004, 04:09 AM
Hi guys:

I'm a vox wha user, and I want to know what it has to be done to mod vox and convert it in a real true bypass.

Thanks for your help


12-17-2004, 06:18 AM
Hi guys:

I'm a vox wha user, and I want to know what it has to be done to mod vox and convert it in a real true bypass.

Thanks for your help


instructions are here:


12-17-2004, 09:14 AM
And you can buy the DPDT switch from www.smallbearelec.com for $9 inc. S&H.

Suriel Zayas
12-17-2004, 12:44 PM
javier, contact alf hermida (www.hermidaaudio.com) or ahermida@hermidaaudio.com and you can get the kit and schematics from him. he also has a ton of mods for the wah. good luck!



12-18-2004, 01:29 AM
I can get the dunlop original crybaby for $69 or the Vox for $99. is the vox $30 better? Not looking to duplicate any particular guitarist, just want a functional wah that I can use to create some stuff with, both distorted and clean sounds. I've only had experience with the vox, never trhe dunlop

Not to step out of bounds here, but I'm considering going to a Teese RMC 3 and would sell my Fulltone Clyde for a 'Good guy Anderson forum price'. Just a friendly offer to help you out, no more...

Jimmie B

PS I just when to EBay and there are two very cool wah's under the keyword Fulltone. One is a heavily modded Thomas Organ pedal with true bypass plus other stuff, it's at $100. The other is Dunlop with a Fulltone pot and I think true bypass it's at $39.

12-19-2004, 06:10 AM
Was Jeff Beck, or any other 60's era guitarist using a true bypass wah back then? I have a Vox from that era and it sounds really good as it stands. Am I right in guessing that the "off" position is affected by the fact that it has not been modded?

12-19-2004, 08:43 AM
Was Jeff Beck, or any other 60's era guitarist using a true bypass wah back then? I have a Vox from that era and it sounds really good as it stands. Am I right in guessing that the "off" position is affected by the fact that it has not been modded?

If it's not true bypass a wah is going to take highs out of the signal when it's bypassed. It has to do with the input impedence of the pedal and how the input adds capacitance when the pedal is bypased.

That's a good point about the guitarists back in the 60s. I think that's one of the things players used to just deal with. The thing is, if it can be fixed by adding a $10 switch, then why not? To me it's in the same category as inovations like Feiten tuning, stainless frets, etc.