View Full Version : 1 11/16 to 1 5/8?

12-13-2004, 09:52 AM
Can a 1 11/16 nut neck be narrowed to 1 5/8? If so, is it possible to do it without a refret or would the neck have to be refretted?

12-13-2004, 12:37 PM
can be done, but it's a fairly big job. refret is not necessary, but the fret ends have to be redone as do the fingerbaord edges. refinish is also required. didn't we just do two custom neck shapes for you?

12-13-2004, 12:49 PM
can be done, but it's a fairly big job. refret is not necessary, but the fret ends have to be redone as do the fingerbaord edges. refinish is also required. didn't we just do two custom neck shapes for you?

You did. They feel great, especially the neck on the Cobra. I was just curious because while everything else about the carve on my Drop Top feels great, the 1 11/16 feels a little wide to me from the 5th fret down to the nut. I'm thinking it's probably the 25.5 scale throwing me off a bit as all my other 25.5 scale guitars are 1 5/8 nut. The 1 11/16 doesn't bother me on the shorter scale guitars I have. The Drop Top is my favorite guitar to gig with because of the sounds I can get from it, the weight, the way it hangs, etc. so I guess I'm more picky about it than the others too. I'm not in any hurry to make a change to it, but I was just wondering in case I decide down the road that I'd like it a little narrower down by the nut.

Since there is a lot of labor involved in cutting the neck slimmer, would it be more cost-effective to just have another neck made for it if I decide to go narrower at the nut?

12-13-2004, 01:19 PM
it would be cheaper to mod it. it's all maple, so the refin is more than if it were rosewood. you know we're only talking about .050" of width?

12-13-2004, 01:37 PM
maybe it would just be less work for everyone involved if you just started stretching your hand and fingers ALOT before you play, like a really really lot. proper stretching should enable you to reach an extra 0.05 of an inch. I'm kidding of course, but then again, not really.

12-13-2004, 03:08 PM
it would be cheaper to mod it. it's all maple, so the refin is more than if it were rosewood. you know we're only talking about .050" of width?

I know we're not talking much difference but I'm constantly amazed at the small differences you hand can feel on a neck. It's not really a big issue and definitely not something I'm obsessing over (no more than anything else in my rig :) ). I was really just curious more then anything.

The truth of it is both of these necks both play very nice. See what happens when you give players too many options! :D

12-13-2004, 03:23 PM
maybe it would just be less work for everyone involved if you just started stretching your hand and fingers ALOT before you play, like a really really lot. proper stretching should enable you to reach an extra 0.05 of an inch. I'm kidding of course, but then again, not really.

I was thinking of just having my hand modded but then it won't fit the other guitars. ;)

12-13-2004, 03:59 PM
maybe that will be line6's next thing, neck modeling. ;)

12-13-2004, 04:06 PM
maybe that will be line6's next thing, neck modeling. ;)

"Using the latest in Micro-Hydraulics technology" I'd love to see the engineering involved to take a neck from a 57 Les Paul neck to a Ibanez Wizard carve and back with the flick of a switch! :D

12-15-2004, 11:14 PM
Ouch! Good one Tom!

Roy (maybe)
12-16-2004, 11:42 AM
Adaptation, it is how mammals survived and made their way from the primordial soup of creation to what we are today—Guitar Players.

Seriously, it is amazing what small variances we can feel. But before you carve down to 1 5/8-inch nut width, check to see how much room you have on a 1 5/8-inch neck doing an A chord with all 3 fingers, while lifting and dropping fingers inside the chord. Compare this feel to the roomer 1 11/16-inch. You may find that the 1 11/16-inch offers more room for such chordal movement—and if this is the case just remember what someone wise once said, “Adaptation, it is how mammals survived and made their way from the primordial soup of creation to what we are today—Guitar Players.”

12-18-2004, 12:41 AM
Adaptation, it is how mammals survived and made their way from the primordial soup of creation to what we are today—Guitar Players.

Seriously, it is amazing what small variances we can feel. But before you carve down to 1 5/8-inch nut width, check to see how much room you have on a 1 5/8-inch neck doing an A chord with all 3 fingers, while lifting and dropping fingers inside the chord. Compare this feel to the roomer 1 11/16-inch. You may find that the 1 11/16-inch offers more room for such chordal movement—and if this is the case just remember what someone wise once said, “Adaptation, it is how mammals survived and made their way from the primordial soup of creation to what we are today—Guitar Players.”

That's asuming guitar players evolved from the primodial soup or they were spoken into creation. I ascribe to the big bang theory similar to the opening in the movie 'Back to the Future'. The Creator strumed the first power chord and 'BANG' the first guitar universe exploded into existence and is expanding even now. This is why Anderson Guitars is able to be on the cutting edge of technology, by riding the quantum flow created long ago. Plus crawling from a primodial soup is a messing and sticky theory that's why I reject that notion, and I don't like the thought of my guitars getting that soupy stuff on them. Gross!

Jimmie B

Roy (maybe)
12-18-2004, 03:40 PM
Why not? Makes as much sense as any other theory I have heard.

Fun to you

12-18-2004, 04:25 PM
can't quite go for the soup. can't explain where the eyeball came from, even darwin has trouble with that.

12-18-2004, 05:42 PM
Why not? Makes as much sense as any other theory I have heard.

Fun to you

If things spontaneously are able to come into being, not synthesised from existing matter but brand new atoms/matter, how come we don't see any evidence or beginnings of that process now. Spontaneous creation is like asking an ape to write the Gettysberg Address. Each time he types a letter the next strike of the key the previous letter disappears/mutated, due to the laws of entropy. So are the grouping of ammino acids. As one is syntheisized the next synthesis mutates the previous reaction. So specialized ammino acid chains could not grow simultaneously into speciallized groups ie. skin cells, eye balls, cardiac tissue without effecting or mutating the grouping prior sytheisized. Further, guitar parts don't spontaneously mill themselves and fall together to create an Anderson guitar (except just before NAMM), and it implies a creator Tom and crew. The odds of it happening are so astonomical, as with the monkey typing, it is beyond doubt. In fact all nature and systems of that nature show design and imply to have a creator. Wait a minute here, come to think of it I do remember someone levetating a guitar that was spontaneously milled, painted, and assembled and was within flawless tolerance nearly perfect. I need to check with Steve Mesple' to see if there was some primordial soup on that guitar anywhere. Maybe then I could be persuaded. That is if you 'double pinky swear' your right about the guitars origin. Then and only then could I entertain spontaneous creation of guitars.
That is what we are talking about? Right? ;)

More silly banter,
Jimmie B

As for the eyeball, I think it was Louis Cypher who created it. All I know is I often feel the need to pluck mine out or remove large wooden objects from it.

Roy (maybe)
12-19-2004, 05:03 PM
All right,

The “primordial soup of creation” thing was just a joke. It is clearly obvious to anyone paying attention—even slightly—that even soup needs immeasurable intelligence to form. Take Chicken Noodle for example, those noodles didn’t just form from nothing you know—my mom puts them in there—and my mom didn’t just form from nothing either. In fact, she is so complex I don’t even know where to begin. It is only intelligence than understands intelligence and it is easy to see the complexity of creation is even more intelligent than we can fathom—Isn’t it cool!?

12-20-2004, 12:12 AM
So are you tring to say I'm intellegent because I see creation as created? If so thanks! I reread my last post and it sounded like I was on a little bit of a soupbox as it were, and of course I was tring to have some fun too. I don't think I was as serious as the post sounded, I was tring to be a little clever. Yes it is cool to see the creations complexity, even as cloudy as we see it, through the soup. You always surprise me not only with your intelligence, but also your perspective on things. I always walk away thinking new thoughts and asking new questions. That's cool to me. As for your question, "Isn't that cool". Yes, it is cool that someone is smarter than us and wants to share it with us because I really don't understand as much as I think I do or wish I did. By the way how is you mom's chicken noodle soup?

Jimmie B

PS I still think that levetating guitar was spontaneously formed, How else could it fly? What about the eyeball we never resolved that issue?

Roy (maybe)
12-20-2004, 11:52 AM
Hi Jim,

Remind me and I’ll tell you all about my mom’s eyes at NAMM—if the real Roy let’s me go, that is.

Roy (maybe)

12-20-2004, 11:56 AM
I just checked back in on this thread after a few days. Wow. I didn't mean to start a creation theory thread by posting a neck width question! :D

12-20-2004, 08:11 PM
I just checked back in on this thread after a few days. Wow. I didn't mean to start a creation theory thread by posting a neck width question! :D

It's a rule of Homiletics that you can go from anywere to anywhere, given enough time and if one has an over inflated vocabulary. Plus, it was on guitar evolution vs creation, right? Any religious discusion ist verboten here meine freund on this forum.

Jimmie B

PS I was just tring to be clever and sound smart. I'm sure if you study my science facts they will turn out to be erroneous. Oh yeah, don't shave the neck, adapt to it... If at all possible. Now we have come full circle.

Dave M.
12-20-2004, 10:41 PM
....—if the real Roy let’s me go, that is....

Roy (maybe)

Would that guy be also known as Roy (real)? Or, Real Roy?

Lemme guess, your answer is probably "maybe".... :D

-Dave (actually) M

Roy (maybe)
12-21-2004, 11:21 AM
Oh, I like that. Fun stuff.

Happy Playing & Happy Holidays
Roy (maybe)

12-21-2004, 11:56 AM
the eye thing is always the booger in evolutionists' soup. I've heard it called an "irreduceable complexity", or something complex that cannot be reduced down to non-complex parts. For instance, before an arm had a hand on the end, it still could've been used to poke and prod or gather food (with the help of the other). Then it just developed (over thousands/millions of years) into the developed arm and hand apparatus that we have today. Evolution.

But you're absolutely right. For those millions of years, what purpose did the eye serve BEFORE it became an eye? What purpose would the formation of an eye socket serve? What purpose would a non-seeing sphere serve before the skin grew an opening and gave us sight? It's an irreduceable complexity. The whole time it was becoming something, it was nothing until it was. (Such an existentialist statement... I'm starting to sound like Roy [maybe]). And that would be contrary to the whole theory and practice of Evolution.

Read The Science Of God. Great book. ...uh... oh yeah, and... um... make some guitars while you're at it. Tell SanTom Claus that I still want an Alder on Alder Hollow T Classic, Sage Green Metallic, 3 minis in a black pickguard, maple neck, 1 5/8 nut and heavy frets... and my 7 year old son's two front teeth.

12-21-2004, 08:56 PM
the eye thing is always the booger in evolutionists' soup. I've heard it called an "irreduceable complexity", or something complex that cannot be reduced down to non-complex parts. For instance, before an arm had a hand on the end, it still could've been used to poke and prod or gather food (with the help of the other). Then it just developed (over thousands/millions of years) into the developed arm and hand apparatus that we have today. Evolution.

But you're absolutely right. For those millions of years, what purpose did the eye serve BEFORE it became an eye? What purpose would the formation of an eye socket serve? What purpose would a non-seeing sphere serve before the skin grew an opening and gave us sight? It's an irreduceable complexity. The whole time it was becoming something, it was nothing until it was. (Such an existentialist statement... I'm starting to sound like Roy [maybe]). And that would be contrary to the whole theory and practice of Evolution.

Read The Science Of God. Great book. ...uh... oh yeah, and... um... make some guitars while you're at it. Tell SanTom Claus that I still want an Alder on Alder Hollow T Classic, Sage Green Metallic, 3 minis in a black pickguard, maple neck, 1 5/8 nut and heavy frets... and my 7 year old son's two front teeth.

Cool stuff, but I still think that the eye is inherently evil, does that make me a Gnostic? You know all matter is evil... And the last pargraph you forgot a 'A partridge in a pear tree', and I don't mean Keith.

Jimmie B

12-21-2004, 11:49 PM
Oh, I like that. Fun stuff.

Happy Playing & Happy Holidays
Roy (maybe)

"Guardian of All Anderson Knowledge".....nice! :)

G.A.A.K.......hmmm....sounds like something that Bill the Cat might say..... :D


12-22-2004, 01:27 AM
"Guardian of All Anderson Knowledge".....nice! :)

G.A.A.K.......hmmm....sounds like something that Bill the Cat might say..... :D


I see how it is... Squire bring me my sword... :rolleyes:

12-22-2004, 10:33 AM
nope. not even close. http://www.anubz.com/smilies/slap.gif

Consider "Wuthering Heights" and Emily Bronte.

12-22-2004, 08:18 PM
nope. not even close. http://www.anubz.com/smilies/slap.gif

Consider "Wuthering Heights" and Emily Bronte.

Ouch! Quit it! Ouch! Quit it! Ouch! Quit it! Ouch! Quit it! Ouch! Quit it! I'm stuck in a Simpons loop... And Wuthering Heights? Can you splane, No better some up...