View Full Version : GoTW, Anderson Alley, and Darrell Abbot

12-12-2004, 03:00 PM
Roy and Brian, in light of this week's tragedy surrounding the untimely death of Dimebag Darrell Abbot, your words are truly inspirational. Thank you!

"In this world that can seem to be so torn asunder by violence and unrest, there are undeniable universal truths that elevate us above the conflict. One such truth is, “All You Need Is Love.” All great masters since time began have said as such in one way or another. As we put this principle into practice here on earth, things change." Roy Fought, 12/12/04

And from Brian Harris' Anderson Alley:
This has been a week of deep sadness and sorrow. And in the DFW area in which I live, the sadness cuts a little deeper.
I am of course speaking about the passing of Diamond Darrell Abbot, or Dimebag, as he is more recently known as.
I can say I knew Darrell, as most of us in the DFW guitar community can easily say. He was loud, obnoxious, brash and more importantly he was full of life.
He worked his ass of to become who and what he was, and recently I realized just how big he had become when thumbing through a dealer catalogue, looking at some pedals the store needed, and I noticed that an entire page was dedicated to crap named after him!
I knew him when he was just a local hero, and he was happy. I knew him when he had struck global fame...and he was happy. He truly liked playing guitar for people. And he died with a guitar in his hands, playing for people.
His death was senseless, and committed at the hands of an idiot, as so often happens, but it happened, and we must move forward and make sense of tragedy, as impossible as that sounds.
He will sorely be missed, and tonight I mixed myself one of Darrell’s favorites (Jaeger and Vodka, straight), and I raise it in a toast to one of us that made it. One that hit the high note, and put his name in the heads of kids around the world just getting started. A True Guitar Hero.
Shine on you crazy......(you get the rest).