View Full Version : Playing my TA with my teeth on TV!

11-27-2003, 09:35 PM
Well almost, but not exactly.

My band played on the local FOX TV morning news show today. We did a quick sound check during one of the commercial breaks, and after it was over I lifted my TA Classic over my head, and on the way up I somehow smashed the top edge of the body on one of my front teeth. Ouch!

But worse than that --- I put a little ding in the guitar (the first one :( ). I guess the good news is that my tooth is fine. And our TV appearance went pretty well -- though getting out of bed at 5:30am just sucks. Definitely not musician's hours.

11-27-2003, 11:16 PM
sorry about your teeth, but thanks for playing the guitar on tv. yesterday i wrote a long post about guitars being tools and people being free to use whatever tool works best for them, all in resonnse to your baker coment. i wasn't happy with my tone in the post, but i had to go paint guitars and didn't have time to rewrite it, so i posted it anyway. when i did, the forum threw up on me and my post was lost. i guess it all worked out.

11-28-2003, 09:35 AM
cool deal. although getting up at 5:30am to play guitar would be like a vacation for me. i have to get up at 3:45am and actually go to work. without my guitar :(

John Price
11-28-2003, 10:10 AM
Glad to see everything worked out OK!

So did you get that big endorsement deal?!!!:D I bet you looked/sounded cooler using the Anderson......

Usually I'm just getting in from a gig at 5:30AM so I guess it wouldn't bother me to do it back to back!!....

11-28-2003, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by tom
sorry about your teeth, but thanks for playing the guitar on tv. yesterday i wrote a long post about guitars being tools and people being free to use whatever tool works best for them, all in resonnse to your baker coment. i wasn't happy with my tone in the post, but i had to go paint guitars and didn't have time to rewrite it, so i posted it anyway. when i did, the forum threw up on me and my post was lost. i guess it all worked out.

I hope you knew I was kidding when I made the endorsement-or-Baker comment.

There were a lot of close-ups of the guitar on TV, including clear shots of the headstock. Guitars look great in the very bright lighting they use for TV, so it was a good showing for TA. Unfortunately, the sound mix was pretty lousy, so the tone didn't come across that great (and I made a couple of sloppy mistakes when soloing - whoops!).

And for the record, the last time we were on that same show (last July) I played my Cobra.

Now get back to work and figure out a way to make those finishes more tooth-resistant. ;)

11-28-2003, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by JGraham
cool deal. although getting up at 5:30am to play guitar would be like a vacation for me. i have to get up at 3:45am and actually go to work. without my guitar :(

That sucks! What kind of job is that??

11-28-2003, 01:05 PM
i told you guys i was thin skinned, i wasn't sure if you were kidding or not. i really do think people should be playing what ever suits them best. i know i would struggle without my cobra. i saw a guy playing in nashville that had a beater 70's tele through a music man rd something or other amp, and his tone could not have been better.

12-01-2003, 04:36 PM
johnny hiland was the guy i saw. very well said about the "works for me". i had an ahah moment this weekend. i must qualify this by saying that i have to play really quiet because stage volume is super low. ed up at thd sent me a hot plate this last week. i have been in search of the amp that will play quiet enough but still have a great feel. i've tried a bunch of stuff. i'm back to my subway rocket head with the hot plate and a bogner 1x12 cab, hotplate set to -8db. with my pedal board it killed me this weekend. i aslo have a rambler that i have to say is has the best clean sound i've ever heard when playing all by myself. what works in the bedroom and what works on stage can be totally different things.

Stan Malinowski
12-05-2003, 07:32 AM
My band played on the local FOX TV morning news show today. We did a quick sound check during one of the commercial breaks, and after it was over I lifted my TA Classic over my head, and on the way up I somehow smashed the top edge of the body on one of my front teeth. Ouch!


I didn't know you played in the band Smashmouth!:D :D

Sorry, I couldn't resist that one!

12-06-2003, 10:09 AM