View Full Version : Ordering Up An Anderson

12-04-2004, 12:56 PM
Hi there,

I'm looking to buy an Anderson to certain specs so would I just tell the dealer exactly what I want and they'd be able to order it up (Looking at ordering it from Wildwood since it works out cheaper buying from the USA than over here) ? How long does it take for a guitar to be made ?

Any rough ideas on cost ? I'm looking at a drop top classic basswood with maple top trans green and binding, h/s/h 5 way (not sure on this but I want to be able to split the buckers via a push pull or switch), piezo and H1-,SA1 & H2+/H3 (not sure I can decide yet) maple neck with a rosewood board (I think I want the silouette back shape) and buzz feiten.

I think that's all the specs, hope I didn't bore you too much there.



12-04-2004, 01:02 PM
Just a thought... if you plan to order from a US dealer, why not at least get a quote from the dealer who is sponsoring this forum?

Stan Malinowski
12-04-2004, 01:17 PM
Just a thought... if you plan to order from a US dealer, why not at least get a quote from the dealer who is sponsoring this forum?

:D :D :D

Jack at Magdon's has reserved the maximum number of monthly build slots at Anderson for 2005 (I think 5/month). If I recall correctly he has enough orders to fill the build slots thru March 2005.

12-04-2004, 01:20 PM
:D :D :D

Jack at Magdon's has reserved the maximum number of monthly build slots at Anderson for 2005 (I think 5/month). If I recall correctly he has enough orders to fill the build slots thru March 2005.

Woah. Would that stop other dealers from ordering up so quick ?

I was looking at magdon too as well as wildwood but I figured it'd be best to ask a few questions here first before I get round to anything

One more Q : I believe I can request a serial number of choice to some extent ?

Stan Malinowski
12-04-2004, 01:52 PM
Would that stop other dealers from ordering up so quick ?

Anderson allocates a certain number of build slots/month. Larger dealers will committ to ordering a fcertain number of guitars/month. My guess is there are a couple of dealers in addition to Magdons that allocate the maxmum number/month. A smaller dealer who sells only 10 or so Andersons a year you not pre-allocate any build slots, in which case their order would be placed at the next available open slot (could be a long wait).

I have ay special order Andersons customized with particular serial numbers. Once you place an order a knowlegeable dealer will be able to take care of getting you a personalized serial number (subject to certain constraints dictated by Tom).

12-04-2004, 01:59 PM
Anderson allocates a certain number of build slots/month. Larger dealers will committ to ordering a fcertain number of guitars/month. My guess is there are a couple of dealers in addition to Magdons that allocate the maxmum number/month. A smaller dealer who sells only 10 or so Andersons a year you not pre-allocate any build slots, in which case their order would be placed at the next available open slot (could be a long wait).

I have ay special order Andersons customized with particular serial numbers. Once you place an order a knowlegeable dealer will be able to take care of getting you a personalized serial number (subject to certain constraints dictated by Tom).

Any suggestions on places other than Magdons ? I'm not so keen on the wait but if I have to it's fine.

brian b
12-04-2004, 03:08 PM
Have you tried Charleys at :cool: www.charleysguitar.com

Stan Malinowski
12-04-2004, 03:25 PM
Being the beginning of December it will probably be difficult to find a dealer who can have a custom order started any earlier than March/April. Keep in mind that the necks for a particular guitar are started well in advance of the body. I would probably guess that necks for guitars due to be shipped in late Jan are just being started.

12-04-2004, 03:43 PM
Audio Light up in Virginia did a great job for me!

www.audiolight.com ask for Wendell


12-04-2004, 04:10 PM
Being the beginning of December it will probably be difficult to find a dealer who can have a custom order started any earlier than March/April. Keep in mind that the necks for a particular guitar are started well in advance of the body. I would probably guess that necks for guitars due to be shipped in late Jan are just being started.

Ok, thanks Stan.

Anyone have any suggestions/opinions about the H2+ or H3 ?

I'm looking to play : ACDC, Aerosmith, Beatles, Bon Jovi, Dire Straits, Eagle Eye Cherry, Green Day, Guns N Roses, Iron Maiden, Joe Satriani, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Paul Gilbert, Richie Sambora, SRV, Thin Lizzy, VH & ZZ Top. Something really versatile and clear/transparent with some gain when needed.

I'm using a TSL100 right now with my set up.

12-04-2004, 05:04 PM
Ok, thanks Stan.

Anyone have any suggestions/opinions about the H2+ or H3 ?

I'm looking to play : ACDC, Aerosmith, Beatles, Bon Jovi, Dire Straits, Eagle Eye Cherry, Green Day, Guns N Roses, Iron Maiden, Joe Satriani, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Paul Gilbert, Richie Sambora, SRV, Thin Lizzy, VH & ZZ Top. Something really versatile and clear/transparent with some gain when needed.

I'm using a TSL100 right now with my set up.

I'm sure Magdon is a great dealer and can deliver all you want, but so is Steve at Wildwood. I used to work there and just wanted to put in a thumbs up to them as well. Who ever you choose from these two will be honest and work hard for you. I also looked at your P/U selection and it seems a little on the higher output side. Maybe some further discussion with Roy at Anderson's or Steve at Wildwood or Stan at Magdon would help get more of what you want. Some of the Artists listed are more thin or lower output P/U guys like SRV, Sambora, George Harrison (Beatles) and Dire Straits. Maybe the combination of a high output bridge P/U with some M-series combo P/U in the neck position?

Jimmie B

12-04-2004, 05:52 PM
I'm sure Magdon is a great dealer and can deliver all you want, but so is Steve at Wildwood. I used to work there and just wanted to put in a thumbs up to them as well. Who ever you choose from these two will be honest and work hard for you. I also looked at your P/U selection and it seems a little on the higher output side. Maybe some further discussion with Roy at Anderson's or Steve at Wildwood or Stan at Magdon would help get more of what you want. Some of the Artists listed are more thin or lower output P/U guys like SRV, Sambora, George Harrison (Beatles) and Dire Straits. Maybe the combination of a high output bridge P/U with some M-series combo P/U in the neck position?

Jimmie B

Well it'd be H1- for the neck, SA1 for the middle single and I can't make my choice between the H2+ or the H3 for bridge. I would have the B5 with push pull option. Can I get vintage voicing with that too ?

12-04-2004, 06:24 PM
Well for me I like to have the option of not hitting the amp real hard. So out of those two the H2+. You can get all the OD or Distortion you need from amps or pedals, but you can't take it away from the P/U. Please know I'm more of a bluesy type lower output P/U guy. I do have a bridge H2 in my DT for lead playing and it's plenty hot for me. I think most predominatly expressive players prefer less output P/U's for reasons of more dynamics and use pedals to increase the output. Usually the the more output the more compression and the less dynamics. I do think you can get vintage voicing, I think it has more to do with switching between either a 250k/500k volume pot, I'm not an electronics guy though...

Jimmie B

12-04-2004, 09:48 PM
Well for me I like to have the option of not hitting the amp real hard. So out of those two the H2+. You can get all the OD or Distortion you need from amps or pedals, but you can't take it away from the P/U. Please know I'm more of a bluesy type lower output P/U guy. I do have a bridge H2 in my DT for lead playing and it's plenty hot for me. I think most predominatly expressive players prefer less output P/U's for reasons of more dynamics and use pedals to increase the output. Usually the the more output the more compression and the less dynamics. I do think you can get vintage voicing, I think it has more to do with switching between either a 250k/500k volume pot, I'm not an electronics guy though...

Jimmie B

Thanks alot Jimmie, you make a real good point.

12-04-2004, 10:27 PM
The H3 is darker, more compressed, and less dynamic than the H2+, yet the H2+ is still a hot pick up.

We use "vintage voicing" in the switching circuit when a humbucker is used in conjuntion with a single coil pu... V.V. is activated automatically when you switch to a single (or split sound). It's used to be an option, but it's standard now.

12-05-2004, 12:55 AM
Any suggestions on places other than Magdons ? I'm not so keen on the wait but if I have to it's fine.

Brian Harris - Charley's Guitars, Dallas, TX. You WILL NOT be disappointed by the turnaround time nor the customer service. 972/243-4187. THE #1 Anderson Dealer in the World!! :)

12-05-2004, 08:05 AM
Brian Harris - Charley's Guitars, Dallas, TX. You WILL NOT be disappointed by the turnaround time nor the customer service. 972/243-4187. THE #1 Anderson Dealer in the World!! :)

Will e-mail right now :)

12-05-2004, 10:40 AM
Being the beginning of December it will probably be difficult to find a dealer who can have a custom order started any earlier than March/April.

I believe that an order for MArch isn't started in March, but rather FIONISHED in March. I have an order through Jack and I got the 3rd week of November slot, which means I should have been dine in the 3rd week of November, not started then.

So if our friend can get a March slot, he should have his guitar ready then.

At least I THINK that's how Herr Gretz has explained it. And last I talked to him, he did have March slots open.

Stan Malinowski
12-05-2004, 12:38 PM
I believe that an order for MArch isn't started in March, but rather FIONISHED in March. I have an order through Jack and I got the 3rd week of November slot, which means I should have been dine in the 3rd week of November, not started then.


That is exactly what I was saying. The manufacturer & stabilization of the neck is the long lead item in the manufacturing process. I believe it is started about 6 weeks prior to the manuacture of the rest of the guitar which is very close to the actual delivery date. Having ordered quite a few Andersons from Jack I use the following rule of thumb:

I like to buy an Anderson for my birthday which is in January. I ask Jack well in advance of January to reserve me a January build slot. The neck for my guitar is started sometime in late November/early December. The body, finishing and asembly will take place in early/mid January. After assembly the guitar sits at Anderson and a number of adjustments are typically made to the neck over a week time span or so, until the neck is stable unber string tension. Final adjustements are made and the guitar is shipped. Therefore when I reserve a January build slot, I would expect to see my guitar between mid-January and early February depending on on how early in January the build slot occurred.

Stan Malinowski
12-05-2004, 12:41 PM
Maybe some further discussion with Roy at Anderson's or Steve at Wildwood or Stan at Magdon would help get more of what you want.

Actually I don't work for Magdons. I bought my first PRS from Jack at Magdons back in 1999. Over the last 5 years I've ordered about 8 PRSs, 7 Andersons and 2 Custom made Gretz Guitars. Obviously Jack and I have become very good friends over the years in addition to our business dealings.

brian b
12-05-2004, 01:14 PM
You will enjoy dealing with Brian He is as straight of sales person you would ever want to find.. And he knows his anderson's :cool:

12-05-2004, 01:35 PM
A quick question.

Hows the TA Standard neck shape ?

What's the closest similar guitar to it ?

I own a Ibanez JS1000, Fender Strat (not sure what shape it is but it looks like an old vintage neck and feels real nice) which would most likely be the closest comparisons.

Stan Malinowski
12-05-2004, 01:45 PM
This thread is going in a direction which I had hoped it would not. It is human nature (and I am no different) to want to support people and businesses we have had good experiences with. Anderson has many dealers, both large and small and all must meet standards set by TAG to become and maintain their dealership status. Unfortunately this thread seems really to be turning into a contest and promotion for various dealers.

Before the forum began Jack Gretz and I discussed the pros and cons of dealer participation on the forum. We decided that to be fair to all dealers, we would have to regulate discussions which turned towards a dealer popularity contest. Jack and the people at Magdon have been sensiitve to not portray the stance that their sponsership and financial contribution create any favoritism or bias towards any dealer (including themeselves).

1) I am locking this thread.
2) Future threads which go down this path will be deleted.
3) If you feel the need to state dealer preferences please do it via private emails between members.

I am sorry I need to take this action, but we need to show some consideration for our sponser, as well as other Anderson dealers.

Please email me directly to discuss this issue if you feel the need.