View Full Version : Mesa Stilleto

12-01-2004, 06:00 PM
I just came back from a lunch break at the local guitar store where I played the Mesa Stilleto briefly. My opinion? Somewhat disappointed. Prior to playing it, I thought it was supposed to be Mesa's answer to a Marshall. However, it sounds nothing like a Marshall. The closest it got to being a Marshall was the crunch mode on either channel (is it the same??), but it still wasn't close as it lacked the balls and tightness of a classic Marshall. It also didn't have as much high mid bite as a Marshall. Channel 2 on the other two modes (especially the bottom mode) sounded like classic thick mid Mesa. Gain wise, there wasn't that much-it had enough for 70's to early 80's type stuff, but not more than that. I spent a whopping 30 seconds on the clean channel modes on Channel 1, so I can't give a good opinion on it, but my initial impression was that the clean was a little stiff compared to the Mark IV's clean and even the Nomad's clean. Overall, not a bad amp for classic rock type of stuff, just a little disappointing given the hype I've been reading about for the last year.

12-01-2004, 07:10 PM
I just came back from a lunch break at the local guitar store where I played the Mesa Stilleto briefly. My opinion?

However, it sounds nothing like a Marshall.

but it still wasn't close as it lacked the balls and tightness of a classic Marshall.

It also didn't have as much high mid bite as a Marshall.

hmm.....let's see, the name on the amp......hmmm.......wait, what was that again?.......hmmm....oh....wait.....it says MESA. :rolleyes:

No seriously, I'd actually be surprised if Randy Smith's stuff NAILED that tone (we BOTH love soooo much! :cool: )

Seems like Mesa's trying to grab some of the newer boutique, Germino/Bogner/Blockhead/Diezel/Cornford-marketshare, by manufacturing an amp that leans towards a British-styling. For my $$$, SL/JCM/JMP is the way to go!

12-01-2004, 07:53 PM
hmm.....let's see, the name on the amp......hmmm.......wait, what was that again?.......hmmm....oh....wait.....it says MESA. :rolleyes:

No seriously, I'd actually be surprised if Randy Smith's stuff NAILED that tone (we BOTH love soooo much! :cool: )

Seems like Mesa's trying to grab some of the newer boutique, Germino/Bogner/Blockhead/Diezel/Cornford-marketshare, by manufacturing an amp that leans towards a British-styling. For my $$$, SL/JCM/JMP is the way to go!

Yeah, well I admit I got sucked into believing Mesa's bravado advertising schemes as always! I gotta say they are marketing geniuses-they even have people believing you don't have to rebias their amps for goodness sakes! Ha! Just joking. I like Mesa-their amps have a very unique tone, but sometimes their marketing jargon gets a little too over the top. In contrast, check out the latest Marshall full page ad-all you see is a wall of stacked Marshall heads. No words, no BS. Classic and cool!!

John Price
12-01-2004, 08:13 PM
I felt somewhat the same about Boogie amps until!!!!!
One day I plugged into the LoneStar Head and did a double take! I was able to take this head home for the evening thinking it will only go back to the store the next day!!! Well I still have the amp and it's been a few months since, I purchased it the next day! This is the amp Mesa should be talking about having that Marshall tone! It sounds, feels like no other Mesa/Boogie ever made.....

Just my opinion!!!


12-02-2004, 07:38 PM
I felt somewhat the same about Boogie amps until!!!!!
One day I plugged into the LoneStar Head and did a double take! I was able to take this head home for the evening thinking it will only go back to the store the next day!!! Well I still have the amp and it's been a few months since, I purchased it the next day! This is the amp Mesa should be talking about having that Marshall tone! It sounds, feels like no other Mesa/Boogie ever made.....

Just my opinion!!!



I totally agree! I own a 2x12 version and I love it. It has the old plexi tone, but much more control in the clean tones and of course with OD tones with it's master volume. I have been using it at 50 watt setting with the tweed power on. Boogie says it's running at 30 watts that way. By the way they have released a Class A version of the Lone star with ratings of 30 watts, 15 watts and I think 5 watts. It uses 4 EL 84's and only comes in a 1 x 12. I have been a Boogie nut since the Mark 1 and after owning the Lone Star this amp walks on all other Boogies. It is so dynamic and holds it's own with the other boutique type amps. To me Boogie is no longer a boutique amp. Though I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Boogie guy, Bogner, Carr, Dr. Maz, and Tone King are awesome amps and would be proud to have any one. Bogner still wins for the Marshall tones. Carr and Tone King are tied for on steroids Black Face tones. The Dr Maz tones on the Zendrive demo where unbelieveable, not to mention the playing. Boogie has been tring to do a Marshall thing for a long time they claimed the Mark 3 had some Marshall tone and the Triaxis red lead as well. I even heard some folk try to say the Tremo-verb and other Dual Rectos had some Marshall in them, Maybe, I don't think so... the Lone Star is the closest thing.
Has anyone heard the Class A LoneStar?

Jimmie B

12-19-2004, 04:12 PM
I bought the Stiletto Deuce yesterday and have not spent a whole lot of time dialing in MY sound. That being said, I've used the "Factory Sample Settings" to dial in several different sounds to give everyone an idea about what this amp can do.

Mind you, this is straight amp. No effects. Just guitar, cable, amp.

I had a friend of mine play the clips. He is a great guitarist, the kind who can play the songs from 20 years ago, just by remembering the way they go... He is much more into the Robert Johnson style of blues/ragtime than anything metal, but as you will see, his rock chops are quite impressive. His name is Aaron Loesch and he deserves all the credit for the clips you are going to hear.


I have a few more clips, but the site wont let me post any more, since I've exceeded 10 megs.

The guitars used were an Anderson Hollow Drop Top, Anderson Classic, and Hamer Artist Custom. The clips were recorded into a Boss digital recorder, dry. I had to use an SM58 as no 57's were available.


If you are so inclined, you can visit the Mesa Boogie website, download the PDF file of the Stiletto manual and see all of the settings used to get the tones you'll hear. I've named each clip exactly the way they've named them in the manual and the settings are, well, exactly as they are in the manual.

You guys can judge for yourself what the amp sounds like. I am quite impressed by its versatility. So many great sounds. I'm not sure the tape captured the actual sound of the room.

The following gives you the clip name and the guitar used (in no particular order):

Spankin Clean: Hamer, Both Pickups
Detuned Rhythm: Anderson Classic, Bridge Pickup
Burning Solo: Anderson Drop Top, Bridge Pickup
Blues Breakin A: Hamer, Open E Tuning
Blues Breakin B: Hamer, Open E Tuning
Skinny Clean: Anderson Drop Top, Bridge Pickup
Grinding Tight Crunch Clean: Anderson Drop Top, Bridge Pickup
Big Clean: Hamer, Open E Tuning
Bigger Lead: Hamer, Standard Tuning
Brown Crunch: Anderson Drop Top, Bridge
Brit Crunch: Hamer, Standard Tuning
Flat Out A: Hamer, Standard Tuning
Flat Out B: Hamer, Standard Tuning

I have three more clips I was unable to post due to size limits.


12-20-2004, 12:21 AM
Honestly after hearing the sound bytes theat is a great sounding amp, The brit crunch tone is quite accurate as well as the others nicer amp than I thought.

Jimmie B

12-20-2004, 03:17 PM
I've got no problem with the Stilleto per se. It's a very versatile amp as are many other Mesa amps. I was just disappointed as I had thought this amp would be Mesa's answer to Marshall amps as the Mesa ads claimed it would be. IMO, it doesn't sound like a classic non-mv or 2203/2204 Marshall. For example, on the Man on the Silver Mountain and Beautiful Girls clips, the mids are too thick and pronounced to be a classic Marshall IMHO. I don't know if there's too much gain on the clips, or if there is too much compression from the recording (or if my speakers aren't that good), but there is something in the mids that doesn't make it a Marshall. This is just my opinion, and I'm sure others will disagree which is fine, but that's my take on the amp insomuch as how it relates or compares to a Marshall.

12-20-2004, 04:26 PM
keep in mind that the songs played for each particular setting were decided on about a minute before the clips were recorded.

Not a lot of, "Gee, I want to get a Blackmore tone... dial in... dial in... dail in... AH, NOW its nailed". Nothing like that.

Off the cuff. Inspired by the sound the amp was making, at least the initial impression the tone gave.

12-20-2004, 05:26 PM
IMO, it doesn't sound like a classic non-mv or 2203/2204 Marshall. For example, on the Man on the Silver Mountain and Beautiful Girls clips, the mids are too thick and pronounced to be a classic Marshall IMHO.

Agreed. The Little Guitars/Beautiful Girls/Hang 'em High clip sounded "grainer" than my Marshalls. Again, I'm not sure at what MV evel the amp was at while recording, but it's sounds like a lot of preamp gain, IMO. I'd like to hear the Stiletto screamin volume where the EL34's have a chance to really breathe.

there is something in the mids that doesn't make it a Marshall. This is just my opinion, and I'm sure others will disagree which is fine, but that's my take on the amp insomuch as how it relates or compares to a Marshall.

You're just jealous that you don't have one...admit it! :p

12-20-2004, 06:54 PM
Agreed. The Little Guitars/Beautiful Girls/Hang 'em High clip sounded "grainer" than my Marshalls. Again, I'm not sure at what MV evel the amp was at while recording, but it's sounds like a lot of preamp gain, IMO. I'd like to hear the Stiletto screamin volume where the EL34's have a chance to really breathe.

You're just jealous that you don't have one...admit it! :p

I was wondering when the real marshall man would post!! The clips didn't have that Marshall clean distortion as we all know and love! It's all in the mids!! BTW-supertrem, supertrem, supertrem, supertrem, Mike needs to sell supertrem, Mike needs to sell supertrem, supertrem. Nothing better than overt (who needs subliminal) messages! :D

12-20-2004, 10:57 PM
I was wondering when the real marshall man would post!! The clips didn't have that Marshall clean distortion as we all know and love! It's all in the mids!! BTW-supertrem, supertrem, supertrem, supertrem, Mike needs to sell supertrem, Mike needs to sell supertrem, supertrem. Nothing better than overt (who needs subliminal) messages! :D

dude, you're too funny. hey, did you hear someone say something about a Super Trem? :eek: ;)

12-27-2004, 11:05 AM
The volume the clips were recorded at were only about 30% of the total volume allowed, so no, the tubes werent breathing, or even coming close to breaking a sweat. Recording was done after 9 in a residential area that I didnt want neighbors calling the police.

12-28-2004, 02:10 PM
I felt somewhat the same about Boogie amps until!!!!!
One day I plugged into the LoneStar Head and did a double take! I was able to take this head home for the evening thinking it will only go back to the store the next day!!! Well I still have the amp and it's been a few months since, I purchased it the next day! This is the amp Mesa should be talking about having that Marshall tone! It sounds, feels like no other Mesa/Boogie ever made.....

Just my opinion!!!

Ya'know Boogie amps have never appealed to me at all, tried them many times and just dont like them for my own playing. I sat and played a lone star for about 20 minutes at Guitars Ect in Tucson and that is a great sounding amp! Extremely versital with a great non mushy crunch. I was very impressed. They really have something there. IMO