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11-23-2003, 07:22 PM
Sorry, but isn't the amp a significant part of the equation also? Not to mention any pedals or rack units...what's everybody using?

11-23-2003, 09:31 PM
yes, very significant. i can get used to a new guitar, providing there's an A on the headstock, faster than i can a new amp. right now i'm using a carr rambler with a bogner 1x12 cab and a bunch of pedals. all my playing is low stage volume with everything mic'd. i also have a little boogie subway rocket head that i run throught he same rig.the whole pedal thing is new for me, and i have to admit i'm having a bunch of fun with them. i grew up with a guitar, cord, and amps. different size amps for different gigs cause what ever i was using had to be at least turnered to 7. it really was much tougher in the old days. man, i can't believe i said that. there are so many great amps these days, i think you just have to fine the one that fits your particular situation, and spend some time working with it. the people we hear from that seem to have the hardest time getting their tone, are those who don't spend enough time dialing in their gear. i know new gear is fun, but you gotta spend some time to find what it does best.

11-24-2003, 12:47 AM
So Tom... Just how old are you??

11-24-2003, 06:33 AM
I'm using a Fuchs ODS 50 watt head and 1x12 cab for gigs. I've also got a Fuchs modded Fender DRRI that I use for practice and jam nights. On my pedalboard I've got a Clyde Wah>Boss tuner>Barber Tone Press>Fat Boost>Full Drive 2>Choralflange>Boss Delay. All the pedals are keepers, except I'd like to replace the digital delay with an analog unit.

11-24-2003, 11:10 AM
i'm 49 going on 24. i have a hard time understanding how i could have a 21 year old son.

11-24-2003, 11:41 AM
i'll be 58 when my son is 28 and i'll be 58 when my daughter is 21, also.

58! now that's funny!

John Price
11-24-2003, 04:51 PM
My setup consists of a Hughes & Kettner TriAmp MKII head into a Genz Benz G-Flex 4x12 cab, I also have a Boogie 4x12 standard cab and at gig's I will use a Genz Benz G-Flex 2x12.....

The effects board has a dunlop wah into a MXR phase 90 going straight into the front of the amp. Next I have the boss ch-1 into a dd-20 into a rv-5 all going through the effects loop that is switchable to be on or off.
For stage I like to use the boss tu-2 tuner getting signal off my wah pedal (it has 2 output jacks!) but at home I use the Peterson vs-II.......
I've got other goodies lying around the house but this is my main rig.....

All this is supporting my 2 Anderson guitars:
A Hollow Cobra / and my Hollow Drop Top!

I'm not telling my age....because I forgot!:D

11-25-2003, 01:33 AM
Two Rock Custom Reverb into my (brand new) Mesa 1x12" cab with Celestion Black Shadow.

I usually gig with that amp and a Dunlop wah, Boss Gigadelay pedal, Fulltone Fulldrive II and a Boss TU-2 tuner, but sometimes I just use the wah and the tuner.

Lately I've just been bringing my TA Classic (with VAs) to all of my gigs. I'm going to be playing on TV (local Fox Morning news show) on Thanksgiving morning -- but if Tom wants me to use one of my TA's he's got to give me an endorsement deal. Otherwise I'm bring the Baker.

Last time we did that show, there were lots of close-ups of my guitar (Cobra that time) -- but that's the last free-bee Tom.

Waiting for that e-mail.......

Still waiting........;)

Stan Malinowski
11-25-2003, 05:34 AM
Present amps of choice for me are:

1) Dr Z Maz 18 Jr (2 x 10 Dr Z Speakers)
2) Bad Cat Mini Cat (10" Eber Silver Bell)

Both are killer amps for any type of single coil guitar! I also recently discovered tow killer "toys":

1) Tonebone Classic - this pedal has a 12AX7 tube in it, FANTASTIC overdrive/distortion and the increased harmonic content is out of this world!
2) Z Airbrake - based on a Trainwreck design this attenuator does not compromise your tone at all. A radical improvement over other attenutaors like the THD Hotplate, etc.

11-25-2003, 12:03 PM
I currently own three amps for my Andersons:

Bogner Uberschall
Bogner Shiva (6L6)
THD Flexi (I just picked it up yesterday!-Great amp!!)

The only current fx I'm using is a Rocktron Intellifex for delay and a little chorus. I'm probably going to ditch it though as the Bogners like it raw. I'm going to pick up a wah, but I'm not sure which one to get yet as I've owned quite a few without being totally happy. I also use a Z Airbrake to keep the volume down (yes, even master volume amps like attenuators!). I have 2 Bogner cabs-a 2x12 oversize and a 1x12 cube.

11-25-2003, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by Stan Malinowski
1) Tonebone Classic - this pedal has a 12AX7 tube in it, FANTASTIC overdrive/distortion and the increased harmonic content is out of this world!
2) Z Airbrake - based on a Trainwreck design this attenuator does not compromise your tone at all. A radical improvement over other attenutaors like the THD Hotplate, etc.

I agree on the ToneBone. I don't have one, but I tried one with a Dr Z. Carmen Ghia and got great tones at 'safe' home studio volumes.

I disagree on the Airbrake though. I tried one on the same Dr. Z. amp (CG). The first few positions only reduce volume minimally, and the bedroom setting killed the amp's tone completely (to my ears). If good tone at low(er) volume is what you want, you're better off with the CG and ToneBone combination in my opinion.

Stan Malinowski
11-25-2003, 12:42 PM
I disagree on the Airbrake though. I tried one on the same Dr. Z. amp (CG). The first few positions only reduce volume minimally, and the bedroom setting killed the amp's tone completely (to my ears). If good tone at low(er) volume is what you want, you're better off with the CG and ToneBone combination in my opinion.


I don't think you can directly compare the Maz Jr with the Carmen Ghia. When I tried out the CG its minimalist controls (volume & tone) didn't allow me to dial in a tone that I liked. The wider variety of controls on the Maz 18 Jr (vol, treble, mid, bass, cut and master) allowed me to dial in some great tones on both my single coil and humbucker guitars. I've heard 3 different Dr Z amps run with the Airbrake - 2 Maz 38's and my Maz 18 Jr - and all lost very little tone at higher attenuation levels. Maybe the Airbrake doesn't work well with the CG - the Dr himself notes that some internal tweaking of the Airbrake may be necessary for various amps. I also have to note that I make some slight adjustment to the Maz's tone settings while using the Airbrake. This may be compensating for some tonal loss thru the Airbrake. The tone of the Maz/Airbrake setup sounds incredible when I run the Tonebone into the Maz and attenuate with the Airbrake.

11-25-2003, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by JoeB63
I agree on the ToneBone. I don't have one, but I tried one with a Dr Z. Carmen Ghia and got great tones at 'safe' home studio volumes.

I disagree on the Airbrake though. I tried one on the same Dr. Z. amp (CG). The first few positions only reduce volume minimally, and the bedroom setting killed the amp's tone completely (to my ears). If good tone at low(er) volume is what you want, you're better off with the CG and ToneBone combination in my opinion.

Although I agree the Z brake does take away from the tone at the variable setting, it's definitely the most transaparent attenuator I've owned or played.

11-25-2003, 08:52 PM
Alrighty...keep it coming gents!:D

Stan...If memory serves, and that's a big if, didn't I play your whale blue(?) Gretz guitar the day you were picking it up from Magdon?

11-25-2003, 09:03 PM
I recently built an Allen Accomplice kit and have it in a custom Sultone cab. Unfortunately, I spec'd a staggered 2-10 baffle and the upper speaker tried to occupy the same space as the PT. I sent the baffle back to Bill at Sultone and it should be back here tomorrow. Once I get it all together I'll take some pics and post 'em. Speakers are Weber 10F10T and Jensen C10Q RI.

My next project is a version of Allen's Encore, which is similar to a BF Vibroloux with bias-mod tremolo. I have the chassis and trannies, but I'm waiting until after NAMM to dig in and build it. I'll probably have someone make a custom head cab for it. I'm considering an Avatar 2-12 with which to mate it.

For some unspeakable reason, I have recently found myself with a rack. I gave these things up in '93 fer cryin' out loud! Any way, I've got an ADA MP-1, an old Intellifex and a Boogie 2:90 to satisfy my shredding days nostalgia. Going through a Hughes & Kettner cab thats been following me around for over 10 years.

Stan Malinowski
11-26-2003, 05:53 AM

I built an Allen Old Flame a couple of years ago - it is truely a great "Blackface" amp! I had a lot of fun building the kit and David Allen is top notch in his parts selection, design and support.

Just like I was glad to see another Anderson Fanatic in Connecticut, I am glad to find an Allen Amp Fan in the area!

Stan Malinowski
11-26-2003, 07:14 AM
Stan...If memory serves, and that's a big if, didn't I play your whale blue(?) Gretz guitar the day you were picking it up from Magdon?

Your memory is correct that was my Gretz Custom you played - swamp ash back, maple top, solid Brazilian RW neck - one sustain monster!

11-26-2003, 06:40 PM
I thought so. I'm in the planning stages for a Gretz original myself. :eek: :D

12-03-2003, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by SteveK
Sorry, but isn't the amp a significant part of the equation also? Not to mention any pedals or rack units...what's everybody using?

71 Marshall Super Trem w/ a Keeley DS-1 (Ultra Mod), Evidence Lyric and Siren cables, and a 5150 cab (I know, Peavey - but it sings w/ the Keeley and can handle the power of the Super Trem).
Coupled w/ an Anderson and HO p/ups - TONE NIRVANA!!

For even more VH overdrive, I insert a THD Hotplate. And I am now convinced that a variac (run at about 105 volts) will reduce the wear on the trannies (but risk cathode stripping) while generating the closest tone to VH1 I've ever experienced. For cabs, insert the 100W Marshall cab and mix as desired. Result: Robust tone, w/ plenty of **sparkle** and minimal loose, low end.

12-07-2003, 07:52 AM
Slo Soldano, Vht Pittbull classic though two Marshall 4-12 cabs 25watt greenbacks in stereo. It works for me.

12-07-2003, 05:45 PM
My CAE 3+SE runs right into an Eventide Eclipse then out into a VHT Two/Fifty/Two. Well, the signal does take a couple of detours: from the 3+SE it hits a Rocktron Guitar Silencer first, before the Eclipse, and before the VHT, I sometimes use a BBE 882 when I'm playing at low volumes.


12-09-2003, 04:54 AM
lets look in the old gear cupboard -

well im using either

a rivera chubster with a 100w fane alnico spkr - sounds great now with huge bottom end ( but the original spkr was cr*p) or

a 1969 all original super reverb ( original ab763 blackface circuit)

or 1964 AC30T JMI - amazing tone but so heavy

pedals wise - ive been thru everything in teh book - at the moment am using fulltone clyde wah, visual sound route 66.fulltone distortion pro, menatone TBIAC,menatone mailbomb envelope filter,line 6 MM4,Fatboost,Visual sound H20,Boss (yuk) octaver

I play a lot of different styles and do various bits of studio stuff so this gives me the variety of sound tools I need

The really sad thing tho and it makes me raelly jealous reading everone's posts is that teh live music market in teh uk is DEAD!


Also there are very few rehearsal spaces to use and very few gig venues

the beloved uk govt are bringing in a law that any venue that has more than 2 people playing/singing has to get a $40000 pa licence and teh little venues just cant afford it

also here live music with a few exceptions is mainly tribute bands

its really dire if you are a live player -

i had a record and publishing deal during teh 90's and am moving onto doingh multimedia music but I ache to play -

Ive spent alot of time in the US over the years and always noticed the technical quality of US players is generally higher than over here - i think teh brits are lazy and get by ( in their own heads at least by claiming they are o so creative )

but the lack of quality live playing venues also means there's little chance to really cut your chops

12-13-2003, 03:01 PM
I'm a Boogie man. I rely on a MKIV through a 4x12 Recto for live gigs. I use to use a VHT 50CL but I prefer Boogies. For recording I use the MKIV and a new F-30 head through a Boogie 1x12 Thiele cabinet. I record dry but live I use a t.c. G-Major through the loop. In front of the amp I have a Tube Screamer and a Dunlop wah mounted on a board with the Boogie footswitch. I also have a Top Hat Club Royale collecting dust.

Guitars are all Anderson - Classics, 'T' Classic and a Drop Top 'T'.

12-22-2003, 12:22 AM
Bunch o amps. Bunch o pedals :D.

- Two-Rock Ruby
- Divided by 13 FTR 37
- Roccaforte Custom 80
- Matchless SC30
- Alessandro English
- SWR California Blonde
- (2) Vox Pathfinder 15r amps, used in stereo

- Custom 4x12
- Divided by 13 2x12
- (2) Divided by 13 1x12s

Wet rig
Rocktron Replifex stereo effects processor
Mosvalve stereo poweramp
(2) ÷ 13 1x12s.

It's fed my amp's output signal from a Weber MASS unit.

Regular pedal board
EB Vol pedal
Fulltone Clyde Wah Deluxe
Blackbox Oxygen Compressor
Blackbox Cobalt od pedal
H2O Liquid Chorus / Delay stereo pedal

Wet Rig Pedal board
Ground Control Pro MIDI controller
EB Vol Pedal
Fulltone Clyde Wah Deluxe
Second EB Vol pedal used to control some MIDI params
Lehle A/B/Y box for switcing channels on my ÷ 13 and SC30

Keep these in my rack and control them with the GCP:
- Blackbox Oxygen Compressor
- Xotic AC Booster
- Fulltone Ultimate Octave

I use the GCP with an Axess GRX4 to turn my pedals on and off, to select effects patches in my Replifex and to turn param on/off within patches.

12-22-2003, 03:56 AM

what kind of playing do you do that you u need that amazing rig -

Also how many feet do you have? I reckon u neeed at least three to control that gear


Tom Gross
12-22-2003, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by oscar100

what kind of playing do you do that you u need that amazing rig -

Also how many feet do you have? I reckon u neeed at least three to control that gear


Leon's a fantastic player. Click on the link in his sig and check it out.

12-22-2003, 10:55 AM
i recently switched over from a big refrigerator rack, and now i have a line6 vetta HD (now a II), with 2 older boogie 4x12's half back cabs.

thing is awesome..


12-22-2003, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by oscar100

what kind of playing do you do that you u need that amazing rig -

Also how many feet do you have? I reckon u neeed at least three to control that gear


Well the simple truth is...I don't need that kind of rig -- but I sure do like playing through it ;) . Ironically, when I was playing for a living I couldn't afford anything like that and moreover, wouldn't be willing to drag it around. But I'm past that point in life--now I'm only playing for fun. And can afford it and don't mind dragging it around that much.

It sounds absolutely incredible and makes me happy. I've never heard time-based effects sound as good...and the stereo wet cabs make the guitar sound absolutely huge.

Tom - thanks for the kinds words; you're not exactly a slouch yourself!!

12-22-2003, 11:15 AM
I sold my Replifex last year and I regret doing it. I miss the rotary speaker presets especially.


12-22-2003, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by nickdahl
I sold my Replifex last year and I regret doing it. I miss the rotary speaker presets especially.


Bingo. The delays are decent. The choruses are decent. The reverbs aren't too good IMO. But the rotary speaker stuff on the Replifex is half the reason why I got it.

12-22-2003, 11:22 AM
I'm listening to your rendition of "Little Wing" right now. Do I hear the Replifex on it?


12-22-2003, 11:27 AM
Actually, no, all but one of the recordings on "my music" page were done with a Line 6 AX2!! The one called "Texas Style Blues" was done on a Line 6 Vetta.

I'm using the Replifex in the videos of my ÷ 13 amp w/wet rig.

I went through a period where I was into the digital stuff. I still think it's capable of sounding quite good. But I have a hard time making DMA work for me live. Too much complexity...too many params and patches etc. Decided simpler, more responsive amps give me a more rewarding playing experience.

12-22-2003, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by LeonC
Bunch o amps. Bunch o pedals :D.

- Two-Rock Ruby
- Divided by 13 FTR 37
- Roccaforte Custom 80
- Matchless SC30
- Alessandro English
- SWR California Blonde
- (2) Vox Pathfinder 15r amps, used in stereo

- Custom 4x12
- Divided by 13 2x12
- (2) Divided by 13 1x12s

Wet rig
Rocktron Replifex stereo effects processor
Mosvalve stereo poweramp
(2) ÷ 13 1x12s.

It's fed my amp's output signal from a Weber MASS unit.

Regular pedal board
EB Vol pedal
Fulltone Clyde Wah Deluxe
Blackbox Oxygen Compressor
Blackbox Cobalt od pedal
H2O Liquid Chorus / Delay stereo pedal

Wet Rig Pedal board
Ground Control Pro MIDI controller
EB Vol Pedal
Fulltone Clyde Wah Deluxe
Second EB Vol pedal used to control some MIDI params
Lehle A/B/Y box for switcing channels on my ÷ 13 and SC30

Keep these in my rack and control them with the GCP:
- Blackbox Oxygen Compressor
- Xotic AC Booster
- Fulltone Ultimate Octave

I use the GCP with an Axess GRX4 to turn my pedals on and off, to select effects patches in my Replifex and to turn param on/off within patches.

Leon, your rig is absolutely incredible. How long does it take for you (or your roadies!) to put that all together?

12-22-2003, 01:45 PM
Thanks pluto, but I hope I didn't give anyone the impression that I use all that junk on a gig! At most gigs (unless we're playing somewhere really tiny) I'll bring:

- amp
- dry cab
- 8 space rack
- 2 1x12 wet cabs
- cables, MASS
- pedal board

Takes about 15 minutes to get everything wired tested. Of course, it takes extra time (above and beyond simple rig with all pedals in front of amp) to drag everything to/from the gig. Probably about an extra 7 or 8 minutes in each direction. I'm not a complete fool--I built a dolly that I can stack stuff on :D.


÷ 13 rig with Thron Guitar #009 (http://www.Patchwerkz.com/LeonsGear/DividedBy13/rig1.JPG) (got Tom's pickups in there :).

Pedal board (http://www.PatchWerkz.com/Uploads/WetDryFloorPedals.jpg)

Hey why doesn't this forum support vB code? The 'help' system sez that it does...:confused: :mad: !!!

12-22-2003, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by LeonC
Thanks pluto, but I hope I didn't give anyone the impression that I use all that junk on a gig! At most gigs (unless we're playing somewhere really tiny) I'll bring:

- amp
- dry cab
- 8 space rack
- 2 1x12 wet cabs
- cables, MASS
- pedal board

Takes about 15 minutes to get everything wired tested. Of course, it takes extra time (above and beyond simple rig with all pedals in front of amp) to drag everything to/from the gig. Probably about an extra 7 or 8 minutes in each direction. I'm not a complete fool--I built a dolly that I can stack stuff on :D.


÷ 13 rig with Thron Guitar #009 (http://www.Patchwerkz.com/LeonsGear/DividedBy13/rig1.JPG) (got Tom's pickups in there :).

Pedal board (http://www.PatchWerkz.com/Uploads/WetDryFloorPedals.jpg)

Hey why doesn't this forum support vB code? The 'help' system sez that it does...:confused: :mad: !!!

Nevertheless, that's a mean rig. That's pretty impressive that you can still wire up/set up everything within 15 minutes. Most guys that I know who do the local gigs here, have been going with one combo with a massive pedalboard. Heck, you must be SERIOUS about your tone!!!

12-23-2003, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by pluto
Nevertheless, that's a mean rig. That's pretty impressive that you can still wire up/set up everything within 15 minutes. Most guys that I know who do the local gigs here, have been going with one combo with a massive pedalboard. Heck, you must be SERIOUS about your tone!!!

heheh. Yup, getting "that sound" is what it's all about :cool: !

12-30-2003, 01:49 AM
It's probably boring but I still like my Triaxis, 2:90, G-Maj, and D-Two played through 2-2x12 Recto Cabs. I use a Ground Control
and 2 G-min's to turn on/off individual F/X's in the G-Maj, also 3 Erine Ball volume pedals 2 for Real Time Control on the Triaxis and the G-Maj, one for volume. I've got so many hours programing midi patches and real time control, changing rigs would be so much work. I've spent so many years buying and selling amps and guitars that in retrospect I never really got to 'know' any one of them... The Triaxis and my Andies are like old friends, I know them pretty well. Actually there's always new sounds to be discovered with a rig like mine which keeps my interest. I'm thinking about a Road King with 4x12 blended dry,
Like a wet cab/ dry cab 80's rig. Right now I can set up in a 1/2 hour from truck to stage, any more equipment would be a pain.
I would like to blend clean and dirty amp tones... maybe a second

Jimmie B