View Full Version : Question about Volume and Tone Pots

11-03-2004, 01:54 PM
I recently had an opportunity to have the volume an tone pots changed in my Hollow T Classic. Now I don't know a lot about this, I ws offered liner taper or audion taper, etc. And I was able to play the guitar right after they were changed, and try different options.

In short, I opted for the changed pots. I think they are audio taper. Never did know as much as I probably should about this. I know I got a result similar to my 52 Fender Tele RI that also has the cap changed.

I am considering doing the same for my new Drop Top Classic.

My question is (are) what are the options for volume and tone pots that any of you have tried?

Can Andys be ordered with other than standard pots?

Does it make more of a difference in the "classic" true single coil style guitars?

Does anyone have any more experience with this.

11-03-2004, 04:43 PM
Linear taper means that the resistance of the pot is evenly tapered throughout its travel. This means that when the pot is at 20% of its rotation, the resistance is at 20% of its max value, and so on.

Audio taper means that the resistance changes unevenly throughout the taper. The most dramatic changes are ususlally in the last 20% of the resistance path. To use the above example, when the pot is at 20% of its rotation, the resistance might be at 50% of its max value, for example.

With a guitar, this lets you vary your pickup volume dramatically with just a slight movement. Very good for riding the line between clean and dirty with the right kind of amp.

11-03-2004, 06:55 PM
an audio taper will sound like the volume is changing evenly as you turn down. a linear pot will change more radically at one end. if you decide to put in 250k pots which would be "vintage fender", you will need to remove the vintage voicing resister or you will load the pickups too much.

11-03-2004, 08:24 PM
Here's a great page I found that gives a great explanation behind both tapers and the psychoacoustic effect that each one has on audio signals.

Pot Page (http://www.bcae1.com/potentio.htm)

11-03-2004, 11:03 PM
Thanks for the info guys!