View Full Version : Wanna hear the POD XT Live?

Scott Peterson
11-01-2004, 05:15 PM
Nothing fancy, no tricks. Just what I am playing through nowadays.

The key to this pedal is the 4-band post-EQ; with it I can make the tones I dial in just sound perfect for my ear and needs. Well, almost better than perfect; like I was mixing out on the board. I know how to mix, I know how to EQ and I know what I want. Now.... well, I can just GET it. No sweat.

This is all out of context, just dry guitar with no other instruments. But you'll get the overall picture of what I like anyway.

Melancon Custom Artist -> VHT Valvulator -> Line 6 POD XT Live recorded direct digitally via USB out.

Sounds a lot like this:
Click here to hear the Melancon Custom Artist/POD XTL (

No outboard post EQ/Compression or effects -except out of the XTL. No tricks after I cut the clip. Just cut it and output the mp3.

For the digital hater's out there; don't listen *for* "digitis"; listen to the feel, the life, the bounce, the tone. I am really liking this setup.

The clip starts with my Melancon on the neck SC and a Fender Bassman Clean with the way. Then you'll hear it clean, with chorus, and delay.

Vox AC-30TB tone. Volumes up/down. Ranges of tones.

Marshall Classic Rock Tone - a bit darker, but it cuts very well.

Diezel Modern Rock Tone. Big full tone. Takes up some space sonically.

Soldano Modern Rock Tone. RAWK! Different tilt on the modern rock thing, cuts and fits in denser mixes or with other guitar tones in a rock format.

Bogner XTC - Modern Rock Tone. Big chewy rock tone; works well for most anything. Takes up a fair amount of sonics.

Marshall JCM 800 - A very useful heavier Marshall'esque tone that works well in classic rock or modern rock type of stuff.

Mesa Rectifier - Modern rock tone for the Creed/Bizkit stuff. Has good bass definition but still leaves room for the kick and bass player.

Back to clean. Faded out with the volume pedal.

Nothing over the top; and I did the clip this way not to highlight my playing, but to show a tiny touch of what I am doing with this pedal. It does SO much more; it'd take hours to demo it properly.

I really dig this thing.

11-01-2004, 05:46 PM
Sounds really nice, Scott. I guess there is just no excuse for getting a bad recorded sound these days. I've actually been using Amplitube recently and getting some pretty decent sounds with nothing but software, so I can relate to a large extent.

Out of curiosity, what does the Valvulator add to your sound with the POD?

Scott Peterson
11-01-2004, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by killerburst
Out of curiosity, what does the Valvulator add to your sound with the POD?

It adds lots of harmonics and overtones to the sound; but more than that -really- is the *feel* it adds back to playing the guitar.

The tones are there with modeling IMHO. I hear it; but the feel is the thing, the bounce, the interaction with an analog tube from the pickup. The Valvulator adds all that to the mix. I love the thing.

When I look at this rig it is mind blowing. It walks like an amp, it sounds like an amp... but it is a LOT easier to lug around. :D

11-01-2004, 07:38 PM
Speaking of adding real tube amp feel to a modeler... check out the Atomic Reactor 112 (http://www.atomicamps.com). It does what they say it does.

11-02-2004, 03:24 PM
Sounds like my PODxt PRO. I'm trying to get some recording done with my new POD, but I'm having some troubles figuring out gain-staging. I keep hearing this bit of distortion I can't seem to dial out. I've only had the POD for a short time so I haven't figured out how to record through the USB port yet.


brian b
11-02-2004, 07:02 PM
Hey Scott have you used your Pod in a live setting yet. A couple of the guitarist at church are looking into these but can't find them here in Dallas to test them. They are trying to cut stage volume and go direct. Just curious.

Scott Peterson
11-02-2004, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by brian b
Hey Scott have you used your Pod in a live setting yet. A couple of the guitarist at church are looking into these but can't find them here in Dallas to test them. They are trying to cut stage volume and go direct. Just curious.

One show - it killed. I was very pleased. Lots of cut and presence; the JBL EON G2 in front of me was excellent.

The drummer in that band used an electronic kit and the stage volume was indeed very very low. It was great.

I am sold on this concept and how it works.

The key is the 4 band semi-parametic EQ; it just works assuming you know how to EQ. That is paramount.

brian b
11-02-2004, 10:04 PM
I will have to check one out now. Especialy from a man taht plays Rivera's.

brian b
11-02-2004, 11:04 PM
Hey Scott hate to bug you, but after looking at the line 6 site and not want to read all 20 pages of TGP post. What upgrades did you goe with the classic, metal or both. Trying to figure out what I'am about to spend. Glad I listened and saw this I was about to by a G Force but this will do so much more.

Scott Peterson
11-03-2004, 12:41 AM
I bought both the CC and the MS "model kits" and dig things from both. Highly recommended.

brian b
11-08-2004, 11:36 PM
Got mine today. Now it's down to tweaking, And I guess i'll have to read to the book on rocket science that came with it.

brian b
11-12-2004, 12:34 AM
Got the model packs and also the tone librairy. Man there is so much stuff it almost makes it look like rocket science. But the tones are really getting great with tweeking. Just have to remember where everything is stored and to put some cleans next to some heavy's to switch mid song.

11-17-2004, 11:55 PM
I have a POD XT Pro that I'm using with Shure in-ears and going directly into the board. Doing mainly weddings/corporate events where stage volume is key this is by far the best set up for me.
I have owned the Vetta and that was nice but as heavy as a Twin.

Plus, the way I have my rack set up, it's 3 cables out of the back of my rolling rack to the smake and I'm set up....literally 3 minutes from getting to the gig to being ready to play.

-Parker NiteFly SA (acoustic + electric)...looking for an H2+ for it ;p
-Pod XT Pro
-Shure PSM 200 w/ E3 phones & the 4 channel mixer
-BBE 286 Acoustic Pre-Amp
-2 AVG Guitar Bugs
-Shure Beta 58
NO STAGE MONITOR..I take an FOH mix back to my in-ears.

I have been looking at the guts of the Atomic amp to get that tube vibe again but Atomic says it's not going to work running direct so I will have to check out this Valvutator thingy you are talking about. Maybe bolt the guts into the back of my rack.

If you guys are interested, Brent Barcus, one of the touring guitar players from Shania Twain's band, says they are all in-ears and all direct. Litterally no satge volume. He stated that Mutt Lange made them take 3 months to set up their sounds from the albums for the tours and that it is by far the best thing he and the guys in the band ever did....no going back to loud stage volumes. I know it has saved my ears.

brian b
12-02-2004, 11:44 PM
This for Scott just wondering what software do you use to record or are you going in to a multi track. Was looking at line 6's rifftracker for simple computer recording and trying to get some opinions.

Scott Peterson
12-02-2004, 11:54 PM
I have messed with Rifftracker and it is indeed cool with the drummer feature for laying down demos.

I personally use Ableton's "Live" for demo work and Cubase SX 3 for my recording needs.

brian b
12-02-2004, 11:56 PM
Thanks I will look into them. It will give me a starting point.

01-01-2005, 11:27 AM
It adds lots of harmonics and overtones to the sound; but more than that -really- is the *feel* it adds back to playing the guitar.

The tones are there with modeling IMHO. I hear it; but the feel is the thing, the bounce, the interaction with an analog tube from the pickup. The Valvulator adds all that to the mix. I love the thing.

When I look at this rig it is mind blowing. It walks like an amp, it sounds like an amp... but it is a LOT easier to lug around. :D