View Full Version : Cobra and mini's

brian b
10-30-2004, 11:56 AM
Have a question am thinking of a hollow cobra with the 3 mini's.
How does the switch configuration go with the 5-way Switch same as a hollow drop top. And if so can it be wired with a switch to go to single coil and another to put it out of phase.

10-31-2004, 11:57 AM
I have a switch between the volume and tone that splits the bridge pickup only. The neck and middle are not supposed to be split. I am not sure about the out of phase thing.


10-31-2004, 05:01 PM
The M's don't sound that great split...it's really not what they are supposed to be doing. So to keep things somewhat simple, Tom came up with a normal 5-way switch and mini toggle to split the bridge pu only for you guys that just have to split something.

The out of phase thing is hard to answer here... Tom will have to chim in here since he tried it and there were some limitations that I can't remember.

10-31-2004, 05:13 PM
i've never been a fan of phase switches. they make such a drop in volume, and cut so much bass that it's hard to imagine it being usable.

10-31-2004, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by bruce
The M's don't sound that great split...it's really not what they are supposed to be doing. So to keep things somewhat simple, Tom came up with a normal 5-way switch and mini toggle to split the bridge pu only for you guys that just have to split something.

Roy made me get the splitter!:D

I don't ever use it but it's there to remind me once in a while how quiet they are when not split. It'll get a psuedo Tele sound I suppose.


11-01-2004, 11:13 AM
If you want to experiment with out of phase sounds, the only usable configuration on a 3 M Cobra is neck and bridge. The other combos are too close together and you get a crazy octavia effect above the 12th fret.

I have a wiring diagram that Roy (Maybe) created for me that changes the middle selector switch to neck/bridge and allows you to put them out of phase when you pull up on the tone knob.

It's a nice texture to have in your bag for song intros, funk parts or Queen tribute bands.

As Tom noted, you lose some low end, but for me that was the point.

Let us know what you decide.

brian b
11-01-2004, 04:16 PM
Just checking options for the next Gas attack. The mini's sound interesting. Guess I will have to go the Charley's and see if Brian has one to play. Also thiught of a cobra with two mini's and a H02 in the bridge that could be split.

11-02-2004, 03:50 AM
i disagree - sort of -

when i had a cobra with 3 m's - i loved pos 2 + 4 but only split bridge as suggested

now Ive got m's in my suhr ltd ed ( t style) - mahogany and maple -

got a push pull that splits all pickups

i think teh m1 split is really cool for recording purposes at least - get some great funk in middle pos of 3 way with m1 and m2 split

i recommend it - a fun alternative
