View Full Version : music notation question

10-29-2004, 08:55 AM
when writing a piece of music using two staves, (treble and bass in this instance) and I make a certain note flat in the bass clef, but I want the same note (just a few octaves up) in the treble clef to follow the regular key signature which would make it natural, do I need to put in a natural sign on the note in the treble clef as a reminder?

10-29-2004, 09:24 AM
Use the enharmonic for the one that's not in key. Always try to use as few accidentals as possible.

10-29-2004, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by killerburst
Always try to use as few accidentals as possible.

Even after playing for all of these years, I'm still getting accidentals while soloing.

Oh wait...I mean 'accidents' :)