View Full Version : What's Hot In Lower Power Amps...

Stan Malinowski
10-26-2004, 07:41 AM
I've been running my Andys thru my Carr Mercury for the last 4 months or so and have been very happy with the tone. My home setup disctates the need for low power amps. Since I've been very happy with the Mercury I haven't paid much attention to new amps on the market. Anything new and interesting on the low power amp scene?

10-26-2004, 08:24 AM
Weber VST is offering kits of all the tweed amps for killer prices. They also have an 18w Marshall 1X12 due out in a couple of weeks for $500 (same as the recent Marshall #1974 hand-wired amp that came out this summer for $2300). You can build a tweed deluxe for $450. The prices include speakers, tubes, chassis, tweed or tolex cab (depending on model) and all parts. No instructions, but the layouts and schematics are very clean, plus he has the BBS with some knowledgable cats around.

Stan Malinowski
10-26-2004, 10:03 AM
My low power amp inventory presently consists of:

1) Fender Champ
2) Modded BF Princeton Reverb
3) Carr Mercury
4) Carr Rambler in "Tetrode Mode"

Power levels range from 1/10 watt (Carr Mercury) to 12-13 watts (Carr Rambler & Princeton Reverb).

I think that 18W Marshall sounds cool but man would it be LOUD in my small playing confines!

10-26-2004, 03:58 PM
I want this little guy...

Siegmund (http://www.tpngear.com/siegmund.htm)

A friend of mine has one. It's a little amp that sounds like a big amp. Best reverb circuit ever.


10-26-2004, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by Stan Malinowski

I think that 18W Marshall sounds cool but man would it be LOUD in my small playing confines!

Two words: Hot Plate

10-26-2004, 04:52 PM
brian, what kind of tone stack does it have, the website doesn't say?

10-26-2004, 05:05 PM
I'm probably not the best guy for tech details. Here's the manufacterers page...

Midnight Special (http://www.siegmundguitars.com/MS.html)

You could also give Bob at The Perfect Note a call. He knows a lot about these. He's one of David Barber's top dealers. David and I have been trying to get Bob to buy an Anderson.:D


10-26-2004, 06:54 PM
i was mostly curious whether it had treble middle and bass. it seems that lots of small amps don't have much for tone controls. i didn't see a price, but i'm guessing it's high based on all the descriptive words like nos.

10-26-2004, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by tom
... i didn't see a price, but i'm guessing it's high based on all the descriptive words like nos.

This, from a man who's latest guitar of the week includes the phrases "girthy," "shimmering hues" and "wood-generated rumble".:p

10-26-2004, 08:34 PM
It has treble, middle, and bass. It seems to have a real bottom end unlike most small amps. The price isn't bad for the quality level and tone (especially the reverb). I'm fairly sure one could be had for less than $1500. Skipping the Celestion Blue knocks off quite a bit as well but that speaker and this amp were meant for each other. Smooth, rich, musical amp.


10-26-2004, 09:26 PM
How about a Ganesha? It goes from 1 watt to 100 watts with a turn of the wattage knob. This isn't an attenuator but actually changes the power of the amp.


Stan Malinowski
10-27-2004, 06:16 AM
Two words: Hot Plate

Unfortunately my experience with both the THD Hot Plate & the Dr Z Airbrake yielded less than impressive performance (IMO). I used the devices to attempt to control both my 40 Watt Allen Old Flame and my 18W Dr Z Maz Jr. Both the Hot Plate & Airbrake really seemed to suck the tonal life out of the amp. At least to my ears, the attenutaion in the Carr Mercury is pretty transparent at 2W and 1/2 Watt Settings. Pop it down to 1/10 Watt and the tone goes bye-bye.

10-27-2004, 10:27 AM
1st off i don't write guitar of the week. if i did it would be pretty boring.
i think people expect too much from attenuators. i have tried them all, and different ones work different with different amps. see, if i wrote guitar of the week it would probably say different three times in the same sentence. i have heard none that will take a great sound and convert it to bedroom volume. i settled on the thd for my amp, which is only 20 watts to start with, and the feel goes away past -8db. that is enough for my situation.

10-27-2004, 11:16 AM
Anyone able to describe the tone of the Midnight Special? No clips I can find, & I think I've heard it's kind of dark (& has a bit of electronic noise) -- though overall I've just heard it's good. In fact, I'm interested & tried to call Siegmund yesterday but got no anwer; will try again today.

Also, I did hear the Maven Peal wattage adjustment in action this weekend; the Ganesha was screaming & I asked to hear it at 1 watt. The sound got teensy, but the tone seemed (for the few seconds I heard) remarkably the same.

10-27-2004, 11:32 AM
i heard it at the namm show a year or two ago, and it did not sound different than an attenuator to me.

10-27-2004, 11:42 AM
Tom, I'm sure your hearing of it was more thorough & your report more reliable. The only attenuator I ever tried (& which I just found in a closet -- I'm looking at it now) was built in the 70's by Paul Rivera, called a Super Sink. I bought it for a Twin Reverb. Plugged it in once or twice, couldn't stand it, never tried it again, though now I'm wondering if I connected it wrong (like wrong type of wire). Will have to recheck it sometime. It's pretty cool looking, if nothing else.

10-27-2004, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by tom
1st off i don't write guitar of the week. if i did it would be pretty boring.
i think people expect too much from attenuators. i have tried them all, and different ones work different with different amps. see, if i wrote guitar of the week it would probably say different three times in the same sentence. i have heard none that will take a great sound and convert it to bedroom volume. i settled on the thd for my amp, which is only 20 watts to start with, and the feel goes away past -8db. that is enough for my situation.

I was teasing about the GOTW, of course. I read GOTW before I read the paper every Sunday morning. It makes my weekend complete, so don't think I don't appreciate the thoughtful editorial Roy supplies.

I think part of the effect that attenuators have on the feel can be attributed to the fact that the speakers are working in a different part of their range. The feel of a loud amp has partly to do with a hard working speaker. Since a 3dB drop is equivalent to dividing the power in half, an 8dB drop on a 20 watt amp means the speakers are seeing about 5 watts; 12db down they're only seeing about 2 watts. The attenuator can't really make up for the fact that the speakers aren't working as hard. Try a hot plate combined with a really inefficient, low-wattage speaker and you may get some of the feel back.

10-27-2004, 10:13 PM
A TopHat Club Royale showed up at my doorstep today. I picked it up used on Ebay for about $1300.00 with shipping. This is a solid little amp. It has really nice clean tones though very low volume. The just breaking up stuff is sweet. Wide open it rocks. This is a good all around amp. I don't think it has quite the oomph for the places I play though. And I think the smaller version with a single twelve and a tube rectifier might work better for home. So, it is a super sweet little amp but seems caught in the middle volume wise for me. I would think this would be the perfect amp for a lot of folks who need a good rock tone at moderate volumes. BTW, the construction is top notch.


10-28-2004, 10:40 AM
I have heard good things about the Macht amps. I just got a Carr Mercury through Mass Street Music. Since I have a year old baby loose in the house, the low amp aspect is essential. I am very impressed with the tone. The reverb on the Mercury is sweet.

Stan Malinowski
10-28-2004, 10:45 AM
I just got a Carr Mercury through Mass Street Music. Since I have a year old baby loose in the house, the low amp aspect is essential. I am very impressed with the tone. The reverb on the Mercury is sweet.


I agree with you 100% about the killer reverb on the Mercury. How do you find the tone on the 1/10 Watt setting? I find all the settings down to and including 1/2 Watt to be very toneful, but the 1/10 Watt setting seems to be a real tone-sucker when I dial it in.

10-28-2004, 11:45 AM
Hey Stan:
I stick to the 1/10th setting because of volume. My impression from other people is that the tone does suffer at that setting. I will eventually be able to play louder and then I will have a basis for comparison. Build quality and features otherwise seem topnotch. Hope you are doing well.

11-14-2004, 08:11 PM
The new Mini Z! Single EL-84, 8" Weber speaker, $700.00:


11-14-2004, 09:19 PM
I've gotta hear that one. I wonder how it compares to the Mini Cat (with which I was pretty underwhelmed. It felt a little brittle (hmmm, poetry). I didn't expect the sound of a closed-back 4x12, but it felt like it was angry at me...)

is $699 the list or the street?

11-15-2004, 08:06 PM
In my experience (and I'm the quintessential home wanker), those low wattage amps just don't do anything for me. I rather take a 100 watter with a great master volume, and play it with at least a 2x12 if not 4x12 cabinet. I get better "bedroom volume" tones with a Bogner Uberschall through 2 or 4 speakers than I did with a Univalve with a yellow jacket or a Dr Z Maz 18 through a 1 speaker cabinet. Of course, YMMV.

11-15-2004, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by pluto
In my experience (and I'm the quintessential home wanker), those low wattage amps just don't do anything for me. I rather take a 100 watter with a great master volume, and play it with at least a 2x12 if not 4x12 cabinet. I get better "bedroom volume" tones with a Bogner Uberschall through 2 or 4 speakers than I did with a Univalve with a yellow jacket or a Dr Z Maz 18 through a 1 speaker cabinet. Of course, YMMV.

AMEN brother! Case in point. This weekend I ventured over to WildWest Guitars. Pulled down a Suhr Classic T (swamp ash S/S/S). (BTW, acoustically, this one had that jangley, twangey mojo!! OMG, nice!). Anyway, plugged into a 25W Zinky Blue Velvet. The clean was fine - spongey bloom, sort of BF Fenderish. BUT not a lot of headroom (25W). The OD was OK as well - if you don't mind that squishy, unfocused low mid. Again, you want tightness? You want headroom? Want that puppy to clean up? Get a hi-wattage head. Want clean? Get a non-MV Marshall. Again, YMMV.

11-15-2004, 11:02 PM
Fargen Blackbird

11-16-2004, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
AMEN brother! Case in point. This weekend I ventured over to WildWest Guitars. Pulled down a Suhr Classic T (swamp ash S/S/S). (BTW, acoustically, this one had that jangley, twangey mojo!! OMG, nice!). Anyway, plugged into a 25W Zinky Blue Velvet. The clean was fine - spongey bloom, sort of BF Fenderish. BUT not a lot of headroom (25W). The OD was OK as well - if you don't mind that squishy, unfocused low mid. Again, you want tightness? You want headroom? Want that puppy to clean up? Get a hi-wattage head. Want clean? Get a non-MV Marshall. Again, YMMV.

Yep-as they say, big amps sound big, small amps sound small. To me, even 50 watters sound a lot smaller than 100 watters at any volume (whisper to loud to extremely loud). Pentode and half power switches??? Forget about it!! I wouldn't want to play a non-mv superlead in my living room though!! :D

11-16-2004, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by pluto
I wouldn't want to play a non-mv superlead in my living room though!! :D

How girlie! Seriously, then just don't crank it to peak volume (but play it at a volume where it at least gets some "bloom" - which can be achieved at a very reasonable level). Really, how loud do you want a clean tone? As I always say, insert gain pedal where desired!

11-16-2004, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
How girlie! Seriously, then just don't crank it to peak volume (but play it at a volume where it at least gets some "bloom" - which can be achieved at a very reasonable level). Really, how loud do you want a clean tone? As I always say, insert gain pedal where desired!

Just call me girlie man! Insert gain pedal????? Sheeeissshhhh, I might as well buy a POS diode clipping Marshall head for goodness sakes! :D

11-16-2004, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by pluto
Just call me girlie man! Insert gain pedal????? Sheeeissshhhh, I might as well buy a POS diode clipping Marshall head for goodness sakes! :D

Easy there Tex.....now you're hitting too close to the homestead! Geez, w/ attitude like that, it's as if I told you to go buy a JCM2203X, a 1980 JMP 2203 AND a 1959SLX all in the same year, and then to get it modded by some tech in LA!!:D Wait....what's wrong w/ that?

11-16-2004, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
Geez, w/ attitude like that, it's as if I told you to go buy a JCM2203X, a 1980 JMP 2203 AND a 1959SLX all in the same year, and then to get it modded by some tech in LA!!:D

I don't know what you're talking about Mike, but what fool would do that? :D I bet this tech in LA to whom you're referring puts a diode clipping circuit or something ridiculous like that in his mod! Quel horreur!! :p REAL TUBE OD, the only way to go!!

11-18-2004, 07:23 AM
fo me the way to go has been rack setups, i once compared Bogner Extacy to the ultimate rack,made of a Soldano X99, an eventide 7000 and a Mesa Strategy 400 to a 2x12 loaded with celection 30 speakers, and the soldano rocked at bedroom levels, best high gain sould there is IMHO. Really expensive, but there are always other decent setups to build. Would love to try an Aiken Tomcat, though, but cannot find one here in Greece.
Now i wonder..."Dear bank manager..."

11-18-2004, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by Turrican
fo me the way to go has been rack setups, i once compared Bogner Extacy to the ultimate rack,made of a Soldano X99, an eventide 7000 and a Mesa Strategy 400 to a 2x12 loaded with celection 30 speakers, and the soldano rocked at bedroom levels, best high gain sould there is IMHO. Really expensive, but there are always other decent setups to build. Would love to try an Aiken Tomcat, though, but cannot find one here in Greece.
Now i wonder..."Dear bank manager..."

That Soldano X99 preamp is very sweet. I love that matched w/ a VHT2502. I too share in the preamp bias. But alas, w/ Marshalls in the room, nothing else really gets any attention!:p

11-18-2004, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by pluto
I don't know what you're talking about Mike, but what fool would do that? :D I bet this tech in LA to whom you're referring puts a diode clipping circuit or something ridiculous like that in his mod! Quel horreur!! :p REAL TUBE OD, the only way to go!!

you're a dork! Class A OD is soooo overrated!:eek: ;)

11-19-2004, 12:13 PM
Speaking of low-power guitar amps... I just picked up a Reverend Goblin and it's a great, light, all-tube, warm sounding little beast. I first heard it, almost by accident, about a year ago at a guitar show. Reverend had a booth at the show and, just for the heck of it, I decided to try one of their strange looking guitars. They plugged me into this little amp that sounded fantastic. It was a pre-production "Goblin." I scribbled down the name of the amp, and forgot about the guitars. It took them amost a year to begin production of the amps. It has a 5/15 watt switch and comes in a 1x10 combo. Did I mention it's lightweight? And for $500 (a fraction of my other boutique amps), I think it's a steal.

12-04-2004, 03:09 PM
About 2 pages back there was some discussion about the Siegmund Midnight Special (incl. me then asking what it was like). Never got an answer, but I will soon: I've got one on order now. I think it's been started, but he's a one-man show, so it could be a little while before I get it. After attending the recent Gear Page NYC AmpFest (I'm 'Fingers' there) & listening to Dumble, Trainwreck, Fuchs, Carr, ToneKing, Komet, Allessandro, /13, Ganesha & a zillion others, I still wound up ordering something I've never heard even a clip of — so I guess I'll get what I deserve (don't yet know whether that's a good or bad thing). I've talked to Chris Siegmund at length, though, & dig his POV. We'll see, & I'll report back how this turns out.

12-04-2004, 07:13 PM
As for lower powered amps I love the tone I heard come out of a Meteor by Tone King. It had the most wonderful bottom end, tight not an ounce of flab.
Definately BF with lots other tones. The self biasing thing was such a cool idea. It's got to be my favorite amp currently.

Jimmie B

12-04-2004, 07:45 PM
I'll bet — never heard the Meteor, but I heard the Constellation at AmpFest & it blew me away — one of my favorites there (the guy who builds Maven Peal agreed). That amp can really make noise most beautifully.