View Full Version : Expanding Your Musical Horizon...

Stan Malinowski
10-26-2004, 07:38 AM
Theoertical question.....

Say you have mastered the guitar to a level beyond your wildest dreams. What (if any) instrument would you try to learn next?

I'll start (and believe me I am SOOOO far away from mastering the guitar) the discussion by saying I would go after the piano. I've always admired those you have the ability to tickle the ivories.

10-26-2004, 08:16 AM

Classic T
10-26-2004, 08:18 AM
I'd like to learn the fiddle, after that the Pedal Steel. I love the sounds the accomplished players get from those instruments.

10-26-2004, 10:14 AM
Piano is at the top of my list. I keep telling myself that if my daughter (now 1) ever wants to learn, I'm taking lessons at the same time.

But, right now, the little free time I have goes towards guitar.

10-26-2004, 11:57 AM
Had I not grown up in apartment complexes, I would be a drummer. I played drums in high school bands and after graduation played a few clubs and occasionally take the drum chair in my own band. I love guitar and glad I can make a living at it, but boy was it fun to play drums..instant gratification, no sounds or programs to deal with either..
That said....one can go just as broke with drum goodies.

Suriel Zayas
10-26-2004, 01:31 PM
once i get to the point that i'm tired of studying the guitar right-handed, i'll start studying the guitar left-handed. i have no ambition to study any other instrument than guitar. my daughter is 11 and she studies piano, once in a while i help her with the lessons and find myself giving guitar techniques. go figure. :D

10-26-2004, 01:51 PM
I would like to master the art of the Air Guitar. Right now, I'm too stiff and don't have the cool moves that Marty McFly had.

10-26-2004, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by pluto
I would like to master the art of the Air Guitar. Right now, I'm too stiff and don't have the cool moves that Marty McFly had.

:D :D

King Cobra
10-26-2004, 08:50 PM
Believe it or not...............Bagpipes. I love celtic music........I have the soundtrack to Highlander in constant rotation in my van. :cool:

10-26-2004, 11:48 PM
I play bass once in a great while for studios (usually when the bass player doesn't show!). Bass is fun. I also dabble in drumming. I'd probably take one of two those a little more seriously under your scenario. Actually every now and then I do a take a short break from guitar and just drum. My wife hates it when I go through those phases.:)


10-27-2004, 06:34 AM

And what about harmonica?

After all, you can play like Bob Dylan


Stan Malinowski
10-27-2004, 06:39 AM
And what about harmonica?

I have a good friend who is into blues harmonica. The good news is he is dedicated to practicing everyday, bad news is he practices while driving to and from work in his car!

10-27-2004, 07:11 AM
Originally posted by Stan Malinowski
I have a good friend who is into blues harmonica. The good news is he is dedicated to practicing everyday, bad news is he practices while driving to and from work in his car!

Very good idea !!! In Madrid (where I live) it is usual to be held in traffic, (It's better than shout other drivers) :mad:

A can imagine another place at home where to practise too (bath... :D .....sorry)(instead reading newspaper...)
And my neighborhoods will be happy putting guitar volume down

Seriously, I want lo learn harmonica and I have a friend of mine who is into harmonica too (he will teach me basic lines).

I recommed piano too, it's another "music state" (it will open your mind through other feelings)


10-27-2004, 10:16 AM
Piano and bagpipes

Marty S Horne
10-28-2004, 02:04 PM
I taught my ex-wife how to play bass and found I really enjoyed it. Before taking up guitar my parents signed me up for drum lessons (I didn't want them but my 2 older cousins were taking them). I wound up taking 5 years of formal instruction from the top guy in my area and I think it has something to do with my strong sense of timing. Right now guitar is the only instrument I want to play.

King Cobra
10-28-2004, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by Donk70
Piano and bagpipes

I'm not alone!! I thought I was a weirdo.......:rolleyes: