View Full Version : Post #10K!!!!

Stan Malinowski
10-24-2004, 11:06 AM
This is Forum Post #10,000!

Thanks to all you memeber who have gotten us to this milestone!

John Price
10-24-2004, 11:57 AM
cool! :cool:

10-24-2004, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by Stan Malinowski
This is Forum Post #10,000!

Thanks to all you memeber who have gotten us to this milestone!

In celebration, maybe we could get a spell checker. ;)

Seriously, though, thanks to all the "behind the scenes" folks who make this place possible.

10-24-2004, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by Stan Malinowski
This is Forum Post #10,000!

Thanks to all you memeber who have gotten us to this milestone!

....Stan.....were you waiting until post 9,999 to post this thread?:D ;)

10-24-2004, 08:20 PM
That means Tom's posts account for greater than 10% off all posts combined. Pretty awesome.;)

Suriel Zayas
10-24-2004, 09:04 PM
great job everyone who has posted towards this accomplishment. cheers to another 10k :)

Stan Malinowski
10-25-2004, 05:17 AM
In celebration, maybe we could get a spell checker.

Waht du u mene? :D :D

Stan Malinowski
10-25-2004, 05:18 AM
....Stan.....were you waiting until post 9,999 to post this thread?

Honestly I did see the post count at 9,999 and decided to go for it!:D

10-26-2004, 03:13 AM
Alot of thanks also goes to Stan for being a great mod, Jack Gretz for being a great site host and to Tom and company for making great guitars. Let's make the next 10,000 posts as much fun as the 1st 10,000.

10-26-2004, 04:12 AM

Maybe, we could celebrate 10k, making a lotery, and the first award could be a TA ;)

Ask Tom for this option ? :D
