View Full Version : Just an observation............Question?

King Cobra
10-24-2004, 09:15 AM
Hi, I'm new to Andersons and the forum. One of the very cool things I've noticed since I joined is that Tom himself is a regular here. How cool is that!!? When introducing myself in another thread Stan shared some pics of his beautiful guitar collection and I noticed in one of them that Tom himself was doing the work on one of his guitars. How much of the building of these awesome guitars do you actually do Hands on Tom? I remember recently PRS "made" a guitar himself and seeing everyone go bannanas that he was getting his hands dirty again. Again forgive any ignorance on my part.........I'm new here and just wondering how much of my guitar 05-30-00A was actually built by Tom is all.

Dave K
10-24-2004, 06:12 PM
Tom will pop in here when he has time,but he is a busy guy cuz he actually does get his hands dirty
by building the guitars along with the small staff at TAG. He is not an office manager/CEO corporate type if that's what you're wondering.

Welcome to the forum and congrats on the Cobra.
Might as well start saving for the next one,cuz
few of us have stopped at just one.;)

King Cobra
10-24-2004, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by Dave K
Tom will pop in here when he has time,but he is a busy guy cuz he actually does get his hands dirty
by building the guitars along with the small staff at TAG. He is not an office manager/CEO corporate type if that's what you're wondering.

Welcome to the forum and congrats on the Cobra.
Might as well start saving for the next one,cuz
few of us have stopped at just one.;)

Oh no doubt..........I already have P90 Cobra on the brain...........:rolleyes: A gold Top would be cool...........:cool: Thanks for the info.

10-24-2004, 10:55 PM
i spend about 2 hours a day in the paint booth, i do all the color coats, and help check with the other stuff when needed. i am the third set of hands in the wood shop as well. i also do all the pickguards and weird plastic plates, do all the programminf for the cnc, and keep the wood supply coming. i do the final play and test on all guitars. my days are pretty full so most or my new stuff happens at night at home. my least favorite time is spent sitting in my desk chair at the shop.

King Cobra
10-25-2004, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by tom
i spend about 2 hours a day in the paint booth, i do all the color coats, and help check with the other stuff when needed. i am the third set of hands in the wood shop as well. i also do all the pickguards and weird plastic plates, do all the programminf for the cnc, and keep the wood supply coming. i do the final play and test on all guitars. my days are pretty full so most or my new stuff happens at night at home. my least favorite time is spent sitting in my desk chair at the shop.

Excellent. Thanks for the reply..........so its safe to say That you had your hand in building my guitar? :D Thats probably what still keeps TAG so special above all other instruments.........your personal touch. :)

10-25-2004, 06:25 PM
yes safe to say. worked on the neck, painted it, checked it out when done.