View Full Version : Switching on my Cobra.......

King Cobra
10-24-2004, 09:05 AM
Excuse my ignorance, I'm new to Andersons and the forum. My New/used Cobra 05-30-00A Has H01-H02 pick ups and a 5 way switch with a coil tap in the middle. What exactly are positions 2 & 4? How are they split? And which coils are on when its split in the middle Position? Does anybody know of any cool Mods for this set up? Just Curious.........thanks! Awesome guitar BTW.......might be my first but hardly the last.............:D ;)

Stan Malinowski
10-24-2004, 10:30 AM
On Cobras:

- Positions 1 & 5 are full humbuckers
- Positions 2 & 4 are split humbuckers
- Position 3: Full neck & bridge humbuckers when tone switch is pushed
: Split neck & bridge humckers when tone switch is pulled up

10-24-2004, 11:03 PM
when we split humbuckers, we normally split to the neck most coil. occaisionally someone will want the bridge coil on the bridge pickup. you can just turn the pickup around for that.

King Cobra
10-25-2004, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by tom
when we split humbuckers, we normally split to the neck most coil. occaisionally someone will want the bridge coil on the bridge pickup. you can just turn the pickup around for that.

Thanks! That answers my question and I might experiment with turning the bridge PUP around. ;)

Fiesta Red
11-14-2004, 09:51 PM
So when the switch is in the third position (both humbuckers are on), which coils are on when the tone pot is pulled? Is it the outermost coils or the innermost coils?


11-14-2004, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by Fiesta Red
So when the switch is in the third position (both humbuckers are on), which coils are on when the tone pot is pulled? Is it the outermost coils or the innermost coils?


Inner is on for bridge position, outer is on for neck position when tone pot is pulled up in position 3.

11-14-2004, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by King Cobra
Thanks! That answers my question and I might experiment with turning the bridge PUP around. ;)

King.... it gets pretty bright and thin when you do that...almost ugly, but that could be a cool thing if you need that.