View Full Version : favorite foods

10-20-2004, 07:23 PM
Alright, since I'm not a source of any information worth noting and am taking a much needed break from work, I've decided to start a best foods thread. Here are my top 3 in this order:

Korean-Neither my wife or I are Korean, but damn, we can eat that stuff everyday. Bulgogi, Kim Chee, Daikon, Spinach, Yuk Ge Jong, Man Doo Soup, Meat Jun, Kal Bi, BBQ Chicken! WOW! Meat AND Vege lovers paradise.
Thai-Again, neither my wife or I are thai, but we can eat this everyday too. Red, Green and Yellow curries, papaya salad, grilled beef salad, musuman potatoe curry, spicy fried rice, Tom Yum soup, all at "Thai Spicy" levels. ARGGGHHH! I'm getting hungry and a bad case of indigestion.
Mexican-I can't eat this everyday, but I love nachos, tacos, enchiladas, burritos, you know, all those unauthentic Mexican foods.

Well, that's my top 3, what are yours?

Son of Anderson
10-20-2004, 07:40 PM
Anything the old man bbq's

10-20-2004, 08:53 PM
anything the kid bbq's

10-20-2004, 08:55 PM
A close examination of your top food lists clearly indicates you two must be related. :D

10-21-2004, 02:04 AM
No particular order:


Just keep these three in rotation and I'll be fine.

10-21-2004, 02:32 AM


The rest in no particular order:


10-21-2004, 06:22 AM
tom you forgot skyline chili :)

i'm mr. meat and potatos... pizza, burgers, chicken, subs... nothing raw, or so hot it would roast my tongue.


10-21-2004, 07:22 AM

and Free.


10-21-2004, 08:30 AM
I can eat a good cheeseburger most any time :)

Past that:

Most anything grilled
fried seafood
home cooking from Mom's house (she's 75 and still makes a mean meatloaf)

10-21-2004, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by dpeterson
tom you forgot skyline chili :)


Me too!

Skyline Rocks. I like Gold Star too but Skyline is a bit better. I'm going up to Wilmington, OH for Christmas with my wifes family so I'll get to eat there again. Hopefully a couple of times.

10-21-2004, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by pluto
Alright, since I'm not a source of any information worth noting and am taking a much needed break from work, I've decided to start a best foods thread. Here are my top 3 in this order:

Korean-Neither my wife or I are Korean, but damn, we can eat that stuff everyday. Bulgogi, Kim Chee, Daikon, Spinach, Yuk Ge Jong, Man Doo Soup, Meat Jun, Kal Bi, BBQ Chicken! WOW! Meat AND Vege lovers paradise.
Thai-Again, neither my wife or I are thai, but we can eat this everyday too. Red, Green and Yellow curries, papaya salad, grilled beef salad, musuman potatoe curry, spicy fried rice, Tom Yum soup, all at "Thai Spicy" levels. ARGGGHHH! I'm getting hungry and a bad case of indigestion.
Mexican-I can't eat this everyday, but I love nachos, tacos, enchiladas, burritos, you know, all those unauthentic Mexican foods.

Well, that's my top 3, what are yours?

dude, based on your number 1 pick, all I gotta say is, "figures!".
Garlic breath. Nice!:D ;)

Mexican - no ka oi. Super Mex, Wahoo's, El Tarasco's, hole-in the-wall in Santa Ana, it's aaaallllllllll good.

Sushi - yes. More wasabi please. A must w/ when consuming my favorite food group.....

Beer - preferably English. Bass/Guiness is a very good meal unto itself. Actually a "brown and tan" is interesting, which is Newcastle and Guiness.

Of course Boddington's from Manchester. Nice creamy taste, almost sweet.

From San Francisco, Anchor Steam is a very "english" tasting ale.

Fat Tire, which is NOT available in CA, but is prevalent in WA and brewed in CO, is very much a Trapiste (sp?) style, Belgian brew. Nice finish.

I used to really enjoy Red Hook, especially the ESB, until about 1992, when the brew was no longer brewed in WA.

Finally, for pluto, Kona Brewing Co, does a heaping full ale called Fire Rock. Whoa. Probably, my #1, next to Bass. Heavy, strong and massive tasting. Like bitters? Taste this.

The only other brew to knock me on my A$$ like Fire Rock was consuming some of those crazy beers brewed down in Carlsbad, CA by the Stone Creek Brewers. They make this "conncoction" known as "Arrogant Bastard". It also spawned another cousin called "Double Bastard". This is the suburban, middle-class, male equivalent to OE800. (it may even come in a 40oz. ;)) NO LIE. Drink it in mass quantities, and watch the fun ensue.

10-21-2004, 12:10 PM
skyline is very interseting, definitely not "real" chili, but good. gotta have it with everything, all 5 toppings. dave wins the
"plainest" food award. when he was here he had a turkey sandwich, bread, turkey, and that's it. where's the taste? sorry dave, i couldn't resist.

10-21-2004, 12:27 PM
Chicken Pan Fried Noodles and Veggies (cabbage, onion, carrots, snow peas, califlower, brocholli)
Chicken and Dumplings
BBQ Ribs and the fixins - KC Style
Pizza - various topings
Chocolate Cake, Ice Cream Sandwiches

For myself alone and with tone and oneness, Mike

10-21-2004, 12:47 PM
I agree with Tom...I can't do "plain" food. THere has to be flavor whether it's spice or something bold that knocks you in the chest.

My only beef with Skyline is that lack of cayenne pepper. Not a big tabasco fan but it'll work in a pinch.

10-21-2004, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
dude, based on your number 1 pick, all I gotta say is, "figures!".
Garlic breath. Nice!:D ;)

Mike, next time you make it to Hawaii, my wife and I will take you to Ninnikuya on Wailae Avenue (I believe they are associated with the Ninnikuya restaurant chain in Japan). After you finish eating there, you will smell like garlic for the next two days no matter what you do. You won't complain about the amount of garlic in Korean food after that!

10-21-2004, 07:23 PM
Two things I noticed about the posts-1) lots of mexican food lovers here; 2) all the Cal. guys picked Sushi-is this a Cal. thing? BTW-what's skyline chili and how is that different from "real" chili?

Son of Anderson
10-21-2004, 07:54 PM
Sushi is just sooo good. all the textures, flavors, smells, styles....mmm. Dad doesnt it know it yet, but im comming home tomorrow so he can take me out for an all you can eat sushi dinner. Man you got to love surprise visits home form college to get a good meal in.

10-21-2004, 07:59 PM
How about Coney Island Hot Dogs - a staple for most Michiganians.

Chinese and Seafood.

10-21-2004, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by Son of Anderson
Sushi is just sooo good. all the textures, flavors, smells, styles....mmm. Dad doesnt it know it yet, but im comming home tomorrow so he can take me out for an all you can eat sushi dinner. Man you got to love surprise visits home form college to get a good meal in.

Sushi is cool but I'm allergic to shellfish and generally don't like fish, so I only eat the spicy tuna rolls.

Dave M.
10-21-2004, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by michaelomiya

Beer -
Mmmmm, beer.... :D
(Homer Simpson)

preferably English. Bass/Guiness is a very good meal unto itself. Actually a "brown and tan" is interesting, which is Newcastle and Guiness.
Mmmm, Guiness..... :D
(Dave M.)

Fat Tire, which is NOT available in CA, but is prevalent in WA and brewed in CO, is very much a Trapiste (sp?) style, Belgian brew. Nice finish.
If you like Fat Tire you should definitely try their 1554. Dave K and I had some the other night. Get it fresh; it's killer!

Finally, for pluto, Kona Brewing Co, does a heaping full ale called Fire Rock. Whoa. Probably, my #1, next to Bass. Heavy, strong and massive tasting. Like bitters? Taste this.

Gotta try that!

As for food, it varies. Good Mexican (is there any around the Seattle area?), a good steak, fresh crab, hearty Italian with a good wine.
But I did like eating at Mekong last summer where I had the Evil Jungle Prince, among other good things. :)


10-21-2004, 10:15 PM
Fat Tire rules, I wish I was still in Boulder. Tusougs and Fat Tire, while listening to 'The Samples' great memories... Oh yeah food, I'm on Atkins and am sick of meat and cheese. I long for a glass of milk and a Krispy Creme... There it is a glazed Krispy Creme donut... no a dozen straight out of the oven. Or even a piece of bread with butter... mmmmmm. I've been doing Atkins for 6 months. I WANT CARBS!!!

Jimmie B

10-21-2004, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by pluto
Mike, next time you make it to Hawaii, my wife and I will take you to Ninnikuya on Wailae Avenue (I believe they are associated with the Ninnikuya restaurant chain in Japan). After you finish eating there, you will smell like garlic for the next two days no matter what you do. You won't complain about the amount of garlic in Korean food after that!

OK, I'm gonna hold you to that! There's a ton of local kine grines downtown, near "hotel" street. It's not one of those "hole in the wall" places, is it? Hey, don't forget the good shave ice, no azuki though!

10-22-2004, 09:19 AM
I was born in Flint and grew up there.

For me, it was Angelo's Coney - Koegels hot dogs, coney sauce, onions and mustard. A flavor of heaven!

For the uninitiated, a coney is not a chili dog, not even close.

With tone and oneness, Mike

10-22-2004, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by Dave M.
Mmmmm, beer.... :D

But I did like eating at Mekong last summer where I had the Evil Jungle Prince, among other good things. :)


Mekong rocks! IMO, they make the best Evil Jungle Prince of all the Thai restaurants here.

10-22-2004, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
OK, I'm gonna hold you to that! There's a ton of local kine grines downtown, near "hotel" street. It's not one of those "hole in the wall" places, is it? Hey, don't forget the good shave ice, no azuki though!

Nah, this isn't a local kine grinds place. Hotel Street? Nah-too many transvestites there-sure way to lose appetite! It's on the same block as Saint Louis High School in Kaimuki and as I said before, I believe it's a part of the Ninnikuya restaurant chain in Japan. The prices aren't insanely high like Hoku's or Neptune, but more along the lines of Roy's. Everything they make is soaked in garlic-their New York steak is absolute "winnas", and the garlic bread, garlic soup, and ahi appetizers are broke da mout!

10-22-2004, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by pluto
Nah, this isn't a local kine grinds place. Hotel Street? Nah-too many transvestites there-sure way to lose appetite! It's on the same block as Saint Louis High School in Kaimuki and as I said before, I believe it's a part of the Ninnikuya restaurant chain in Japan. The prices aren't insanely high like Hoku's or Neptune, but more along the lines of Roy's. Everything they make is soaked in garlic-their New York steak is absolute "winnas", and the garlic bread, garlic soup, and ahi appetizers are broke da mout!

transvesites? are you transgender-biased? :eek: ;)

10-22-2004, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
transvesites? are you transgender-biased? :eek: ;)

Nah, not really although I certainly see my share of them next to the place where I park my car on workdays. They all hang in back of the Pali Long's Drugs Store right in front of the mortuary along with the crack/meth heads. I see their pimp every morning on my way to the entrance of the parking garage. Very polite guy. Downtown and Chinatown just crack me up.

Dave K
10-22-2004, 04:26 PM

Few know that half the TAG factory is actually a brewery. ;)
When's the Cobra ale coming out?:D

10-22-2004, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Dave K

Few know that half the TAG factory is actually a brewery. ;)
When's the Cobra ale coming out?:D

I'll pony up for a case or 12!

10-22-2004, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by pluto
Nah, not really although I certainly see my share of them next to the place where I park my car on workdays. They all hang in back of the Pali Long's Drugs Store right in front of the mortuary along with the crack/meth heads. I see their pimp every morning on my way to the entrance of the parking garage. Very polite guy. Downtown and Chinatown just crack me up.

Back in my Andersen days, we could've had lunch. My old office used to face Aloha Towers and the cruise ships.

I miss those days.........:D :p

10-22-2004, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
Back in my Andersen days, we could've had lunch. My old office used to face Aloha Towers and the cruise ships.

I miss those days.........:D :p

Your old office must've been in Harbor Court? My wife used to be sous-chef at Palomino's on the 3rd Floor of that building.

Suriel Zayas
10-22-2004, 06:30 PM
FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ask the experts.......new yorkers!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let's see where do we start? Oh I know.........breakfast


our first stop.....a diner.....just make sure theyare greek and the owners name is nick and has son gus...what to order?....3 eggs sunny side up, bacon dripping with fat, homefries (a whole mound with onions, peppers, ketchup & hot sauce) and don't forget the coffee with the orange juice in the shot glass

it's now around 10 am and i'm getting a little hungry, so let's have a pre-lunch snack. grays papaya sounds like the perfect place. gray's papaya is new york city's dirty water dog (hotdog) joint. let's get what they call "the recession special" 2-dogs with everything and an orange drink, all for $2.25, that's pretty cheap i'll have another one

lunch, finally

it's off to katz's deli on houston street (pronounced how-ston, not like they pronounce that city in texas). when you walk in to katz's deli they give you a ticket, do not throw your ticket away because upon exiting you have to hand the ticket back. i'm odering the usual, the absolute best pastrami sandwich on rye with mustard and don't forget the few pieces of pastrami sample, one order of their fresh and greasy steak size fries, a kosher hot dog just in case and a soft drink. a lunch for two at katz's deli should run around $35, a liitle steep, but it's only the best. that should hold me until around 2 pm.

on a bone chilling day in nyc, nothing better than some nice hot soup. that brings us to the soup kitchen at w55 st & 8th avenue(aka the soup natzi, brought to fame by seinfeld....remember "no soup for you"). i'll take a medium lobster bisque, it comes in a brown bag with an assortment of dinner roles, butter, a fruit and some chocolate mints. btw, if you think you are a going to have this soup around 2pm go right after lunch, because it's only take out and the line is usually around the block. this runs $15-$20, depending on the soup you select.

it's almost dinner time, but before dinner let's build uo an apetite by munching on some sushi and sipping on some green tea. and the spot is st. marks place in the village. wall to wall sushi joints on either side of the street. uostairs, downstairs, ground floor, sidewalk. you get what i'm saying.....everywhere. and don't worry they are pretty cheap.

Dinner, ahhhhhhhhhh

let's jump across the williamsburg bridge into brooklyn and at the foot of the bridge is peter lugers steakhouse, new york city's premier steakhouse. you haven't had steak until you peter's. start with some steak tomatoes, raw onions and some shrimp cocktail. now the steak, if you have hearty appetite like me order the steak for 3 medium well, but for 2 people. creamed spinach and potatos and you are in culinary heaven. an unforgettable experience. fyi....take cash because they do not accpet credit cards. a dinner for 2 will set you back around $200.

desert!!!!!!!!!! since we are in brooklyn, let's stay there and go to brooklyn's world famous junior's. the world capital of cheesecake. desert nirvana, huge creamy slice topped with your fruit of choice and don't forget to take a slice to go and some coffee. a slice will cost you around $5. i'm pretty full by now and i guess it's time to turn in. just in case i get the munchies in the middle of the night.....ray's famous pizza in the village or white castles opened all night.

buon apetit nyc style

10-22-2004, 06:53 PM
i think that day would put me in a coma, but a nice coma. how do you have room for the cheesecake?

Suriel Zayas
10-22-2004, 07:56 PM
tom, it's junior's famous cheesecake, there is always room

10-22-2004, 08:18 PM
JUNIOR'S!!!!!!!!!!! For all you who have yet to experience a taste, the next best thing to being in the great NYC eating the best cheese cake in the world is ordering one (or more) online - http://www.juniorscheesecake.com/store/cheesecakes_single.html - Not your run-of-the-mill graham cracker crusted cheese, but a highly evolved, doughy poundcake (I can hear the Makita winding up already) crust; it will change your idea of awesome cheesecake forever! If you send one to Tom, you'll be held in the highest regard. Under the influence of the above treat, he might be convinced to post a preview of the new guitar. For the record, Tom DID NOT endorse the above idea whatsoever, but if I hadn't seen it already I might give it a try: you never know...

For savory stuff I'll have to go with authentic versions of;
Mexican, Japanese, and Italian. Really though, I'll eat anything that's good.

10-22-2004, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by Suriel Zayas
FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ask the experts.......new yorkers!!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-22-2004, 09:34 PM
As a "new" New Yorker, everything Suriel says is true. When I'm back home in Oregon, however, it's microbrewery food for me! Here's my favorite:



10-22-2004, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by nickdahl
As a "new" New Yorker, everything Suriel says is true. When I'm back home in Oregon, however, it's microbrewery food for me! Here's my favorite:



Ok, ok, I was just over on the "right" coast and received a thorough A$$-rippin for not "acknowledging" all of the culinary "prowess" that NYC (Manhattan) had to offer.

To me, Chicago has the best deep dish, and I love starch. So.......I end up paying 2x to get the same "slice" that I'd get in Chi-town. (just my $1-0.98) And for the record, that very comment put me on the SH*T list of almost every person in the NYC office (except for the other CA transplants!!:D ).

That said, the beers in NY were awesome and the wines to die for (especially on a company expense account!). Fat, fat cabs, and the blends were incredible. Drinking French wines in NY restaurants is like playing Andersons through Marshalls. Smooooth and satisfying.

Nick, I'd love to try that BB porter.

RANT over.

10-23-2004, 01:07 AM
I expect you're refering to Malnati's? For all you who don't get out much, here's another "must eat" choice - http://www.loumalnatis.com/ (get a pizza/Italian beef pack; you won't be disappointed). Again, if you send Tom pizza, you will be held in even higher regard. And no, Tom has not endorsed this idea either, but, well, you know...

10-23-2004, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by Suriel Zayas
let's have a pre-lunch snack. grays papaya sounds like the perfect place. gray's papaya is new york city's dirty water dog (hotdog) joint. let's get what they call "the recession special" 2-dogs with everything and an orange drink, all for $2.25, that's pretty cheap i'll have another one

lunch, finally

FWIW, gray's papaya is not a dirty water dog place -- they're grilled. And it's open 24 hours, so it's not just for pre-lunch. This is the place in the movie "Crossing Delancey" where in the middle of the night a crazy lady comes in & sings "Some Enchanted Evening". It's about 2 blocks from where I live (coincidentally, the guy who played The Pickle Man in that flick, Peter Riegert, is my upstairs neighbor).

And if you visit NYC & want a good lunch, I strongly recommend taking advantage of the $20 3-course lunches at many of the best restaurants, like Jean-Georges or Gotham Bar & Grill, where dinner would add another digit to the cost -- that's seriously tasty stuff.

Of course, I'd rather be eating in Hawaii anyway.

Dave M.
10-23-2004, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Dave K

Few know that half the TAG factory is actually a brewery. ;)
When's the Cobra ale coming out?:D

That's damn fine beer, too! In summer or fall. ;)

Originally posted by nickdahl
... When I'm back home in Oregon, however, it's microbrewery food for me! Here's my favorite:



I have a few of those in the fridge now. Pretty good. Still, you gotta try the New Belgian 1554. It's not a porter, but has some of the rich taste of a porter. All good stuff. :D

Suriel Zayas
10-23-2004, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by Rick
FWIW, gray's papaya is not a dirty water dog place -- they're grilled. And it's open 24 hours, so it's not just for pre-lunch. This is the place in the movie "Crossing Delancey" where in the middle of the night a crazy lady comes in & sings "Some Enchanted Evening". It's about 2 blocks from where I live (coincidentally, the guy who played The Pickle Man in that flick, Peter Riegert, is my upstairs neighbor).

And if you visit NYC & want a good lunch, I strongly recommend taking advantage of the $20 3-course lunches at many of the best restaurants, like Jean-Georges or Gotham Bar & Grill, where dinner would add another digit to the cost -- that's seriously tasty stuff.

Of course, I'd rather be eating in Hawaii anyway.

rick, nowhere did i mention that gray's papaya is not opened 24/7, instead i mentioned it as one of nyc's culinary novelties. and the dirty water dog, yes i know they are grilled, but all dogs in nyc are known as dirty water dogs. and about the culinary establishments, yes great eats, but i guarantee you any out-of-towner would choose katz's pastrami over the salmon at the gotham bar & grill.


p.s. which gray's? upper westside or 8th street?

10-23-2004, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by Suriel Zayas
all dogs in nyc are known as dirty water dogs.

p.s. which gray's? upper westside or 8th street?

Upper Westside.
Dirty water dogs only refers to street cart hot dogs, which are boiled & kept in the same tub of warm water all day until they're sold.

Suriel Zayas
10-23-2004, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by Rick
Upper Westside.
Dirty water dogs only refers to street cart hot dogs, which are boiled & kept in the same tub of warm water all day until they're sold.

rick, just pulling your leg. :D


10-24-2004, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by Rick
Of course, I'd rather be eating in Hawaii anyway.

nothing like local kine grinds brahhda!:cool:

10-25-2004, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
nothing like local kine grinds brahhda!:cool:

Agreed 100%. Gimme some Rainbow drive-in beef cutlet, mac salad, two scoops rice with gravy all over and slush float with two scoops ice cream and I'm a happy camper!

10-25-2004, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by pluto
Agreed 100%. Gimme some Rainbow drive-in beef cutlet, mac salad, two scoops rice with gravy all over and slush float with two scoops ice cream and I'm a happy camper!

eh, check out ya post count, brah. some 'kine evil!!:D

10-25-2004, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by michaelomiya
eh, check out ya post count, brah. some 'kine evil!!:D

I saw it brah, and just posted something else (the Schenker V) and now this! BTW-I'll shoot you an email later on today.

10-25-2004, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by Dave M.
I have a few of those in the fridge now. Pretty good. Still, you gotta try the New Belgian 1554. It's not a porter, but has some of the rich taste of a porter. All good stuff. :D

I wish I could say the same about having a few BBPs in the fridge. Deschutes Brewery doesn't sell out here. When I moved to Pennsylvania to do my Ph.D. I brought some out with me, and started homebrewing (salvaging the yeast from the bottom of my last two BBPs) to keep myself stocked. My homebrew, while tasty, couldn't hold a candle to the real deal.


10-25-2004, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by pluto
I saw it brah, and just posted something else (the Schenker V) and now this! BTW-I'll shoot you an email later on today.

Check your hotmail account.

Stan Malinowski
10-26-2004, 11:29 AM
Give me a chesseburger, any day, any time!

- Steakhouses
- BBQ Ribs
- "Real" Italian (the wife's family is Italian)
- "Good" Hot Dog with Everything!!!
- My Mom's Chili!! (Polish Chili, hows that for weird!)

10-30-2004, 01:38 PM
I just can't get enough of our home grown New Mexico Red or Green Hatch chili. The absolute best! Our mild hatch roasted green chili might be too much for you Californians! Just joking! Red or Green chili stacked enchiladas with home made chipotle (sun dried and smoked and ground jalapenos) salsa, tamales, and fresh tortillas! It just doesn't get any better. A hotter taste of Heaven!
If you ever visit Albuquerque, you have to eat at a local hot spot called El Pinto. One of the best New Mexican restaurants in the state. President Bush eats there everytime he is in the city. Mick Jagger ate there and loved it. And the S A L S A they make is awesome!

11-16-2004, 01:06 AM
Since I posted my suggestion in late October to send Tom some treats in trade for some early photos of the NEW guitar, I've been told no one participated. I'm telling you all, the best way to Tom's & Roy's digital image files of the NEW guitar is through their love of the aforementioned treats. Just a suggestion, and Tom has not endorsed the above idea... but he was surprised no treats showed up at the shop. Guess you'll all have to wait... or go to church.


p.s. the NEW guitar is coming along beautifully!

Son of Anderson
11-16-2004, 02:42 AM
ill second that benny.

Suriel Zayas
12-08-2004, 09:45 PM
Since I posted my suggestion in late October to send Tom some treats in trade for some early photos of the NEW guitar, I've been told no one participated. I'm telling you all, the best way to Tom's & Roy's digital image files of the NEW guitar is through their love of the aforementioned treats. Just a suggestion, and Tom has not endorsed the above idea... but he was surprised no treats showed up at the shop. Guess you'll all have to wait... or go to church.


p.s. the NEW guitar is coming along beautifully!

benny, mission accomplished. i just hope you got to taste it. now hand over the goods. i've completed my side of the bargain. ahhhhhhhhhhhh junior's cheesecake. :cool:

