View Full Version : OLD POST, NEW SECTION: the old days

10-19-2004, 03:37 AM
Greetings everyone! You can find data about me in the new members section. I thought I'd move the post here in case anyone else was interested:

As promised I have an operational scanner, and found some great stuff for all of us to check out. Much of the items I unearthed I haven't seen for years. But there they were, hiding like so much buried treasure.

Attached is a photo from our one of our very first appearances at a NAMM show. I actually think its the first show we did because of the blue, solid spruce Dinky; our first guitar...or was it the "chalkboard tele?"

In the future I will check with Tom for accuracy so that you all get the right story. I hope you enjoy this and other stuff I will post in the future.



10-19-2004, 03:40 AM
Because I'm learning how to get around this forum, I've moved a few things to make them easier to find. Here's another:


Since it seems timely I've attached a photo of Edward's #1 and the aforementioned Ripley. We were asked to make a new neck for #1 as it had some random Kramer neck that Edward wasn't happy with. If I remember correctly, we made one of our Explorer style necks 0.070" oversized at the butt end as the neck pocket was crudely oversized. I had the unique opportunity - besides playing it daily until it was picked up (to help break in the neck's tung oil finish) - to match the peghead graphics to the body. The white field on the peghead was meant for a TA logo, but we were instructed to place a Kramer logo there instead. We also moved the Floyd Rose - and the quarter - to the right spot; the studs were placed along the same line as the standard trem screws, making it impossible to intonate.

The white on red Bowling ball by Pat was one of our rear rout strat style bodies shaped to match a Kramer, and of course we used one of our great necks. Again, the guitar was electrified by Steve (stereo w/ hexaphonic distortion).

Tom can tell you about meeting Edward when he came to pick up his guitars at the shop. Unfortunately, my camera and I slept in that Saturday.

10-19-2004, 07:31 AM
Really great photos, Benny...and great stories. Thanks a bunch for sharing.

10-20-2004, 01:57 PM
Yeah, great photos. I like the bass in the NAMM photo.


Son of Anderson
10-20-2004, 03:52 PM
Not only is Benny a good source for old pitctures, but in years past he has been the source for amazing tamales...mmmm.
not to mention hes just an insanely nice guy.

10-20-2004, 04:40 PM
ah yes.... i do miss the tamales.....must ....get....back...to...work

10-20-2004, 05:47 PM
Yeah, I miss those tamales too. Since I won't be at my parent's for Christmas, someone should go claim my seat at the table.

Thanks for the kind words David; good things back at you.

10-21-2004, 02:12 AM

Maybe we could send Rachel over to your parents house to pick up your share of tamales. Now, this could maybe feed TAGW since your parents would've had you, Celeste, and the little one at the table. I've witnesed you power a few of those puppys down..your mom must make extra for you, no?

10-21-2004, 09:40 AM

thanks for sharing! I'm looking forward to more!


10-29-2004, 11:52 AM
Very Cool - Great Story -- THANKS

Here is a old Tread from the Cobra Pit with a couple other photos of the EVH (before and after) on page 2 and 3.



10-30-2004, 12:28 AM
Thanks Hossman, for getting me to the thread. Seems I'm a bit late, but BLTN, right? I have some nice shots of the Vai guitar that I'll try and get up soon. "You're welcome" to Ibanez and all the fans of the JEM and Universe series for doing all of the free r&d.

We heard that Sammy loved the necks on the Ripley's and Frankenstrat and that someone else tried to copy them for him. That's pretty funny to hear when you have a rack full of great necks ready to go.

King Cobra
10-30-2004, 08:35 AM
Wow.............I never knew that TAG was part of the EVH history...........excellent story. Just curious..............did you guys ever try to grab him as an endorser before he created the Ernie Ball Signature Axe?

10-30-2004, 07:16 PM
i called him, but he was after more than just guitars.

10-30-2004, 09:00 PM
Didn't Grover Jackson kind of upset EVH selling those Black and Yellow Charvel's? I bet that didn't help much as far as getting him to be an endorser for TAG.. Seems like Grover was selling them without EVH even knowing...

11-04-2004, 10:26 PM
Who's that dude in the Namm picture?????? That look's like a super-southern fried Tommy Anderson (looks like one of my neighbors). Say it aint so..........

11-05-2004, 01:12 AM
Originally posted by tom
i called him, but he was after more than just guitars.

Big $$$$$$$$$$ (I'll bet)