View Full Version : Trivial Post

10-14-2004, 08:48 AM
I love my new Classic. it has the sound and the feel of a great vintage electric guitar. I love the finish too. However, the guitar looks identical to a Fender. I just bought a new white pearl pickguard set from Tom. After putting it on, I am unsure if I like the new look. It almost takes away from the beautiful Tobacco Burst finish. I wonder if I should have ordered coffee-dipped VA covers instead and went the other way since I have a tinted maple neck. Instead I guess I was looking to modernize the look and make it separate from the classic Fender look.

I guess the guys at TAG know what they are doing when the design a guitar's attributes (yes, I bought this one off the rack). I am going to let it ride for awhile to see if it grows on me anymore before I switch back and sell either the aged or the pearl set.

Anyway, if anyone else has a vintage looking Classic with the aged white guards and has either made the switch or is considering it, I would like to get your thoughts. My other Classic with SDs is Transblonde with the Pearl guard and gold (faded)hardware and this guitar looks stunning for its age...
Anybody care to chime in?

Stan Malinowski
10-14-2004, 10:02 AM

If you look at the guitars in the "My Collection Link" I think you all 4 of my TAG Classics have non-pearloid pgs but all have coffee dipped covers.

In particular:
Bora Bora Blue Classic - dipped covers w/ aged white pg
Blonde Classic - dipped covers w/white pg
Lake Placid Blue Classic - dipped covers w/ aged whire pg
Sunburst Classic - dipped covers w/ mint guard.

My opinion is I like aged white guards om my Classics w/ maple boards (ala 50's Strats) and mint guards on my rosewood classics (early 60's Strats). I guess I am a bit of a traditionalist at heart!

10-14-2004, 11:35 AM
Thanks Stan. I forget to look at your collection, I probably could have seen or had a better idea of what it would look like. It may take a while to adjust to this, but I may like it after all. I still may get the coffe covers for the VAs. Love looking at your axes! thanks again..

10-15-2004, 08:53 AM
Tobacco finish + mint pickguard + aged pickup (coffee dipped) = awesome!
For me, there is nothing wrong with the way a strat looks, I personally feel it is one of the best looking guitars out there. I would never get an Anderson confused with a strat, there are enough differences. Especially when you pick one up and play it. ;)
Cool that your trying new things though. Its amazing the difference a pickguard makes...


Gary F.
10-16-2004, 02:08 PM

I replaced the pearloid pick guard on my 6120 tiger stripe (I know the color is called something else now) droptop classic with an aged white + coffe dipped covers and i like it a lot more. The MOT pattern took away from the beautiful tight stripes of the wood in my opinion.


10-16-2004, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by Casper
I love my new Classic. it has the sound and the feel of a great vintage electric guitar. I love the finish too. However, the guitar looks identical to a Fender. I just bought a new white pearl pickguard set from Tom. After putting it on, I am unsure if I like the new look. It almost takes away from the beautiful Tobacco Burst finish. I wonder if I should have ordered coffee-dipped VA covers instead and went the other way since I have a tinted maple neck. Instead I guess I was looking to modernize the look and make it separate from the classic Fender look.

I guess the guys at TAG know what they are doing when the design a guitar's attributes (yes, I bought this one off the rack). I am going to let it ride for awhile to see if it grows on me anymore before I switch back and sell either the aged or the pearl set.

Anyway, if anyone else has a vintage looking Classic with the aged white guards and has either made the switch or is considering it, I would like to get your thoughts. My other Classic with SDs is Transblonde with the Pearl guard and gold (faded)hardware and this guitar looks stunning for its age...
Anybody care to chime in?

I think the Classic with the Pearl Guard on the TransBlonde finish, the way you have it is the best looking Classic IMHO. The Tobacco Burst with the coffee dipped covers and stock pickguard is an essential and is my second favorite. To me the Fender vibe is cool as an Anderson. It keeps with the vintage vibe which I like alot.

Jimmie B