View Full Version : Dilema?

10-13-2004, 09:07 PM
What to do...what to do:-)?

I've always gotten first-rate advice here so thought I'd ask once again for your comments and advice.

Been playing guitar for about 8 months and pretty much suck but absolutely enjoy all of the time I spend "banging away"....been around music for most of my life, either drums or keys/synths but guitar is new.

Have gone through about 15 different guitars since I started - from a strat to Les Paul to a few PRS' and other odds and ends. Pretty much everything just didn't feel right or sound correct to me till I got my first Anderson about 3 months ago. I'm sure a lot of me flipping the guitars had to do with lack of ability or technique but if they just didn't work, they just didn't work.

Now my TA HDT works. Feels great and sounds wonderful...I'm almost embarassed to have such a nice guitar considering the squeaks and squeals which tend to come out when I play:-)

OK, now my dilema. I have a G&L semi-hollow ASAT which does one or two sounds well but in my opinion that's about it. I really like these sounds but not too much else and the guitar just doesn't compare to the TA for playability. I have a dealer up here in Canada who is willing to give me a very good price on a trade for another new TA. I've tried to keep more than 2 guitars in my possession but that just doesn't work for me. Two is right...more than that just disperses me.

This dealer is 800 miles away so am not really going to be able to hear the guitar ahead of time and can always send it back (at my expense obviously) if I don't like it.

This guitar is a Hollow DropTop T with H1 s H2, Maple on Basswood....and I don't know the sound of Basswood at all. I guess that's probably what scares me a little. First of all, anyone have one of these and if so...love it, hate it, indifferent ect? Give me the facts guys.

Second of all, I don't think I'm going to regret selling the G&L but not sure on this one. The little bit of it I like, I like a lot but not sure if enough to hang onto it. If I hang onto it I won't get the TA. I've also gone from, I should get a cobra, to almost buying a TA classic tele to classic strat....etc, etc.

One thing I know is that it will play great, sound fantastic (what flavour fantastic...that I don't know) and will cost me more than I really should spend but you know how that goes with guitars and amps.

So, opinions on my dilema and also comments on the sound of this guitar.....something I can compare it to sound-wise also if possible.

Thanks again,


10-13-2004, 11:51 PM
That is really a dilema!

Ok here is my $.02

Regardless of which Andy you choose I believe you should first decide what you are after in a guitar. The HDT will cover all the strat sounds pretty well, and depending on the PUP configuration maybe some heavier things too.

So what are you looking for in the second guitar? More of a Tele? More of a Strat? Something approaching a PRS or LP? Something more for Rock? For Jazz? Country?

Maybe you want a guitar that will have some of what you already have, sort of a backup for live things in the event you burn a string? For example I use a M equipped Cobra S as my main guitar, a Hollow T Classic for some things. But I always have my HDT with switcheroo nearby in the event one goes sour. It can give me a lot of both of the others. Not exactly, but enough to get through the night. In fact if I only carry two guitars the Hollow T stays home.

I guess my final point is there are ALWAYS good deals to be had. If you linit yourself to two guitars, which BTW is fine, just be sure they are the ones that cover the bases you need covered.

If you want heavier sounds that a two Humbucker guitar provides the HDTT will be nice. Not as thick or rich as a Cobra, but kind of unique too.

Just my $.02

10-14-2004, 08:44 AM
Honestly, the longer you play the more you'll be able to get pretty much any sound out of almost any guitar. But if I were going to get one Anderson, it would be a Cobra.

10-14-2004, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by wodka
But if I were going to get one Anderson, it would be a Cobra.

I'd second that "emotion"!:p

10-15-2004, 08:42 AM
Thanks for reading and your comments. I probably should take some time over the weekend and determine what it is I really want and then place an order based on that instead of going with existing stock.


10-15-2004, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by PaulS
Thanks for reading and your comments. I probably should take some time over the weekend and determine what it is I really want and then place an order based on that instead of going with existing stock.

Or take a drive to a few places that have some Andys in stock. There are a lot of decisions, such as neck carves, wood types, etc. All can affect tone.

I have a friend with the EXACT same HDT as me, but with a much larger neck carve, and it does sound different.

These REALLY are great guitars and there is an incredible balance among the components. What may affect tone on other company's instruments just slightly is more noticable, in a pleasing way, on the TAG stuff. In short you can truly dial in just what you want!

My point is it may be well worth it to take the time necessary to get what you want. And Roy(maybe) can REALLY be a big help. He was for me!

Roy (maybe)
10-15-2004, 11:54 AM
Hello Paul,

I was speaking with Roy at Anderson Guitars about your dilemma and he said:

I think the key here is that you said, “I have a G&L semi-hollow ASAT which does one or two sounds well but in my opinion that's about it. I really like these sounds but not too much else and the guitar just doesn't compare to the TA for playability.”

What is the pickup configuration on your semi-hollow ASAT and which one or two sounds do you need to continue to have at your fingertips? Once we know that we can design a guitar to perfectly suit your playing needs and give you many more sounds to grow with.

Happy Playing,
Roy (maybe)

10-15-2004, 12:34 PM
Well, I figured I had bothered the "TA office" version of Roy enough:-)

Here's a link to the exact G&L I have:


The sound clip of the sound which I like best out of the guitar is somewhat similar to the very last one on this page:


The example on the page is a little "too" jazzy but it's the closest I could find to give you an idea. I like the warmth, acoustic resonance....I use a similar sound but without the treble rolled off as much. Mine has a very big, warm, fairly bright single coil sound. It's the neck position I find most useful. The bridge position in my G&L, though the clips aren't bad on the page, just doesn't sound right. It alsmost sounds like plastic...like the guitar has to many layers of glossy finish and that comes through in the sound. I don't use the middle position at all...just doesn't have much of anything in my opinion. Just to note, it isn't a jazz sound I am after but a continuation of a warm, not overly harmonic rich (but just right), very acoustic, bright tone. I don't really think I'm after a mahogany warmth (this is based on the clips I've heard from the Indoor Storm site of the cobra's they have).

Based on my discription, I somehow don't think the HDT T with maple on Basswood with H1-s-H2 is the right guitar. The sales guy, when he demoed the guitar for me over the phone:-) about 3 months ago described the sound as "hard"...and from what I could hear did have a certain hardness to it and not the big acoustic, warm+bright, resonant sound I was after.

Basically I want to be able to take the sound quality I really like from the G&L and expand it (make it even more-so) plus gain a great mid and bridge tone also. Also have the great playability and craftsmanship of a TA. This would make me happy:-)


Roy (maybe)
10-15-2004, 01:16 PM
Hi Paul,

Humbly but accurately speaking, a Hollow T Drop Top loaded with H1-SA1 H2+ does not have a harsh sound—just not totally muddy. Respectively, the demo guy must have plugged it into something uncomplimentary. A Hollow T Drop Top has an inherently fuller sound than the sound clips you directed me to. And the tone control on a HTDT really works so you can roll off any sting not desired.

However, if you want a hollow and more traditional look, a Hollow T Classic with an alder body would be intrinsically softer sounding. You could load with an M1 in the neck and a T or M series in the bridge and rule the world.

Happy Playing,
Tom Anderson Guitarworks

10-15-2004, 01:35 PM
Thanks for the response Roy.

"Humbly but accurately speaking, a Hollow T Drop Top loaded with H1-SA1 H2+ does not have a harsh sound—just not totally muddy. Respectively, the demo guy must have plugged it into something uncomplimentary. A Hollow T Drop Top has an inherently fuller sound than the sound clips you directed me to. And the tone control on a HTDT really works so you can roll off any sting not desired."

It wasn't a harsh sound....just a hard one (little bit of "wood block" thrown into the sound). I really thought it would have a fuller/bigger sound than the clips linked too so was a little taken back when the demo guy made his comments. This demo was 3 months ago so should talk more with him I think.

In theory, it should be the guitar for me......I'll talk to him some more.

Thanks again.


10-15-2004, 02:49 PM
Mass Street Music has a wonderful Hollow T (maple cap with a mahogany back) that might fit your needs. The hollow body, mahogany back combined with the madagascar fingerboard might produce the tone you're looking for. I've played that guitar and the hum and single coil tones are fabulous

Check it out at http://www.massstreetmusic.com and their toll-free number is (800) 747-9980. If you call, ask for Chris, he has a great ear and can provide a very accurate description of its tone and tonal capabilities.

With tone and oneness, Mike

10-18-2004, 04:04 PM
"Humbly but accurately speaking, a Hollow T Drop Top loaded with H1-SA1 H2+ does not have a harsh sound—just not totally muddy. Respectively, the demo guy must have plugged it into something uncomplimentary. A Hollow T Drop Top has an inherently fuller sound than the sound clips you directed me to. And the tone control on a HTDT really works so you can roll off any sting not desired."

It wasn't a harsh sound....just a hard one (little bit of "wood block" thrown into the sound). I really thought it would have a fuller/bigger sound than the clips linked too so was a little taken back when the demo guy made his comments. This demo was 3 months ago so should talk more with him I think."

Hey Roy,

The dealer sent me the HTDT sort of on approval....received it this morning. Guess how much work I've gotten done today:-)

First of all, I should have know better when I opened the case but was once again caught by surprise at the stunningness of the guitar. This one just oozes aesthetics. Amazingly beautiful.

Plays great like the other one I have...actually plays close to exactly the same.

I have no idea where this idea of "hardness" came from as the sound is very smooth, rich and big. Just the right amount of overtones and if anything, the HDT I have has more of a hard attack....though just right for itself. I think I like the sound of chambered basswood and maple.

So anyway, just wanted to post a response in regards to this hardness or harshness which had come up in my discussion with the dealer a few months ago. Nothing like that present at all...if fact just the opposite.


Roy (maybe)
10-19-2004, 10:39 PM
Hi Paul,

Now that is very interesting and makes me rest easy knowing you now know the truth about Anderson tone.

Fun Stuff!

Happy Playing,
Roy (maybe)