View Full Version : Fulltone Wah?

10-12-2004, 12:36 PM
Anyone use a Fulltone Wah? Especially the Clyde Deluxe? Is it worth it?

I use a Boss PW10, but mostly for the ability to switch between Morley, Vox and Cry Baby. Once in a blue moon I will use the distortion feature during a solo.

I like the PW10 becuse it is whisper quiet. But it is a bit raspy when recording with it. Wxcellent for lice work.

Any thoughts?


10-12-2004, 01:29 PM
tried it but liked the vocal resonance of the rmc better. the fulltone might be a better funk wah, the rmc is killer with overdriven tones.

10-12-2004, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by tom
tried it but liked the vocal resonance of the rmc better. the fulltone might be a better funk wah, the rmc is killer with overdriven tones.

I'll second that. I liked the Clyde but I didn't like the long pedal travel. I use a RMC3 which feels more like what I'm used to, and sounds great too.

10-12-2004, 05:24 PM
I've used the Fulltone Clyde Deluxe for a couple of years now. Like it a lot. I've found the volume control and wah settings very useful. Meaning I don't set them and forget them. I'll change them around depending on the wah tone needed and amount of volume.


Suriel Zayas
10-12-2004, 08:25 PM
fulltone clyde standard for me all the way. as tom stated and i am in total agreement the fulltone is a funkier sound, very 70's...shaft

long live funk!!!!!!!!!!!!


Scott Peterson
10-12-2004, 11:07 PM
I have owned my Fulltone Wah since 1997 - it is #44. I still love this pedal above all else and will use it till it turns to dust.

10-15-2004, 09:49 AM
Thanks guys. I am going with the Fulltone Clyde Deluxe!

10-18-2004, 04:22 PM
i dig my delux :D