View Full Version : Intonation Settings with BFS

10-11-2004, 01:22 PM
I recently purchase a Cobra from JoeB63 (nice guitar by the way) and thought that the intonation seemed a bit funny. I was going to change string, tweak the string height, and do a neck adjustment so I figured I would set the intonation while I was at it.

So I want to make sure I did this right. I had some tuning offsets from a previous post...sat down with my Peterson strobe tuner and went to work. But it still sounds a bit off. I owned a DT for the past couple of years so my ear is VERY used to how the BFTS should sound. So here's my questions:

1. When the instructions would state setting the open string 2 cents flat and the fretted note 1 cent sharp I would turn the dial on the tuner that many marks below or above A440. Is this correct?

2. The pickups are not really close, but I did raise them from where Joe had them. Could the neck pickup be my problem? I think it has an HO1 in the neck. I have had HSS guitars for so long I don't know if I have this too close or not. Doesn't look that close at least and it’s set to balance with the bridge…which I know is farther away than what is suggested on the TA site.

Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.


BTW - Outside of the slight tuning issues I LOVE this guitar! SS frets!!! WOW!! I had to let go of my DT to get it...and I miss that now...but I'll replace that someday.

10-11-2004, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by scottiK
I recently purchase a Cobra from JoeB63 (nice guitar by the way) and thought that the intonation seemed a bit funny. I was going to change string, tweak the string height, and do a neck adjustment so I figured I would set the intonation while I was at it.

So I want to make sure I did this right. I had some tuning offsets from a previous post...sat down with my Peterson strobe tuner and went to work. But it still sounds a bit off. I owned a DT for the past couple of years so my ear is VERY used to how the BFTS should sound. So here's my questions:

1. When the instructions would state setting the open string 2 cents flat and the fretted note 1 cent sharp I would turn the dial on the tuner that many marks below or above A440. Is this

Which Peterson tuner do you have? I have the VS-II and I have the open string presets, except for the low 'E', programmed into P-1. For low 'E' I turn the knob two clicks counter clockwise to set it at -2 cents. I also have the 12th fret intonation presets programmed into P-2.

2. The pickups are not really close, but I did raise them from where Joe had them. Could the neck pickup be my problem? I think it has an HO1 in the neck. I have had HSS guitars for so long I don't know if I have this too close or not. Doesn't look that close at least and it’s set to balance with the bridge…which I know is farther away than what is suggested on the TA site.

You should be able to get really close with TA humbuckers. That's only a concern when the pickup polepiece is magnetic, like on a vintage strat pickup. That shouldn't be the problem here.

Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions.


BTW - Outside of the slight tuning issues I LOVE this guitar! SS frets!!! WOW!! I had to let go of my DT to get it...and I miss that now...but I'll replace that someday.

10-11-2004, 04:27 PM
My strobe is WAY old school. Can't even find one that looks like it on the Peterson web site. So I don't know what model it is.

I went to the BF site after posting this and I think I am going to try the suggestions on tuning with a standard tuner tonight. That might be what my problem is. We'll see.

I am still open to suggestions though.



10-11-2004, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by scottiK
So here's my questions:

1. When the instructions would state setting the open string 2 cents flat and the fretted note 1 cent sharp I would turn the dial on the tuner that many marks below or above A440. Is this correct?


Your strobe dial is reading 440Hz, NOT cents....two different things.... Feiten off-sets are measured in cents NOT Hz. The adjustments you made are wrong. You need to use a tuner that reads in cents or use the Korg DT-7 to intonate with a Feiten system.

10-12-2004, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by bruce

Your strobe dial is reading 440Hz, NOT cents....two different things.... Feiten off-sets are measured in cents NOT Hz. The adjustments you made are wrong. You need to use a tuner that reads in cents or use the Korg DT-7 to intonate with a Feiten system.

Thanks Bruce. That's what I thought. I think I can get access to a strobe that reads in cents. How much playing time on a set of strings would you say is too much as for resetting this? Sure hate to waste a new set of Elixers.


10-12-2004, 12:38 PM
For resetting this you'll most likely ruin the strings by draging the saddles back and forth creating bumps on the strings.. I reccommend removing the strings, turning intonation screws clockwise at least 2 full turns and put new strings on and start over. You must make sure before you do all of this that the neck angle, string action height is to your liking....Always check intonation LAST!

10-12-2004, 02:07 PM
Thanks again. Yeah, that's partly why I tried to make the adjustments in the first place. Not only did it sound a bit off but I also wnated to change the neck adjustment (the guitar went from calling Texas home to good old Indiana) and I wanted to adjust the string height as well. Which I knew to do first...

I kind of thought when I started that my tuner wasn't going to work for me...now I feel like an idiot!

Live and learn!


10-12-2004, 03:23 PM
So you're saying I don't have a good ear?!?! I can't even notice bad intonation?

I guess I can't :( .


10-12-2004, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by JoeB63
So you're saying I don't have a good ear?!?! I can't even notice bad intonation?

I guess I can't :( .


Not exactly...I couldn't tell if it was intonation...a bad string...or if it was just me. Plus I was going to make some adjustments that would require adjusting the intonation anyway. And now all I've done is jack it up:eek:

BTW - nice guitar...it's in excellent shape. I think I might swap the bridge pu for an H2+ though. That's what was in my Dt and I really liked it.


10-13-2004, 01:12 PM
"I had to let go of my DT to get it...and I miss that now...but I'll replace that someday."

You are making me feel quilty for taking your DT away from you. :( :confused: Sellers remorse (spelling?)
Of which, I love it! And, I will be putting my wolfgang on ebay very very soon and I will start to save up for another TA!!!